Visiting New Castle

"Well, my friend, I already had some success you see. I've partnered with some good men that I met in Bravos and invested in their ships to start a trading company. These three cogs that you see behind me are all mine. I bought these second-hand ships in Bravos with own my savings. They are filled to the brim with quality goods from Bravos." Damian said to his friend with a proud smile on his face.

Just then, a few men came down from the ship whom Damian introduced as his men.

"Jory, this is Sirius Black. He is the vice-captain of my trading fleet and also a small shareholder with whom I partnered in Bravos. Sirius, this is my friend, Jory Cassel" Damian said. Of all the men he had summoned, Sirius seemed to have a greater wit and charm. They didn't have surnames so when Sirius said his name, Damian told him to refer to himself as Sirius Black. By all right, he did look a little like the actor from the Harry Potter movies though his mannerism wasn't quite the same. He seemed polite and intelligent which is why Damian appointed him as the Vice-captain.

"Tis' nice to meet you, Jory" Sirius greeted in the common tongue and a proper Northern accent.

"Tis' nice to meet you too, Sirius," Jory greeted back and asked, "Are you from the North, good man?"

"Not me, no. But my forefathers are from the north. They settled in Bravos before I was born but they taught me the common tongue and the Northern traditions so I think of myself as a Northern man rather than a Bravosi, " Sirius answered.

There was no need to introduce every man Damian had on his ship, so he asked Sirius to deal with the merchants who wish to buy his goods. They had already discussed the price tag beforehand and Damian had also given Sirius a list of names of the merchants local to White Harbour. He was well-known in the city so Sirius would find it easy to deal with them as trade in the North had a lot to do with the reputation of a trader or their backer.

New unknown traders hardly find good prices for their wares in the North if they don't have a good recommender it's not that they won't be able to sell but it would surely become a headache to find customers and close the deal in a short time. And time was money for every trader.

Also, Damian checked if he could add more skill to the already summoned human, and when he saw he could, Sirius was now not only an able sailor but also a good administrator and a shrewd merchant. He gave two other people the skills of an accountant to keep track of his business.

Damian can now leave it up to his men to do the chores of trading while he is left to do other important things. But this made Damian a pauper with only fifty-six coins left in the Bravosi Bank and 2 gold coins in his inventory.

Damian had to give Sirius one gold dragon so he could employ some labour to help them with the unloading and another to pay themselves becasue Damian can't extort them freely. Yes, he also needs to pay them salary on a weekly or monthly basis, otherwise, they will stop following his orders. They will stay loyal, yes, but they will not work or fight for him without any pay as per their

Fortunately, if Damian provided them with shelter and food to fill their stomach then he would be required to pay them much less than what their skill and time is worth. As Damian has a space world, the issue of sheltering them is solved and as for food, Damian has placed a small number of livestock like dozens of chickens, ducks, goats, and sheep, plus throwing some variety of freshwater fishes into the lake, he had made the Space world self-sustainable in providing them with meat, eggs and fish at least. He will add more things to the space world as he earns money.

Damian wants to buy more men to not only man the ships with different skill requirements but also beef up his own protection with at least fifty trained combat-ready underlings for any conflict he may encounter or create in the future.

"Jory, come with me. I might have to give some explanation to Lord Wyman and apologize for my stupid action. I realized on my journey how ridiculous my actions are and how they might affect their relationship with Winterfell." Damian said to Jory who was looking at the ships in wonder how his friend could obtain three ships, small as they were in such a short time after he went to Bravos and partnered with some foreign men who all seemed northerners to him.

"I'm glad you know that, Damian. I had met with Lord Manderly, he too seemed very dissatisfied with you. You are in great trouble, my friend and I believe the punishment would be more than an earful." Jory simply replied, giving a heads-up to his friend.

"I know but don't worry. I brought plenty of gifts to lighten his displeasure with me. I worry more about Wynafryd and Wylla. Especially the latter, I fear her more," Damian said, now feeling more nervous about meeting the Manderlys. Perhaps, he should not have come so early after his rushed departure.

At his request, the Manderly guards stayed back to help Sirius deal with customs and other stuff as it was his first time here.

Now with Jory followed by four Stark men at arms, Damian made his way through the streets to the seat of House Manderly.

The proud and pale New Castle is built atop a hill rising above the city's thick white walls. The merman sigil of House Manderly flew from its towers. The broad-stepped Castle Stair is a white stone street that leads from the Wolf's Den up the hill to the New Castle. There is a clear view of both of the city's harbours from the hilltop.

Damian was recognised by one of the household guards, wearing cloaks of blue-green wool and carrying silver tridents instead of spears, He came forward to greet him and warn him about how Wylla cried a river after he left without saying goodbye.

He also pointed them to where they could find Lord Wyman now.

The Merman's Court is the great hall of the New Castle where the Manderlys hold court and this is the place the guard has pointed.

Damian quietly entered the hall and was immediately seen by Lord Wendel, the second son of Lord Wyman Manderly as Damian came to stand beside him.

The court today was filled to the brim with numerous men who seemed to quietly discuss something with each other. Probably guessing why they have been called. Damian could see almost every knight that lived at White Harbour was in attendance today and seemed to be waiting for Lord Wyman to arrive from the side door.

"Damian?" Sir Wendel's eyes widen in surprise. He did expect to see the runaway Stark appear beside him like a ghost.

"Sir Wendel, it's good to see you again." Damian greeted back with a smile on his face.