The Little Undertaker’s Anger

--AN) Been sick, so only one chapter today. Let's hope I am doing better tomorrow so I can do two.--

"Heh! Why should I?" Isabella snorted as she rubbed her jaw.

"You!" Madi wanted to rip this girl to shreds, but when she looked at her brother playing the game, she could only contain her anger and hatred for this woman. "Fine, let me rephrase it. What do you want?"

"I want your brother!" Isabella replied with a mocking smile. But before Madi could lose it again, she continued: "He is amazing, you know. On his first day of playing a game and he soloed a miniboss. I want you both to move in with me, and you will both get your own bedrooms and free rein over the sharehouse. It will just be the three of us. And he will only need to pay 500 credits a month for the both of you with everything included. Your brother has what it takes to become someone big in CyPunk Online. And I want to sponsor him and help him grow as a player. And once I form a full team, we will begin practicing to enter the CyPunk League that was just recently formed. Not only will your brother make millions of credits per win, but even if he loses, he will still make 50 to 100 thousand credits. I do not think this is a bad deal, right? Plus…. I am not the only one you have to worry about right now. "

Isabella leaned forward and pulled Madi close as she whispered into Madi's ear: "Outside in a black Trinity is a man by the name of Greg Standford. I stopped him from harming your precious brother earlier while he was at the bank. But you see, Greg is petty, and he would do anything to get back at Ayden. I have people watching him, so he can't do anything stupid outright, but that does not mean he will not find other ways. You can't always protect your brother at his side. At least with me, he can stay by my side as we work together, and with my family and influence, he can't be harmed. So what will you choose? Your obsession with your brother or his safety?"

At this point, Madi's teeth were about to break from being gnashed together so hard. She looked at the brother stealer in front of her and wanted to eat her alive because she hated that the damn girl was correct. Her brother wanted her to go to school. He was the one who did all the shopping and would need to go out of the house for this and that. She could not always protect him. Even if she threatened the entire world, there were always those even she couldn't touch easily.

"I swear. If you hurt my brother in any way, I will rip you to pieces in your sleep." Madi growled through gritted teeth as she got up and stomped out of the house. She did not care for anything right now except venting her anger, and since someone dared to target her brother and even delivered themselves to her door, she would definitely not let this chance slip by to vent all her anger out!

Isabella let out a long breath of air when she saw Madi walk out of the room. She was very happy that she had talked with Ayden before coming here and found out so many things by accident. But with how angry Madi was when she left, she knew Greg was in for a bad time. She almost felt bad for him…. Almost…. Isabella leaned back against the couch and looked up at the young man who was in deep dive mode and smiled. "You really know how to make girls go crazy over you…."


"How is it? Did you buy it?" Greg asked with a smirk on his lips. He could see the distress in Ayden's eyes as he is thrown out of his apartment. "Young Master, we have bought the building, but we can not finalize it until tomorrow."

"Humph! Call the housing board and tell them to push it through today. I want a message from them within an hour to sign the papers!" Greg shouted as he kicked the seat in front of him. He hated not having things done properly.

"Young Master, I think we have a problem!" The driver suddenly yelled out.

"Huh? What kind of…. Ahhhh!"

Madi had arrived in front of the black Trinity, stabbed her hands into the hood of the car, and began lifting it into the air. She then spun it around and slammed it upside down onto the pavement. This caused the onlookers to all scream and gather around to watch the good show! Madi ignored them as she walked over to the back seat driver's side door, ripped it off the car, knelt down, and looked at the fool in the suit who was now sprawled out on the roof of the car. "You Greg Standford?" Madi asked. She was never one to ask questions first. It was always action first, then questions later. She did not want them getting away if they recognized her, so she made sure they couldn't.

"If you know who I am, you know I am not someone to be messed with!? Who the hell are…."

"Little Undertaker!" The maid who had just turned herself around enough to look at who would dare to make a scene face paled when she saw Madi.

"Little Undertaker? No, wait!? Why are you attacking me!? We never did anything to you!" Greg Standford heard stories about the Little Undertaker. She was crazy and did not care who you were, but there was one thing that everyone knew about her, and even his father warned him many times. Never touch her brother. Otherwise, you are on your own. But even now, he still did not understand why she was attacking him!

"Why? You dare act against my brother, and you are asking me why!? I can't touch the bitch inside, but I can sure as hell rip your fucking legs and arms off!" Madi reached in and yanked Greg out of the car, not caring for the still confused look on Greg's face as he felt his cybernetics being ripped off his body. They were still connected to his nerves, so the pain he felt was unbreakable, causing him to scream out as blue oil sprayed all over the place.

"I never touched your brother! I don't even know him!" Greg yelled out as he lay on the ground with no arms or legs, with a young girl stepping on his chest.

Madi coldly looked at him as she spat on his face and said: "You don't know him? He is Ayden Townson, you trash!"