Birthday (2)

"It seems to us that our Crown Prince does not enjoy the entertainment. We also find it lacking, so Zhen wants to hear you play some music for the dancers." 

Some people gasped at that. Everyone turned to look at the Crown Prince wondering what sin he had committed. Although it was not wrong for the Crown Prince to play some music for the Emperor, however, doing so in the presence of so many people and also asking the dancers to dance to the music was insulting to the Royals and Nobles. 

Dancers are considered lowly people, so what does it mean for the Crown Prince to take the place of a lowly man to play music to lowly women? 

It was as obvious as day that the Crown Prince had angered the cunning Emperor but no one knew what he did wrong. 

Would the Crown Prince dare to object? He got up with a smile and bowed. "His Majesty is right. The entertainment is lacking, however, this lowly one is worse but I can still give it a try."