When Two Worlds Collide Part 2

Ayden stood there while Isabella picked out clothes for him and then pushed him into the dressing room. With no other choice, he tried them on. "Not bad…. To be honest, if you got a trim, you would look even more handsome…. But yeah, get these. It will only cost you six thousand."

Ayden wanted to cry. Six thousand was a lot of money! But he still sucked it up and bought them since Isabella went out of her way to get him a discount which was something he would never get on his own.

When it was paid for, he wore a black hoodie, a pair of tan cargo pants, and a new pair of boots out of the shop. He stood there for a moment and asked: "Isabella, are you sure you want to come to my house? I mean it's not worth mentioning, you know?"

"It's fine. I have nothing to do, so lead the way." Isabella was not letting Ayden out of her sight because Greg was still following them.

Ayden shrugged and led the way. He felt kind of refreshed now that he had new clothes on.

When they arrived at the apartment, Isabella looked around curiously. She never thought that the place he lived in would be so well protected. While it was not top of the line, it was still enough to keep the small thugs out, and those were the ones who would normally rob a place.

Outside the apartment building, Greg pulled up and smirked, seeing the run down building. "Call the owner of this place and buy it. I want to see the paperwork in the next hour."

"Yes, young master." The man in the front passenger seat replied as he tapped his temple and made a call.

Inside the building, Ayden opened the door to the apartment, which was kept fairly clean. Luckily his little sister did most of the housework while he was working, so it was kept in decent shape. Isabella nodded as she walked in. She was happy to see that the brother and sister kept things quite clean. Otherwise, she was going to have to make it a number one rule at her apartment.

"It's small and slightly dirty. Please don't mind it." Ayden replied as he walked over to the kitchen to get some glasses. "All I got is boiled water. Is that okay?"

"It's fine." Isabella did not mind. Just by the fact that Ayden was willing to offer anything, even though he did not have much, showed just how well mannered he was. Her lips curled up as she watched the young man busy himself in the kitchen. Ayden poured two glasses of water which was freshly boiled in the morning, and brought them out to the living room.

It was then that he noticed Isabella looking at his small little work table. "So you really do fix things."

"I have no choice. If I did not have some skills, my sister would go without since I can't afford the expensive products. I would prefer that she at least had the manual tech for now until I can get her decent cybernetics." Ayden replied with a soft smile on his face. He hoped that that day would come soon. Ayden's smile seemed to be contagious because Isabella also smiled seeing it.

"Alright, I do not have much time before my sister gets home, so let's log into the game for a few hours. I want to try to make some more items to sell…." Ayden's main goal at this time was money. The more he had, the better.

"Alright. I need to make a phone call first then I will log in. I will send you a message." Isabella replied. Ayden nodded and picked up his headset, and put it on. He leaned his head back on the couch and switched it on.

Isabella did not need to make a phone call, she was just looking around as she sat there. She was wondering what Ayden had to go through to even keep a place like this and provide for a younger sister. From the looks of things, it seemed that he was the main caretaker since there was only one bedroom, and the fact that the box to the side held clothes neatly folded even though they were worn out proved that he was staying in the living room.

As she looked around, the door suddenly opened, and a young girl walked in. Isabella smiled and was ready to put on her best act to win the girl over when the girl suddenly turned around, and Isabella suddenly felt like hell had just appeared. The girl paused her steps and stared at Isabella, her eyes burning with anger. She looked at her brother, who seemed to be in the game already, and then back at Isabella and yelled out: "What the fuck are you doing here!?"

"Little Undertaker…. Why? No fucking way!? You are Ayden's sis… Muph!?" Isabella suddenly had her mouth covered as Madi grabbed her face. Faint silver lines began to glow on her arms. Her eyes were wide and emotionless. "You dare say my brother's name?"

Isabella frowned as she grabbed Madi's wrist and pried the hand off her as she said: "Are you sure you want to act like this here? I am your brother's friend, and we will be roommates soon. Do you think you will be able to keep up your good girl image in front of your brother if you can't handle a single girl being around him? Do you know that he is working hard for your sake? Working hard so he can provide you with a better place to live and get you cybernetics? It seems he doesn't know you have any, does he? You never told him?"

Each question from Isabella was like a gunshot to the heart. Madi gritted her teeth and wanted to shred this girl apart, but if she did, her brother would get angry and might come to hate her…. So she did her best to swallow her anger and asked: "Tell me what is going on."