The Real Madison?

Ayden cleaned up and even shaved so that he would not look too bad. When he walked out of the bathroom with his best clothes on, he did not notice his little sister's gaze. "Madi, you almost ready?"

"Yep!" Madi quickly finished her food before running into the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she was done, she ran out and put her shoes on, and joined her brother, who was waiting for her outside.

Ayden saw how she was still acting like a spoiled child as she hooked her arms around his before he even had a chance to make sure the door was locked. After putting his eye to the retinal scan on the door, a loud clicking sound was heard, signaling that the door was locked.

Madi happily walked down the streets while hanging on to her brother's arm, talking to him about this and that. The school she went to was only fifteen minutes away, but because of how Neo city was, she normally took the bus that stopped just outside the house, but on days like this, when she got to walk to school with her brother, she cherished it even more.

As they walked up to the school gates, Madi stood on her tiptoes and kissed her brother's cheek as she said: "Don't work too hard! I will see you after you get home."

"Alright. Study hard." Ayden said as he waved at his sister before turning around and walking towards the business district. "I need to get a new job and fast…."

After Ayden left, Madi was quite happy as she walked through her school gates, but that happiness was soon ruined when she heard someone at the side say: "Did you see that boy just now? He was okay looking, but his clothes were shabby. He's probably on drugs or something. Such a shame."

"Shh! Do you know who that was? That was Devil Madison's bro….."

"Hey!" Madi suddenly appeared in front of the two girls who had just walked through the gates and grabbed the girl by the face who had just bad mouthed her brother. Her eyes went wide as killing intent began to radiate off of her. "What did you just say about my brother? Do you want to die? Because I can make your wish come true. Just a small squeeze, and your head will pop like a balloon."

Madi's arms started to show small glowing lines. Thanks to all the money her brother had been giving her, she had been able to get some decent cybernetics that her brother did not know about. Otherwise, she would not have been able to make it this far. She just did not know that her brother was trying to save up for her cybernetics. She also did not show them to her brother in case he got mad at her for getting them without his permission. She did not wish for her brother to be mad at her.

But because of these cybernetics, she had one thing that she did most, and that was deal with anyone who looked down on her brother. And that even meant the girls at her school. She showed no restraint and was nicknamed Devil Madison due to her crazed outburst when it came to her brother.

"Madi! Stop! Or you will really kill her." Someone walked over and placed their hand on Madi's shoulder. Madi looked up at the girl with a glare before shoving the girl in her hands to the ground and snorting. "Sue, make sure she can't talk anymore by the end of the day."

"Understood." Sue, who was the girl who had just stopped Madi, replied as she watched Madi walk away. Sue then turned to the girl and sighed: "Why did you bad mouth her brother of all people? You are better talking shit about the Grim Reaper Gang to their face than dealing with that girl when it comes to her brother. So many people in Neo City, and you had to talk about him…"

Sue knelt down in front of the girl and said: "You better come behind the gym later, or you won't be able to handle what happens next."

After saying this, Sue got up and walked away. She was one of Madi's people and used to be the leader of the all girls' gang within the school. But now she was just Madi's follower and friend. Normally Madi was a gentle girl who was always happy, but she would snap and change into a psychopath when it came to her brother or her friends. For this reason, even though she was older than Madi, she followed Madi.

"Sue! Where's Madi?" Another girl ran up to Sue and looked around. Wherever Sue was, Madi was usually there, so this was strange.

"Probably destroying a locker somewhere. Someone bad mouthed her brother." Sue replied.

"Ahh…. Madi's bro-con syndrome. She is crazy for that brother of hers." The girl nodded her head in understanding as she crossed her hands in front of her chest.

"Say that to her face, Tintin. See if she rearranges yours for you." Sue said with a chuckle.

Tintin quickly shook her head. "Don't think so. That girl bought black market cybernetics. She is as strong as one hundred people. I was the one who tried to talk her out of it, but in the end, she got some good stuff for cheap money."

"That she did. She almost let one of those black market surgeons cut her up just to install them. Luckily your father is a surgeon, or she might have lost more than just her limbs." Sue said with a sigh. She remembered that day clearly. Madi had to be dragged out of the black market before she was taken advantage of. Tintin had to beg her father to do the surgery.

"I do wonder what made Madi so brother crazy though…." Tintin asked.

"From what I know, her parents were killed, and she and her brother have been through many hardships since then. It probably just kind of kicked in. But I must say that her brother is a good man. He treasures her to the point that he forgets about himself."