Character Creation Part 2

[Name]: N/A

[Level]: 0

[Class]: N/A

[Health]: 10/10

[Nano]: 10/10

[Augment Points]: 0

[Strength]: 1

[Stamina]: 1

[Agility]: 1

[Dexterity]: 1

[Intelligence]: 1

[Mind]: 1

"This is the basic status window." I-06 said as she pointed to the blue holographic status screen that appeared in front of Ayden. "Most of these things are pretty self explanatory but just in case I will still go over everything one by one.

"Name as it is will be where it will show your character name which you will soon select. Level is your current character level. Each time you gain the required experience you will advance a level gaining more augment points. Class is your chosen class which you should choose carefully because there is no turning back once you select a class. But remember while classes require no real world experience in using them it is a good idea to only pick a class you are comfortable with. In example, if you know how to fight well with swords in the real world it is a good idea to pick the Phase Swordmaster class. The same will be for ranged and other classes that you might have some skills with. Unless you are picking a caster type role which has no real world equivalent.

"Health is how many hits you can take before you die. The higher the health, the longer you will live for. Nano is CyPunk Online's version of mana from a fantasy game and allows you to use certain skills. Augment points are the points you gain upon leveling up. Each point allows you to put a single point into one of your attributes. This now brings us to the last portion of this tutorial. Before I continue, do you have any questions about the previous information?" I-06 asked. To be honest, Ayden never expected such a thorough explanation. In a way, he was happy because he never really played games before, so this was a huge help to him.

Ayden shook his head as he answered: "No, I understand everything up to this point."

"Then I will continue." I-06 smiled and pointed to the first attribute. "Strength determines how strong your attacks are and how much you are able to carry. It also raises your attack power by ten for each point of strength. Stamina controls your health and how long you can stay active for. For each point of stamina you gain, you will gain ten points of health. Agility determines your speed and ability to dodge. While dexterity determines how swift you are with your hands. Any questions so far on these four attributes?"

"Yes. Agility and dexterity seem to be the same but not?" Ayden asked. He was slightly confused about these two attributes. Never playing games before, he had no idea what most of these things would do for a character.

"Agility is more based on your speed of movement and ability to dodge. While dexterity is how quickly you can react. These two are supporting stats as they help each other. If you can fire off or attack quickly due to your reaction speed while moving at a high speed, you will be able to land more critical hits. Normally only melee classes or range weapon classes would use these two attributes. But do remember, just having high agility and high dexterity will not support your damage without enough strength." I-06 replied.

"I see..." Ayden nodded in understanding. "Thank you."

"It is not a problem. That is why I am here." I-06 replied with a smile. She then pointed to the last two attributes. "Now then. The final two attributes are more geared towards casters and certain trade skills. Intelligence will do just as it says and make you smarter the higher you raise it. This will also allow you to understand the basics of how things work as well, such as certain cybernetics or crafting certain things. It will also raise your Cy Power by ten points for each point you put into it.

"And lastly, there is mind. This attribute is important for casters of any kind and will add ten points of nano for each point of mind you have. It also allows for parallel processing while casting. These make up your basic stats as a player in CyPunk Online. Any questions?" I-06 asked one last time.

"No, the last two were explained well enough for me to understand. Thank you." Ayden replied. With his okay, I-06 began moving on to the next part of the character creation process. "Then we will now begin with selecting your character name. Please take your time because once you choose a name, you can not change it ever again."

"Edge. I want my name to be Edge." Ayden did not know why he was picking such a name. Maybe it was because he felt it was cool sounding or something along those lines. Mainly his issue was that he was not good at naming things.

I-06's eyes lit up with a green light as 1s and 0s flashed across them. "Checking name availability. Checking done. Name is available. Please confirm that you wish to be named Edge from this moment on."

"Confirm," Ayden replied without any hesitation.

"Player Edge confirmed."

"Your new character name will be Edge."

"Now, please choose a class. Once again, please choose carefully as classes can not be changed once you have selected it." I-06 gave a friendly reminder before waving her hand and causing seven holographic cards to appear in front of Ayden, each depicting a class.

Ayden looked at the cards in front of him and rubbed his chin.

[Cybernetic Fist]

[Phase Swordmaster]

[Phase Hunter]

[Digital Summoner]

[Nano Caster]

[Phase Walker]

[Cybernetic Wall]

Seven classes in total, each based on a generic class type for MMORPGs. In a way, Ayden was slightly disappointed. But he did remember one thing he felt like he should ask about. "Miss I-06, from what I understand, this game has cultivation in it too?"

"Yes. Cultivation is a bit different in CyPunk Online than other games that lean fully on that aspect, as it will open up more routes to the spells you can cast as well as hinder your ability to use certain cybernetics and augments. CyPunk Online is a mix of everyday technology, western fantasy, and eastern fantasy. You will cultivate nanites in order to gain extra benefits that will help boost your body. This will also have a level of its own but will not become available until you have actually cultivated for the first time."