Preparing for the War!

He planned to"What was all that about, Damian?" Jory asked immediately after they left the castle on horses.

The Manderlys have lent them some horses for the course of their stay. Wynafryd and Wylla were following behind them in a small carriage that was surrounded by Stark and Manderly men at arms.

"I'd rather not talk about it, my friend. It's best if you forget what happened back then for my sake." Damian said in a low voice. If Jory had found something in their interaction then he would have to give it to the man, it was pretty clear for everyone to see and understand something was not right between Lady Leona and Damian.

"I'd advise you to stay away from her," Jory said in a low voice, not wanting anyone else to overhear them.

"I'm already trying, Jory."

"Did you. . .?" Jory didn't complete his question but Damian understood it well enough.

"No," Damian said. Even if Jory was a dear friend he cannot reveal anything more to him.

"I don't believe it."

"You better do."

". . . So how was it? Did it feel good?" Jory asked again.

"-_-. . ."

Soon they came back to the Harbour and found the ship and his men busy with helping the merchants who had bought the goods to deliver them to their shop or whatever place they deemed to store it.

Damian found one of the many assistants of Castellan of New Castle who looked after the stock of food for the Manderlys.

He had lived in this city and the castle for five years after so he was familiar with most of the people.

The guy was just about to talk with Sirius about being some of the food for the castle, no doubt.

Damian immediately came forward and helped negotiate the deal. The man recognised him so he was ecstatic to know it was his ship and goods.

But he was soon left sceptical becasue the price Damian was asking for his goods was low than the market price in the city.

He wanted to once again check the crates and drums again if he was getting anything rotten.

"It's a discount for the Manderly and the North. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with my goods. I swear in the name of the Old Goods. Just take it, I've already talked with Lord Wyman about the price so don't worry." Damian explained but he also gave a warning that Lord Wyman knows about the price and if the man tried to pocket some coins from this deal then he would be in for trouble. He knew the assistant but not his character.

Damian also handed him the cakes and sweets so that he can deliver them to the New Castle's kitchen and store it there for tonight's feast.

After dealing with him, Damian took the girls for a tour of his ships and soon regretted for doing so.

"Your's is small" Wylla let her thoughts known to Damoian and the others after she stepped onto the small deck of his ship.

"Puhfff!" Jory immediately turned around and made some distance between them to laugh his ass off.

"Yes, the 'ships' are small for now as they are the only ones I could afford with my savings. But in no time I will buy a big Carrack or two to increase the size of my small fleet.

"What's the name of this ship and the other two?" Wynafrud asked.

"Merry Go and ..." Damian continued with his role of a guide and satisfy all their reasonable questions. After one of his ships became free, Damian even took them for a small joy ride around the Harbour.

But the only one to not enjoy the ride was Jory who felt a little sick riding the ship.

When they came back, Sirius handed Damian the gold they had managed to collect.

430 Golden Dragon and that is after deducting the taxes. It seems that Sirius had to auction half of the Grey Whale becasue there were too many buyers who wanted it. Damian gave the other half to the assistant for free as it was a gift meant for the Manderlys.

"Jory, can you help me escort the girls back to the castle. I will come back in short while." Damian requested.

Jory accepted the responsibility and went back with the girls leaving Damian at the docks.

After seeing that he had gotten free, Damian immediately boarded one of his ships and entered the cabin after asking his men to guard the door.

At once, he entered the Space world to use his new wealth and buy more men from the system. He would need them for the war.

But to not cause any suspicion, he only recruited a small number of men whose profession was that of a soldier with main skill in archery and basic ability with the sword.

He bought twelve of them for 180 Golden Dragon. Very expensive but he needed loyal men with good skills around him more than before. He bought them leather armour, a bow and lots of arrows, and a short sword for them to defend themselves in close range.

He was left with 230 Golden Dragons of which he meant to spend 100 Golden Dragons' worth of goods such as wool, ivory and hides from the White Harbour.

He planned to later sell them in another city after the war ends. The rest of the money will be stored in the inventory and a little of it will be used to pay the salary of his men for the next few months.

Just then Damian felt an itch in his body, feeling a little more energized and powerful.

[ Name: Damian Silvius Stark ]

[ Title: Adventurer ]

[ Status: Village Chief ]

[ Age: 14 ]

[ Money: 200 Gold Coins ]

[ Store ]

[ Build ]

Str -> 11 (+1) =12

Dex -> 12

End -> 10 (+1) =11

Will -> 8

Int -> 12

Constitution -> 10

Special Stat:

Mana -> 10

Free Points -> 1

[Every Five years, on your nameday, a free point would be given freely that you can add to any of the above stat.]

Bloodline -> First Men

Special Abilities:

Warg -> 1

Greenseer -> 0

Special Attribute Points -> 0

[Every Ten years you get one free Special Attribute point. To gain more points, practice in the given ability or find other ways.]

When Damian saw his status, he found some changes in his stats. Strength and Endurance increased by one on their own. It seems his continuous exercise on the ship and the increase in the Constitution paid off earlier than he thought it would.

After thinking about it, he added the last free point to his endurance state because in the war most people died because they tired themselves out quickly.

End -> 11(+1)= 12

Now he was barely on the level of an adult knight in terms of strength, speed and endurance. In terms of skill, Damian thought he was above average. If only he could buy some skill from the system then it would have been even better but he saw no such option in the system or in the store.

It disturbed Damian greatly to find that he could buy skill for his men but not for his own use.