When Two Worlds Collide Part 1

Isabella already knew they were being followed, which made her frown. While she led Ayden toward the store she was talking about, she made a phone call in her mind. "Send people to Trets place. There is a black Trinity following me. It's most likely Greg Standford. Keep an eye on him, and do not come out until I tell you to. For now, let the little shit follow me."

"As you wish, Young Miss…." A female voice replied inside her mind.

"Isabella, where are we going?" Ayden asked. He did not mind holding hands with a girl, but he was still at a loss as to where she was taking him.

"It's five minutes from here. Three blocks down. It's run by a friend of mine. Just be warned, he is kind of special…." Isabella replied with a smile. She was not showing any signs that they were being followed.

Ayden could only nod as he walked next to the girl who firmly held his hand as if she was afraid he would run away. But that was the last thing on his mind. He did not know why. Ever since he started playing CyPunk Online, girls seemed to be hanging on to him. He was starting to feel like maybe spring had finally come for him.

While Ayden was lost in his own little world, he was dragged into a clothing store where many expensive looking clothing were put on display. Seeing this, Ayden began to frown as he said: "Isabella, I can't afford this…."

"Don't worry. I know the owner. You will get 90% off." Isabella replied with a smile while tightening her grip on Ayden's hand so he couldn't run away. She marched right to the back room without being stopped and yelled out. "Tret! You sissy, get out here!"

"Who dares to call me a sissy!?" A burly voice yelled out. And to Ayden's surprise, a big white man with long black hair wearing makeup, a black skin tight dress, and red high heels came racing out of an office. What made this sight even crazier was the fact that the man was very muscular. The pissed off look that he had as he ran into the room turned to one of surprise as he yelled out in a girly voice: "Darling! You are here~! Long time no see! And…. Oh, dear~! Oh dear~! You really got yourself a man, huh, darling? I knew one day you would be able to find someone! Now let me have a look…. Let's see…"

Tret walked up to Ayden and began feeling his legs and arms. "No cybernetics but has some decent muscle mass. This….. Darling~ this is your kind of thing? I figured you would go with someone with a bit more, you know, nonhuman?"

"I do not want to hear that from you, Tret. You, of all people, have no right to be talking about how someone is." Isabella snorted, but she did not deny anything Tret said about Ayden being her type, nor did he plan to since it was simpler this way.

"Tch… Sharp tongue, as always. One day you will be beaten for that, you know. Anyway, why are you here?" Tret asked.

"I want to use the favor you owe me to get him a few sets of clothes at 90% off," Isabella replied straightforwardly. She had no plans to beat around the bush.

"Ouch! I feel like I just got shot through the heart, Darling~! Why are you attacking me in the pockets!?" Tret acted as if he was having trouble, but Isabella just stood there tapping her foot with her arms crossed across her chest, staring at the big burly man as if asking: "Do you really think you have a choice in the matter?"

"Alright, geez! Don't look at me like that. Only five sets, no more." Tret replied as he caved in.

"Hehe! You are the best, Tret! Ayden, come on, I will pick them out for you." Isabella grabbed Ayden's hand and led the stupefied young man back to the main area of the store.

Tret watched as Isabella left and smiled. "That girl finally found someone she likes, huh…. But that boy…. If I remember correctly, the Little Undertaker…."

Tret sighed as he scratched his head as he looked over at a certain part of the room. "Well, I can only wish her the best. But I hope she knows she is in for a fight. Now then….. You girls should watch over your young miss better."

This store just so happened to be a place that Ayden had applied to once, and Tret ended up having a long talk with the Little Undertaker. He did not understand why the Little Undertaker was yelling at him for being a slave trader when he had done nothing wrong. He never planned to hire Ayden in the first place!

A black Trinity pulled up outside the clothing store that Ayden was in. Greg looked at the building and frowned. "Why the fuck is that trash in this place? Clothes here are thousand of credits, nothing something that fucking trash can afford!"



"Madi…. You are breaking the desk…." Sue warned, but Madi was too caught up in the fact that she felt like something was wrong today. Something or someone was trying to take her brother away from her!

"Fuck it…." Madi suddenly said in a low growl. She was lucky she did not have Miss Clark's class today. The one teacher she treated with the utmost respect and did not dare show her bad side to. No one dared to mention it to Miss Clark either due to threats from Madi. Madi looked at the bald headed teacher at the front of the class, who suddenly felt a chill run down his spine and said: "Tell the Principal we are having a half day today."

"Ummm….. I do not think it's possible….. Today is not a national holiday, so…." The bald headed teacher was sweating. Internally he was asking: "Why me!?"

"Huh? Not a national holiday? Tell the principal I just got my first period. It is now a holiday. The day I went from being a little girl to a woman." After saying this, Madi stood up from her seat, gathered her books, and went to her locker without letting the teacher have a chance to say anything.

Sue followed after her doing her best to hold back her laughter.