Catching the pests

In the forest, at the far end of the eastern road, Su Yue and Ah Yue Fan could be seen sitting on their horses and looking into the far distance where there were carriages.

"It seems that the goddess wants some drama. Master, please, allow me, I promise not to kill him." Ah Yue Fan begged earnestly.

He had been sulking inside his mind that he couldn't do anything to his uncle only for the man to appear in front of him again. If he wasn't wooing death, then what?

Su Yue gave him a soft nod. She knew that if she didn't allow Ah Yue Fan to carry out his anger, he'd unleash it on his fellow disciples. Also, he already promised not to kill King Zhou, so she allowed it. After all, she had been waiting for him to make that promise.

Killing the Emperor's high-ranking people was something Su Yue didn't want to do at the moment since she already had a plan cooked up for the Emperor already. She didn't want anything that would jeopardize it.