Getting Cybernetics For Her Brother

All the pain Greg was feeling suddenly numbed as his head felt like it was about to explode. Never in his life would he think that the brother crazy Little Undertaker would be Ayden Townson's little sister. Luckily he had already bought the building. If anything, he knew one thing. He would still be able to get his revenge. He might have suffered today. But in the future, he will be able to get even. Thinking this far, he decided he would play stupid for now. "I did not know! If I had known, I would never have touched him!"

Sadly for Greg, he forgot one important issue with playing dumb, and that was that Madi did not care about anything or anyone but her brother and friends. "And that is an excuse why? Just because you did not know it was okay for you to try to bully my brother? Huh!?"

Madi pushed all her fingers together and stabbed them into Greg's chest, causing him to yell out in pain. "You should be lucky I do not plan to kill you today. But I will be taking your arms and legs. They might fit my brother. I wonder if he will be happy when I say that I found them in the trash. Hehe… I can see his cute face now…." Madi wiped her drool as she glared at Greg once more and reached down and grabbed his head. Her eyes were wide and crazy looking as she asked: "Tell me, are there any trackers in these parts? If you lie to me, I will rip your head off right now and shove it up your ass before mailing it to your father with a note that says you are an ass licker."

Madi's threats no longer made any sense, nor did she care to make any sense. She looked at Greg and began squeezing his face causing fear to fill his eyes. "Yes! There are trackers in each! The palms and the thighs!"

"Mmm… Good boy. Poochie, you should have been this well behaved from the start. Now then…. I am sure someone will come along and help you at some point. I noticed your little maid calling for backup. Let me tell you now, if I see you on the street, whether you are driving or walking, you better turn the fuck around and run away. Or I will rip your limbs off each time I see you to help upgrade my brother. Now that I think about it, your ears look pretty expensive as well."

"Ahhhh!" Madi did not hesitate to rip the ears off the man under her foot. Once she had them, she picked up the arms and legs and walked off as if she hadn't done anything at all. She felt much better now after venting her anger. But once she walked in and saw the bitch who caused her to be angry sitting on the couch next to her brother while in deep dive mode, she wanted to scream! But she couldn't! She couldn't touch the bitch! But she did wonder if her brother planned to move in with the girl.

All in all, her brother playing a game to make money was much better than slaving away for some dead end job. He could actually have fun and not work hard. However, she did worry about his health. "I will make sure he is getting some exercise every day…."

With this thought in mind, she went to the sink and washed the new cybernetics and found them to be top of the line. Nothing like her black market cybernetics, but still quite good. She smiled as she thought of how happy her brother will be. Once they were washed, she found the trackers embedded in them and ripped them out. She figured her brother would not want to deal with such things, so she did it for him. Only then did she bring them and put them on the table in front of her brother and then sit on the floor watching him silently.


After logging back in game, Ayden was immediately tackled by Pam, who then dragged him to bed since it was dark out. Strangely enough, even though he had just logged in, he did feel tired. Ayden could only think it had something to do with the game's mechanisms to make sure people did not get their ingame sleep schedule messed up. "Why are you facing me again!?" Pam pouted, but this time Ayden did not roll over and instead pulled her close and hugged her.

"I just felt like sleeping this way…." Ayden replied, which made the struggling elf girl in his arms stiffen before softening. She did not say anything and just settled in. She was more than strong enough to push Ayden away, yet she did not. Her struggle was without any effort at all.

Only when he woke up did he get a message from Isabella.

[Ayden, I am in the city. We should meet up at the small diner on Tellie street.]

[Alright. Mind if I bring Pam? She might get mad if I just up and leave.]

[Oh? To think you would be dating an NPC. Well, that's fine. It's good to have an elf on our team. Luckily the league allows NPCs to join. What level is she?]

[1276…. I do not think she can join.] He ignored the whole dating part.

[What!? 1276!? Is she a damn end game boss!?]

[No, Pam is just Pam. An eccentric elf. Is there even a level cap in this game?]

[A level cap…. I am not sure, to be honest, never heard of one. Maybe not. Well doesn't matter anyways because the games are all restricted to a certain level, so she will only have the power of that level. Anyway, meet me at the diner. And bring your elf girlfriend to meet your human girlfriend. I will explain everything about the league to you.]

Ayden was confused by Isabella's words since he did not have a human girlfriend. He had a girl who was a friend, namely her. So thinking about it, he figures this was what she meant. He looked up at Pam, who was staring at him from his chest, and said: "We are going out to breakfast. And meeting a friend of mine."

"Why do I feel it is a girl?" Pam asked with pursed lips.

"Haha…. Well, cause she is….." Ayden scratched his head feeling slightly embarrassed. Pam snorted and got up. She didn't care all that much, but she was afraid her disciple would be taken away!

"Master, just so you know, I plan on joining a league here soon to make more money in the real world…. My friend is the organizer and wanted to go over some things with me and explain how it works." Ayden tried to explain.

"Hmmm…. Alright, I am kinda interested in this league as well."