Playing a fear-inducing music

"This old bones also would like to hear the best zither skills in the Kingdom. This one is so old and begs to enjoy some good music before I die." Empress Dowager joined in.

Right Prime Minister Huan Chung didn't know why his daughter would want to put the miracle doctor in a tight spot, but knowing his daughter too well, he knew that she wouldn't be doing it without a reason.

"Ahem… it seems that the miracle doctor would have to pardon us and entertain the Emperor." Prime Minister Huan Chung smiled.

Emperor Yin An looked at Huan Meng coolly. It was obvious she was seeking death and he'll grant it to her after his birthday celebration. If not because it's not ideal for him to shed blood right now, he would have ordered her to be cut down for trying to sabotage his plans.