Instinct— making the biggest mistake

He looked at them all without answering anyone. His gaze stopped on Yulan Mo and he said: "You can stay behind and wait for me. The forest is deadly and a weakling like you won't make it out alive."

"I was given to Young Master by the Master. I will be serving you in good and bad times, so wherever you go, even if it means hell, it is my duty to follow you and protect your back," Yulan Mo replied.

Ah Yue Fan's heart felt warm but he snorted. "Don't call me when you are bitten by those poisonous creatures. I won't come to your rescue." With that, he led the way.

The disciples weren't afraid that he would encounter anything more dangerous than him in the forest… well, except he didn't cross the boundary. But knowing he wouldn't, they didn't think much of it.