Nanite Cultivation Part 1

"Pam, I get it! I promise!" Isabella had a hard time squeezing out these words. This was her first time experiencing the cultivation aspect of the game. She had never felt nano pressure before until now.

"Humph! Good!" Pam snorted as she released her pressure. Everyone there quickly let out a sigh of relief. Luckily she did not use her full strength or she would have killed everyone there with her nano pressure alone.

"Thank you…. That was nano pressure?" Isabella asked as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Yes. I am a Digital Sea cultivator." Pam replied as she looked at Ayden, who had been quiet this entire time. "Why are you not asking questions?"

Ayden scratched his head and said: "I am not too sure what is going on. I only heard about the cultivation stuff and do not know much about it, so since Isabella was asking questions, I figured I would listen and learn." Ayden had no idea what kinds of questions he should be asking since he had not done research on cultivation yet. He was not even sure if he could find much information on it either.

"I see. I guess that is you. When we were creating the augment chips, you were asking questions left and right because you knew things about it, correct?" Pam asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. Tech stuff I know and bits about the game I know since I have checked up on it, but I had yet to do any research on cultivation since I just started not too long ago." Ayden answered. This was just how he was. He would normally learn first, then once he got a somewhat understanding of what was being talked about, he would then ask questions. This was just how he always was.

"I see…. I will teach you more about cultivation later. It might be good for you to actually begin doing it soon as well since it will make your overall abilities much stronger." Pam's words stunned Isabella, who was now looking at Pam with hope in her eyes that she could learn too.

Pam looked at the girl, who was filled with hope, and snorted. "I will teach you as well since you are his friend. But I swear if you harm him…."

"I know, don't worry! I swear on my life that I will never hurt him." She wouldn't dare! The damn Little Undertaker would deal with her before Pam could! She just wondered why everyone who was powerful liked to jump in front of Ayden and be his shield!

"Good. For now, let's end the conversation here." Ayden suddenly said. "We can talk about cultivation later. I still have another hour or so in real time and want to get more things made for the auction house. Either way, right now, I still need more money."

"Alright. I will log out for a bit then. I also have a few phone calls to make." And a certain Little Undertaker to deal with.

After saying their goodbyes, Ayden left the store with Pam and began walking down the street. "Master, are you sure you want to join this league thing with me if I join?"

"Mm…. I have to keep an eye on my disciple, after all. Plus, once we begin your cultivation, you will need someone who knows about it to be at your side." Pam just did not want to leave Ayden alone. After so many years of living on her own, she found someone she did not dislike and wanted to take under her wing and maybe just maybe push for a bit more.

"I see…. Well, it will all depend on if I take her up on her offer. To be honest, I do want to since it would make things easier for me in the long run, but I still worry. And Madi's opinion matters." Ayden actually liked having Pam around because he had someone he could confide in. He hadn't had someone around him like this since his parents died, which was probably why he instinctively wanted to make Pam happy. That and he had taken an interest in Pam even if she was only an NPC.

"Just let me know what you plan to do. I will support you any way I can." Pam said as she hugged Ayden's arm. "I am your Master, after all."

Ayden shook his head. He was starting to feel that Pam was abusing her Master role. When they got back to the house, Pam watched as Ayden made more modified elven augment chips and elven injections. The elven injections were something that Ayden couldn't make without Pam since he needed her to spit in the concoction.

After about four hours of work, he had another few stacks of injections and some augment chips to sell. "I will put these on auction later."

"Good come, and we will go to the bedroom. I will teach you how to begin cultivation." Pam ordered as she pulled on Ayden to stand up. He looked at the clock and nodded since he still had about an hour of real world time before Madi got home.

He was pulled into the bedroom and forced to sit on the bed. "First, let me explain to you what cultivation is."

Pam took a deep breath as she said: "In this world, there are nanites which are basically mini machines that are so small that you can't even see them without prior knowledge of them. They fill the air around us, and as you take each breath, they will enter your lungs and exhale out of them. While this is one way to get them to enter your body, this does nothing for you. Since you need these nanites to enter through your cybernetics and skin in order to improve your overall body, they work with both mortal skin, muscles, and cybernetics which makes them a very strange kind of machine. But they will boost your abilities by a lot just from going from a mortal to a digital attractor."