Incident At The Bank

When Ayden woke up, he found a familiar figure sleeping next to him. "Madi, get up and wash your face. I will go cook breakfast."

"Want to sleep longer…." Madi complained as she hugged onto her brother.

"Madi, if you do not get up, I won't walk you to school," Ayden warned. These words were like a lightning bolt to Madi as she shot up and ran to the bathroom.

Ayden chuckled as she saw her running off. She did this from time to time, where she would come out early and sneak onto the couch next to him even though there was barely any room for her. Ayden remembered the money he had made and smiled as he mumbled to himself: "I wonder if Madi will be surprised when I say I got us a new place to live…."

While Ayden went to make food, Madi was in the bathroom giggling to herself. "Hehe, I got to hug brother this morning!"

After breakfast and walking Madi to school, Ayden patted her head as normal, sending her off. He then headed to the nearest bank. But as he walked in, a young man with black hair wearing a suit walked out and looked at Ayden and sneered. "Ayden Townson? Hahaha! To think you would look this low. I guess this is what happens when you become an orphan. What are you doing at the bank? Robbing it?"

Ayden ignored the young man and wanted to walk by him, but the young man did not seem to want to let him go as he reached out and grabbed Ayden's shoulder. "Who said you could ignore me? What is an orphan like you doing here with such trashy clothes? There is no way in hell you can afford to open a bank account here. So get lost."

At this point, Ayden was already pissed as he reached up and smacked the hand that was grabbing him away. Well, he attempted to. But the other person had cybernetics. "Greg Stanford. What does my life have to do with you? Last time I saw you was when I was fourteen in middle school. You have no right to tell me where I can go and what I can and can not do. And sadly for you, I already have an account here, idiot."

The grip on his shoulder started to get tighter, causing Ayden's face to contort in pain. "What are you doing!" A female voice came from outside the building. Both Greg and Ayden turned to see a young woman around nineteen years of age walking you. Her eyes glowed with a blue light as she stared at the two men in front of her. "Let go of him."

"What? Bitch, who are you to tell me what to do…."


A slender leg slowly lowered and was firmly placed back on the ground. The young woman had just kicked Greg in the head, making him fly through the air and out onto the street with his butt up in the air. "I said to let go of him."

"Cough! Cough! Bicth… I will not let this slide. Just wait! And Ayden, I will settle this with you later." Greg yelled out as he crawled up from the ground and quickly took off.

As for Ayden, who had not moved this entire time, he was staring at the girl in front of him. She had black hair and eyes. "Is…. Isabella!?"

"Hehe… So you do recognize me, Edge." Isabella smiled as she looked at Ayden. "To think I would see the newbie who soloed a mini boss getting bullied on the streets in the real world."

"It's not like I wanted to. As I am purely human, it is hard to go against those with cybernetics…." Ayden replied while scratching his head. "Also, you might have heard, but my name is Ayden Townson."

"Isabella Lancastor. Yeah, I know you shouldn't use your real name in game, but since they will know what I look like even if they saw me out of game I saw no reason not to use my real name." Isabella scratched her cheek as she looked Ayden up and down. "It might be rude to ask, but if you could afford a VR headset, couldn't you get some cybernetics?"

"I didn't buy mine. I found it and fixed it up." Ayden replied. "Plus, I would buy my little sister cybernetics before I bought myself some."

"Oh?" Isabella pursed her lips. She could tell Ayden was not well off, which made her pity him a little. "So you were here to check your account?"

"Mmmm… I need to make sure they really deposited the money into my account. I plan to find a new place today, hopefully, closer to the school my sister goes to." Ayden had no idea why he was telling this girl all this, but it was already too late. "It was nice meeting you, Isabella, but what will you do if Greg tries to get revenge? He is pretty petty."

"Ah, no worries. He can't do anything to me. I am more worried about you. He was Greg Standford, right? I heard his father is an official in Neo City. Oh, I know! You are looking for a place, right?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah, but it's fine. My sister goes to Neo City Academy. I need to get a place close to there." Ayden replied.

"Then I know the perfect place, and the rent will be cheap. Although it's a three bedroom, but two are available. It's just that is a share house." Isabella replied excitedly.

But Ayden shook his head. "Sorry, I can't live with someone I do not know. Not with my sister. I have to protect her from any harm."

"Ahhh, but you do know the roommate!" Isabella pointed her finger at her face and smiled as she said: "It's me."

Ayden frowned slightly as he asked: "Why would you invite someone you barely know to come live with you? What if I was some kind of psycho? You know Neo City is full of them, right?"

"Haha! It's fine. I am almost pure cybernetic. You would need some top cybernetics to take me down or do anything to me that I did not wish for you to do. I think only the Little Undertaker could take me out…."