Nanite Cultivation Part 2

"Master, you said something about digital sea before and digital attractor and mortal. What do these stand for?" Ayden was a bit confused with all this terminology, so he needed things broken down a bit more to understand things better.

"To put it simply, they are ranks or more like realms. So let's say you start off as a mortal. You can only get so powerful with items and equipment as you level up. But what happens when you add in cultivation? You break the binds of being a mortal and become a digital attractor. A digital attractor, if you were to take away all the cybernetics and enhancers, would still be stronger. That is because the nanites in your system would make you that much stronger. As you continue to cultivate, you will only become more powerful. When you go from being a digital attractor to a digital condensing, you will be stronger than any digital attractor with or without cybernetics.

"And this is the same for each realm you reach. Now each of these realms are broken down into three basic stages. Early, middle, and late. For each of these stages, you will see a noticeable strength boost as well. And it will always give you a bit of a boost over an earlier stage unless they have better cybernetics than you." Pam walked over and sat next to Ayden, and closed her eyes. "The world is vast. You are only sitting in a small section of this world. As you grow stronger, you will spread your wings and see much more of it as you progress."

Ayden looked at Pam, who was leaning against him with her eyes closed, and smiled. He couldn't help but reach out and caress her face causing her to open her eyes. She looked up at him in a kind of daze that looked so cute that Ayden was unable to control his own actions as he leaned down and kissed her lips for the second time.

Pam did not resist as she once more closed her eyes. This time their kiss lasted much longer. When they finally parted again, Ayden gazed at Pam and wished he could stay a bit longer, but when he saw the time, he knew it was time to log off. As if reading his mind, Pam hugged him and said: "Go…. I will be here waiting for you."

"Mm…. I will be back later, I promise." Ayden hugged Pam back before logging off.

Pam sat there staring at the empty space in front of her for a moment before standing up and walking into her lab. "If I can figure it out, then maybe….."


In the real world, Greg Standford was brought back to his house and sent to their private tech. His father was in the room looking at his son, who was getting new arms attached. "You fucking idiot! I warned you many times to never ever get on the Little Undertaker's bad side! What the hell were you thinking!?"

"Father, this is not my fault! How was I supposed to know that that bastard was her brother!? If I had known, I would have done things in a more discreet manner! And why are you so afraid of the Little Undertaker anyway!? She knows nothing about the business world and is just some bitch thug who runs wild in the slums!" Greg did not understand why his father was scared of some little girl. So what if she had powerful cybernetics? She was nothing when it came down to it because by tomorrow, they will be kicked out on the streets.

"You do not understand how the world works. Do you think she is able to run wild just because we are scared of her? There is someone backing her. We are not able to deal with her backer. Although I highly doubt that she even knows she is being backed." Greg's father yelled out. "And what do you mean they will be kicked out?"

"Heh…. I bought the building they are living in. She will not have a home after I evict her and her trash brother." Greg said with a mocking grin. "I will have my revenge."

"Oh? I see you used your head for once. Let's see how it works out. But you can not target her alone. Evict everyone and tear it down. You can open a nightclub and make some money that way." Hearing his father's suggestion, Greg felt that this was a great idea.


"Hmmm? What's this…." Ayden took off his headset to find that he sitting in the living room by himself with a set of cybernetic legs and arms on the table. "Cybernetics!?"

"Brother!?" Madi's voice came from the other room. She quickly came out of the bedroom and hugged her brother. "Do you like them!? I found them in the trash on my way home. I was thinking you could fix them up and equip them."

"This…." Ayden was stunned. Who the hell would throw away a good set of cybernetics? These looked to be top of the line! Thinking for a moment, he looked around and asked: "Where is Isabella? I want to ask if there is anything wrong with these."

"Are you not going to thank me, brother!?" Madi was doing her best not to freak out and run back into her room to the girl who was tied to a chair and rip her limbs off.

"Right, sorry. I was just stunned…." Ayden looked at Madi and rubbed her head. "Thanks, Madi… I will need to do some tests before I do anything and check the programming on them before I think about equipping them."

"Okay, I will go get Big Sister Isabella. She is in my room." Madi said as she smiled happily. Her brother likes them! In a good mood, she decided to let the bitch off. Ayden normally would try to sell such things in order to make some money for her sister's cybernetics, but after the issue, with Greg, he decided that since they were brought to his front door, he might as well make use of them.