Tagging Along

Neo City Academy….

"Ahhchooo!" Madi rubbed her nose and looked around. The whole class was dead quiet as she did. Not even the teacher dared to say a word.

"Madi, catch a cold?" Sue asked. She was not even supposed to be in this class but because Madi was here she was here and there was nothing anyone could say to change that fact.

"I think there some bitch talking to my brother…." Madi frowned, but she dared not leave school to go find out otherwise her brother would get mad.

"Oh? Someone dares to try to take the Little Undertaker's brother away from her?" Sue asked in a low whisper with a teasing smile.

Madi snorted as she looked at Sue coldly. "Don't use that name here…"

Sue's smile froze as she lowered her head. She forgot that Madi hated that name. "So-Sorry."

"It's fine you spoke low so if someone heard they would be a max of two seats away but they are all four seats away…." Madi looked around her. Only the first row and the last row had people sitting there. And those people were all covered in a cold sweat, wishing they could change seats. The rest of the kids were all doubled up. No one dared to sit within a four row radius of her.

"Anyway… Continue class…." Madi said as she looked at the teacher. Even though everyone was afraid of her, she was someone who still topped the list of smartest students in the school.


Meanwhile, Ayden was scratching his head. "How much is the rent?" Ayden asked… He could afford rent, but he had to be careful of the price.

"For you and your sister, it will be 500 credits a month, everything included. What do you think?" Isabella had more than one reason to be asking Ayden to become her roommate. First, she knew that Greg would probably try to get back at Ayden, and now knowing he also had a sister she did not want him and his sister to get caught in a bad situation. The second was Ayden seemed like an honest guy, and if he wasn't, she could just beat him into submission since he had no cybernetics.

Third, she wanted to help him out. He seemed to have a hard life raising his sister so he was not someone who would skip on rent or anything like that. And lastly, it was because she really wanted to start a pro team at some point and show her father that she was not all talk. She had said she would form a team, and because of that, he was funding her. But if she did not show some progress soon, she would be dragged back to the main house. And Ayden had all the signs of being able to become a pro gamer.

"I do not know…." Ayden knew 500 credits a month was a steal for everything included, plus two rooms. But he did not know how Madi would react to living with another person.

"Look, come take a look at it first. This way, you can see how it is for yourself." Isabella knew Ayden was not someone who would just agree without thinking things through first. So she could only try to get him to take a look at the very least.

"Alright, but either way, I still need to talk to my sister about it. She is, after all, the only reason I keep going." Ayden replied. Madi was his reason to live after losing so much in his life. So he would only choose to rent the place if Madi okayed it. Otherwise, he would just find a place that was just for the two of them.

"Sure! You can even bring her to take a look if you want so she can say yes or no." Isabella felt that maybe she could befriend his little sister, and then everything would be okay.

"Alright. What's the address? I will stop by later." Ayden asked, but Isabella patted his shoulder and said: "I will hang out with you today. It's not like I am doing anything else anyways. Unless you do not want to."

"It's fine by me, but I plan to log back in game for a while…." Ayden had not planned to hang around too much. He wanted to finish things up here, buy some new clothes for himself and look for a house but now the house was on pause. But he still planned to take Madi out to eat later.

"It's fine. My eyes act as my headset, so we can just go back to your place. Plus…. I think it's better for me to be around right now in case that bastard gets any ideas." Seeing how Isabella was being stubborn, Ayden could only nod and let her do as she pleased. He was starting to feel like maybe he was a pushover when it came to girls.

After checking his account and confirming the money was there, Ayden let out a sigh of relief. He decided to head to a place to buy some clothes. When he walked out of the bank Isabella, who was wearing a black hoodie and black short shorts with a pair of black boots, was leaning against the wall waiting for him. "All set?"

"Yeah. I need to get some new clothes. Before I head home. But just so you know, my house is not all that great…." Ayden did not want Isabella to think his place was some grand housing unit.

"No worries. I wasn't really expecting all that much." Isabella replied with a teasing grin. "Come on. I know a place where you can get some decent clothes cheap."

Before Ayden could say anything, Isabella grabbed his hand and led the way. Once again, he felt like maybe he was really a pushover when it came to girls! If only Isabella knew that she was about to meet someone, she would never think she would ever meet in such a place. Maybe she would have reconsidered asking Ayden to become her roommate.


In a car not too far away. Greg sat looking out the window, his knee bouncing up and down as he looked at the two people walking away from the bank. "That bastard."

"Young Master, why do you hate that guy so much?" A young woman in an actual maid outfit, who sat next to Greg, asked.

"Because that bastard was always better than me in everything! No matter what grade it was, he was top of the class. Father always beat me because I always came in second and could never beat the damn bastard but look at him now! He's nothing but a piece of trash who needs to be protected by a girl. Anyway, follow him! Don't let them out of your sight! Also, ask someone to find out who the girl is. I want all her details."

The driver started the car and began following after Ayden and Isabella.