Taking A Perverted Master

Ayden knew he would be stupid if he did not accept Pam's offer, so he quickly nodded his head and said: "Yes. If you are willing to teach me, I am willing to put my all into learning." He wanted to make money, and if something as unique as elven cybernetics were to hit the market wouldn't he be able to sell high? But he was still unsure if there were any other elven cybernetics on the auction house. But either way, this was still a very good deal.

"Haha! Good!" Pam was so excited she leaned over and kissed Ayden's cheek and smiled brightly. "Hehe, I will teach you everything I know, so let's get along, okay?"

"Huh? Ah… Yes…." Ayden's head was spinning, he never thought that Pam would kiss him, even if it was only on the cheek.

"Haha! You are a cute one. Alright. I will go get you those storage boxes. After you settle your herbs, you should sleep for the night. You will have an early morning." Pam said this before ruffling Ayden's hair and running off.

Ayden stared at the slim elf running away and shook his head. She was a free spirit that did as she pleased. Ayden could only guess that after living for 132 years that this was how one would be. Not caring about anything and living freely as you wished. He wished he could do the same. Ayden looked at the clock and saw it had only been four hours real world time. So he figured with an hour of real world sleep time, he would wake up and still have a few hours to play before he would need to get up and prepare Madi her breakfast and lunch. He also needed to go out and search for a day job as well.

In no time at all, Pam came running back in with two large containers that she placed on the floor. "These will hold around five tons of herbs. And will keep them in perfect condition indefinitely."

Ayden looked at the two large containers and smiled as he said: "I owe you a lot, Pam. Not only did you allow me to move in here, but you are helping me in many other ways as well."

"Hehe… As your master, I should do that, no? And why are you not calling me Master punk!?" Pam walked over and flicked Ayden's forehead causing him to lose 200 Health. But that was quickly healed back up by Pam.

"Yes, Master…." Ayden rubbed his forehead. He had to be careful to make sure he didn't say anything that would result in an instant death due to Pam smacking him.

"Mm! Much better! Get your things set up so we can go to bed." Pam said before she turned around and left the room again. Ayden tilted his head to the side when he heard the 'we' part of Pam's sentence.

"Couldn't be right?" Ayden shook his head, deciding to forget about it, and went to work putting his herbs away. He had quite the selection since no one ever picked them, allowing him to have enough resources to make many different injections.

When he was done, he moved the containers under the workbench. He then unequipped his armor and turned off the light before walking over to the bed and getting under the thin blanket that lay on top of it. He let out a long sigh as he closed his eyes. But not long after, his eyes popped open when he heard: "Oh? Already turned the lights off? Couldn't have waited for me to get back?"

"Pa-Master!? Why are you here!?" Ayden was confused. 'Why did she come in and in her underwear at that!?'

"Huh? I said we were going to go to bed. That meant I would be sleeping in here. Actually, this is the only place to sleep in the entire house, so get used to it." Pam chuckled as she ran and jumped on the bed right on top of Ayden. "You are not going to make your Master sleep on the floor, are you?"

Ayden shook his head. "Do as you please." He dared not say no. He didn't want to get kicked out, plus she was cute. He wouldn't be able to consider himself a man anymore if he said no to a cute girl.

"Good!" Pam smiled and slipped under the covers before clinging on to Ayden like a koala bear. While Ayden's heart was pounding out of his chest, he heard a slow sound of breathing coming from behind him.

He couldn't believe Pam was actually able to fall asleep so quickly! Taking a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart, he closed his eyes and tried his best to relax. Surprisingly he did end up falling asleep.

As for Pam, she opened her eyes and smiled slyly. She could tell Ayden was asleep, so she snuck her hands around and ran them down to a certain area. After a quick inspection, she nodded and went to sleep.

In CyPunk Online, most players slept during the night because their bodies would begin to grow tired. Only those with high stats could stay awake all night. This could extend for days based on your level and stats. Normally one needed to be over level 20 to begin staying up more than one day. As such, nighttime for players was different based on if they were sleeping or not, as time would fly by at night for some players but not for others. It was strange how it worked, but it was more of the game messing with a player's sense of time. So when Ayden woke up the next morning, he saw that only thirty minutes real world time had passed.

But what he did not expect to wake up to was his Pam half lying on top of him. Looking down at the pink haired elf, that was a head shorter than him sleeping peacefully with a bit of drool seeping out of her mouth, Ayden could only sigh.

*Bang! Bang!*

"Pam, open up!" Luci yelled out. She was so angry. She had come here last night to finish the paperwork, and Pam told her to screw off! Luci could only grit her teeth and turn around and go back to the office. Her boss chewed her out for not getting the contract signed. So she had no choice but to come back and get the contract signed, or she might lose her job!