Let the Miracle doctor play

Her hat veil prevented the Emperor from seeing her face. Her lips under the veil curled into a wicked smile. 'Enjoy your days while it lasts.'

'I finally found you, Yue,' the Emperor thought.

The Crown Prince's music ended and a round of applause rang out from the crowd.

"Your Majesty," he bowed.

"The crown Prince did well. Although we couldn't get much joy from the music, for your effort, Zhen shall grant you any weapon of your choice… but that has to wait until the end of the ceremony."

The Crown Prince sighed in resignation. Why did he even think that his uncle would appreciate what he does? He had put in so much effort to impress him, yet he's only granting him a weapon. The Crown Prince had thought he would ask him to make a wish. Anyway, he still has hope. The gift he prepared for him would surely touch his soft spot. That is if he still has any. "Thank you, your Majesty! May you live for thousands of years!"