A costly mistake

However, this grim reaper comes here every full moon to disturb the beast, a thing Su Yue never accepts, even though each time she was defeated. Provided she was able to make the beast escape deeper into the forest, the beating was worth it.

Today was no exception. However, she has this nagging feeling that something other than the usual would happen, and her fear got stronger thinking of Ah Yue Fan and Yulan Mo who were inside the forest.

Ah Yue Fan and Yulan Mo saw the grim reaper walking in their direction in search of the beast that just roared. They knew that getting down and leaving the forest was the best thing to do right now, but below them were wild beasts running around, so it was dangerous to get tangled with them. Besides, all the beasts looked unwell.

Both of them remained in the trees, hoping they would go unnoticed.