Character Creation Part 3

"I see… so cultivation will add boosts only, or will it also add some extra skills?" Ayden asked. He needed every possible boost he could get if he wished to make money in the game.

"Depending if you are lucky or not, you may run into something called Nanite Techniques that will allow you to directly use the nanite in the air to cast a technique or even boost your body. But techniques and cultivation methods will only be available once you find them." I-06 explained. She did not go into any more detail.

"Okay, thank you. " Ayden decided he would check out this cultivation thing when he got a chance as it did seem like it would be a boost to his character.

Since he only had to choose a class now to begin, Ayden looked at the classes and began reading the information provided.

Cybernetic Fist: A monk type class that uses arguments to the hands and legs to attack. They can also use some programs to self heal and boost their strength.

Phase Swordmaster: A warrior type class that uses phase swords which are surrounded by high velocity nanobots that can slice through foes.

Phase Hunter: A ranged class that uses any ranged weapon type such as guns and bows that have their ammo infused with nano bots that allow different effects when firing.

Digital Summoner: A summoning class that uses nano bots along with special programs to summon digital monsters to fight for the summoner.

Nano Caster: A mage type class that uses programs to cast elemental type spells, from fire spells to healing spells. It can also be a pure support character and also buff allies to improve their augments.

Phase Walker: An assassin type class that focuses on stealth and wields phase daggers. This class normally sticks to the shadows and tries to surprise their enemies while trying to deal a decisive blow.

Cybernetic Wall: A tank class that focuses primarily on defense and defending allies in battle. They use large phase shields to protect those behind them while using programs to taunt their enemies to keep all aggro on them.

Now Ayden was left with a hard decision. Each class had its pros and cons. But for him, who knew nothing about weapons, some of these would not work out for him. Mainly the three weapon oriented classes, phase walker, Phase swordmaster, and phase hunter. These three were a no go for him.

This left four classes, but one he could quickly remove from the list because he did not really wish to be a tank, so cybernetic wall was crossed off instantly, leaving him with three classes to choose from.

"Nano caster seems to be okay, but it would not really help in solo situations, I do not think. Digital summoner relies on summons, but I do not know how good they will be once the summons dies. Like, can I instantly cast the summoning spell? But it replies on nano, so if my nano runs out, I will be in trouble…. I guess this only leaves one choice." Ayden looked the classes over a few times before firmly deciding on his class. "I choose Cybernetic Fists."

"Player Edge: Class choice Cybernetic Fists. Please confirm your choice. Remember, this can not be changed later on." I-06 once again gave a friendly reminder.

"Yes, I choose cybernetic fists." Ayden replied. As he did, a white light with digital patterns surrounded him, causing him to widen his eyes. At the same time, a new menu popped up in front of him. This time it was much smaller.

[Name]: Edge

[Level]: 1

[Class]: Cybernetic Fists

[Health]: 50/50

[Nano]: 50/50

[Attack Power]: 50

[Cy Power]: 50

[Augment Points]: 5

[Strength]: 5

[Stamina]: 5

[Agility]: 5

[Dexterity]: 5

[Intelligence]: 5

[Mind]: 5


[Odin's Cybernetic Eye]

Hmmm? Ayden looked at the status menu and noticed something strange had been added. "Umm, what is Odin's Cybernetic Eye?"

"Player Edge has completed the character creation process and has heard all tutorial information. I wish you a safe journey on your adventures in CyPunk Online. Your starting point will be randomly picked as it is for all players. Good luck and have fun." I-06 did not reply to Ayden's question, and as her words fell, he only saw his vision go white before the scenery around him changed completely.

What stood before him was a small town with five story tall buildings and trees that did not look real at all but more of a cybernetic tree with how it had lines and blue lights running through it. The buildings all looked normal to him, with a touch of foresty feel to them with the vines that draped over some of the rooftops. But even the vines looked cybernetic, giving it a natural but technological feel.

"Besides some of the strange aspects, it does look very real." Ayden looked around at everything to see bits of small information pop up. Mainly the names and levels of everything around him, which he found strange. Because from what he read, things like status menus that told you what was what did not exist unless it was an item in your inventory. Ayden pressed his lips together and looked at his still open status window and made his gaze fall on the last entry.

[Odin's Cybernetic Eye]

[A Gift From The Gods….]

[When equipped, gives information about the world around you. Nothing can escape your eye.] [Once equipped, can not be unequipped.]

"So this is the reason? But how did I get something like this?" Ayden was still confused but was also not complaining since it would definitely help him greatly as he tried to make money in game.

"Ah right… settings… settings…." Ayden opened up his settings and turned off the mature content filter. When he did, he suddenly felt some extra weight in his shorts. He took a peek and let out a sigh of relief. He felt strange not having something down there. With that now settled so he wouldn't be thrown off balance while doing things, he finally took a hard look around to see what she should do next, but as he did, he saw a large blue question mark above a person's head in a back alley. It was just that…. He shouldn't be able to see the alley from where he was standing?