War of words

After the minister of war was dragged out, the hall became quiet once more with everyone having their own thoughts while some had fear gripping their stomach.

"The matter of the bandits and the vacant position will be discussed in the next meeting. While you are at it, bring out the candidates you feel are best to take over the position."

"Yes, your Majesty!" The Ministers saluted but in their minds, they were scared because some of them had no idea what the Emperor had in mind.

However, to the Left and Right Prime Ministers, they suspected that the Emperor was using that as a way to know the influence and power the Ministers hold.

Choosing a person from their faction would mean that the person had long had their eyes on the position and wanted to gobble up the power of the military to control the kingdom.

So the only way to pass this test is to choose someone they feel or know does not belong to any faction or a person that the Emperor would not doubt.