Disgracing his Uncle (1)

Ah Yue Fan had ruined the guards' morale to the extent they no longer wanted to fight but weren't brave enough to leave their King and run away.

Although the battleground was chaotic due to screams from the maids and Eunuchs running helter scatter, the King's carriage looked peaceful in the middle of other disorderly carriages where screams and cries were coming from.

Five to seven men jumped out of the bush and stood around the King's carriage with their sharp eyes following Ah Yue Fan around. They looked different from the palace guards fighting. From their aura, they appeared to be shadow guards.

Su Yue arrived on her horse before the last guard was cut down. She sat on her horse, a little distance away from the battleground. She swept her gaze over the lush trees and thick bush around the wide path and narrowed her eyes at the lushest spot for a few moments before she returned her gaze to Ah Yue Fan who was staring at the King's carriage with his sword dripping blood.