Wicked revenge

The yellowish pores running out from the huge red blisters were contagious and smelly. Wherever the pores touched, another blister would appear there. Cleaning the pores every time, even when she's 'sleeping' has become a nightmare for her.

Madam Su looked at her once beautiful daughter who had her whole face and neck covered in blisters, pores, and sores and couldn't hold back her wail.

"Everything will be fine, you will get better again." Madam Su assured her.

"Mother, if I don't get better, I'll kill myself…" she cried even harder.

"No, no, don't say that," Madam Su held Su Yan's hands in hers. "If you kill yourself you won't be buried. Your body will be thrown into the forest for the beasts to tear apart. Your family will suffer the shame and disgrace and the stigma would be on your sisters' backs."

"Mother, I don't care about them…" her sobs grew louder and her voice sounded angrier.