CyPunk League

Ayden and Pam arrived at Smoldering Diner, where Ayden quickly spotted Isabella sipping on what looked to be tea at a table that was made from a tree trunk. Even the seats were made from logs. "Isabella!"

"You're here, good, come sit." Isabella looked at Ayden, then looked at the elf that was hugging his arm, glaring at her, and chuckled. It seemed every girl who met this guy just wanted to hang on to him no matter what. She sighed before she smiled at Pam and said: "It's good to see you again."

"Humph! What do you want with my disciple?" Pam asked with a snort as she sat down first. Ayden scratched his head, hoping there would not be an argument.

"Master, don't be so mean. I owe Isabella. She has helped me a lot." Ayden felt helpless, his Master was rude to everyone!

"Fine! So tell me about this league thing." Pam asked in a somewhat nicer tone.

"The CyPunk League is basically where players go to fight against each other to see who is better. Those in the top ranks will win a lot of rewards not only in game but out of game as well. I am trying to recruit Edge here to join my league team. And I also want to know if you wish to join. Having someone as knowledgeable as you on our team would help a lot." Isabella really hoped Pam would join.

"Oh? So it is basically fighting a bunch of brats?" Pam asked.

"You can say that, but the level is restricted to a certain level so that the level range is fair. So if the max level for the match is 60, then everyone would have their levels bumped up or down to level 60." Isabella explained.

"I see. This is quite interesting. And I can also keep an eye on my stupid disciple. So two birds with one stone. Now how will this benefit Edge? He is hard up right now and is working hard to make money." Pam had completely turned into Edge's manager at this time.

"He will be able to make quite a bit actually. A win can secure him a few million credits, while even a loss will give a few thousand to hundreds of thousands credits based on the event. So either way, he will always get something out of it. And this is all real world money." Isabella explained.

"I see…. So he will make good money." Pam looked up at Ayden and pursed her lips before asking: "What do you want to do?"

"I…. Isabella, I still need to look at the house before I can give an answer and talk to my sister about it. If she agrees, then I will be willing." Ayden wanted to get his sister's input to make sure she would feel comfortable living in someone else's house.

"Hmmm? You will be living with someone?" Pam asked, feeling confused.

"He would be moving into my house in the real world for cheap rent. I have two open rooms, and it would get him out of his one bedroom where he has to sleep on the couch." Isabella answered in Ayden's place.

Pam's face turned sour as she stared at Isabella and asked. "Do you like him?"

"Pfft! Cough! Cough!" Ayden spat out the tea that had just been given to him and looked at Pam, wondering why she would ask such a question.

Isabella found it funny as she leaned forward and propped her head up with her hands on the table, and asked. "Would it bother you if I did?"

"I…. I am his Master, so I must know who is trying to court my disciple!" Pam said, but her eyes wavered slightly. She did not want to give Ayden up.

Isabella smiled as she reached out and grabbed Pam's hand and said: "Don't worry. For now, it is just an interest, but I will never harm him or take him away from you in game I promise."

Pam looked at the girl holding her hand and slapped it away. "As long as you keep your word."

Ayden had no idea what was happening, but from the sounds of it, they had come to some kind of cryptic deal. He did not understand, did Isabella like him or not? Ayden sighed as he sipped his tea, deciding he was now part of the world. He would slowly float freely away in the wind and reappear somewhere else.

"Don't sulk because I didn't give you an answer. I can not say yes or no to a guy I just met. Well… If they asked me out on the same day, I would say no, but we will be living together if your sister says yes, so we have plenty of time to get to know each other, right?" Isabella would be lying if she said she was not interested. But she did not want to rush anything since she hardly knew Ayden. She only knew he was at least a trustworthy person, or else she would not have invited him to come live with her. Now, even more so since she now knew the Little Undertaker was his brocon sister.

"R-Right…." Ayden did not know how to answer. He only knew if a girl was going to tease him, he would show he was not so easy to tease as he did with Pam.

"Anyway! So it is all up to Edge's sister if we do this, right? I will say now, if Edge joins, I will join. But let me tell you now that if you dare to harm my disciple, I will not let you off." Pam suddenly let out a huge amount of pressure that caused the whole diner to feel like a few tens of thousands of pounds were weighing down on everyone there. This was called nano pressure. She stimulated the nanites in the air with her cultivation base to do her bidding, allowing her to overwhelm everyone present. All except Ayden, who was looking around in confusion.