
--AN) Only one chapter today! --

"But Pam, are you not afraid that if you keep dressing this way around Edge here that he will try to do something to you!?" Luci asked. She was not saying that Ayden would do such a thing, but she was trying to get the stupid elf from exposing her body like she was!

"Hmmm?" Pam looked down at herself, then at the hand that still held onto Ayden's hand, then up at Ayden, before a sly grin formed on her lips. "If it's Edge, I wouldn't mind. He looks like someone who would be the submissive type."

Ayden suddenly felt like he was just hit with a low blow to his manhood. He may not be someone who has been in a relationship before, but he was still a man! But sadly, he knew better than to do anything because this place was cheap and perfect for what he wanted to do. He did not wish to lose it! So he tried to dodge the current topic by changing it to something else. "Ummm… can we just sign the contract or whatever it is for rent?"

"Bahaha! He's cute. Come on, Luci, sign the contract so I can take him back into the house and do this and that." Pam let out a joy filled laugh while Ayden sighed, wondering if he was going to have peace when he tried to work on crafts.

"Pam, can you at least not say things so ambiguously!?" Luci yelled out. She could feel a headache coming on and the one causing it was the stupid elf in front of her.

"Haha!" Pam patted Luci's shoulder as she said: "It must be nice to be a virgin! Hahaha!"

"Ahhhh! You stupid elf!" Luci blushed from ear to ear before turning around and running off. She couldn't handle the embarrassment!

Ayden stood there, not understanding what was going on, and wondered now, with Luci gone, how he was going to sign the contract. "Umm…. Contract?"

"Haha! Screw it. Edge from this moment on, you will be living here. The credit a month was just because the stupid Housing Authority charged a fee, and I didn't want to pay them. So welcome to my humble abode, Edge. My name is Pam Lortra." Pam introduced herself with a small curtsy, although this only led to giving Ayden another full view of the almost naked elf.

"Ah! Yes…. It is a pleasure. I will be in your care." Ayden replied, and before he knew it, he was being dragged back into the house.

"I am sure Luci will be back in a bit. I will take care of the paperwork. The only thing I ask of you, Edge, is that when I am gone, you look after things. I will be gone no more than a night or two. I can not leave my house for too many days, no matter how much I wish to. I have certain plants that need to be taken care of in a very particular way. And experiments that will need to be attended to as well. Anyway, it is getting late, so you should turn in." Pam turned and walked off towards the other side of the house, leaving Ayden standing there scratching his head. He was just about to turn around when he saw Pam flip her lab coat up to reveal her perky butt.

Ayden shook his head. He did have to admit that Pam was very pretty. He just wondered why she was such a tease. Letting out a sigh, he turned around and walked into the small apartment and over to the workbench, and began taking the items from his inventory out and placing them on the table.

He spent a good hour organizing everything on the small shelves before he was finally done. The only issue was the herbs he had gathered. He was unsure if he could keep those outside his inventory or not. "What should I do?"

"Having issues?"

"Mmm….. I am trying to figure out if I can store my herbs out in the open or if I need a special container." Ayden answered on instinct, only to realize something was off, and quickly turned around to see Pam standing behind him with a smile on her face, two glasses, and a bottle of wine. "Take a break. I will give you some containers that will keep your herbs fresh after we celebrate your arrival."

Ayden was stunned to see Pam was actually wearing clothes! He didn't think the girl did. But they were nothing but a pair of shorts and a tank top, but it was much more than the bra and panties she was wearing before. "Alright. I needed a break anyway."

Pam smiled and put the glasses down, uncorked the wine bottle, and poured two half glasses before passing one to Ayden. "To Edge moving in!"


The glasses clinked together to ring in a new friendship. Pam and Ayden both took a sip of wine. Ayden was surprised to find out that the wine was sweet yet fruity. "This is really good."

[System Notice: You have consumed World Tree Fruit Wine]

[Intelligence + 30 permanently.]

[Intelligence]: 113 → 143

[Cy Power]: 1130 → 1430

"It is…. I only have so much, so I can only offer half a glass. But I wanted to share this wine with you." Pam said as her eyes turned soft as she looked at the green fluid in the glass.

"I am honored to be able to taste such a precious wine." Ayden could tell that Pam cherished the wine. He could only guess that it must have something to do with the fact that this was wine made from the fruit of the world tree.

"Hehe…. I knew I was not wrong about you." Pam smiled as she leaned on the workbench next to Ayden and looked at the things lined up. "You plan to make cybernetics?"

"Yep. At least, that is what I will attempt to do. I never made them before, but I am hoping to make enough credits to transfer into real world money." Ayden explained, even though he did not think Pam would understand what he was talking about.

"I am not sure what this real world money thing is, but I can say that if you were to make a special kind of cybernetic using these items, you can make around ten to twenty and probably sell them for a good price. Would you like me to teach you?"

[Hidden Quest! Path Of Apprenticeship]

[Pam Lortra, the Mad Elf of Nano and Cybernetics, has asked if you wish to learn how to make a special kind of cybernetic that only the elves know how to make.]

[Create 10 elf based cybernetics using the instructions Pam Lortra gives you.]

[Reward: 10,000XP, Option to become Pam Lortra's apprentice.]