A New Home Part 1

Isabella wished she had never logged out. When she logged out, she found herself tied up to a chair in the Little Undertaker's bedroom, which was surprisingly very girly! Now she could only hope that Ayden would wake up soon. As she was pondering how to deal with the situation, a click was heard, and Madi walked back in. "It seems I can no longer punish you since my brother is done playing. Just remember, Isabella, I do not want my brother to get hurt."

"I know. I am not stupid enough to harm him under your watch unless I had a death wish. Anyway…." Isabella stood up as she took the chains off her arms. Seeing this made Madi frown. She could have sworn she secured them tightly.

"I will go and talk with your brother. You should start packing. I am sure we will be heading over to the new house soon to take a look." Isabella said with a teasing grin causing Madi's anger to grow once more. But Isabella ignored her as she walked out of the room.

"Ayden, you out?" Isabella asked, acting as if nothing had just happened.

"Yeah. Did you see these? Madi found them. Are they any good? Actually, I should have introduced you two." Ayden asked as he held one of the cybernetic arms in his hands.

"It's fine. We got to know each other just now, and yeah, to answer your question, they are really good. I wonder why they were tossed. Do you plan to equip them?"Isabella wondered if Greg would have a heart attack to know that his million credit cybernetics were being used by the man he hated most in this world. Just thinking about it made her smile.

"I was thinking about it after I went over the programming. After doing the augment chips in game I was thinking that maybe I could even improve some cybernetics and rebuild parts of them. Since I have such a nice base here, I kinda wanted to go over them and see where I can upgrade them, plus….. I do not want another incident like today happening again." Ayden did not want to be in a situation where he was being looked down upon again. Today Isabella was there to help him, but what about next time? Would he end up in the hospital? Would he be killed? He could not let his little sister be left alone. She has already lost her parents. He did not want her to lose the last of her family.

"Oh? You want to upgrade them?" Isabella was kind of surprised, but after thinking about it, he did say he fixed things up and even fixed his headset.

"Yeah. I think it will make Madi happy too." Ayden replied. "Speaking of Madi. Madi, come out here, please."

"Coming, Brother!" Madi came running out with a cute smile on her face, a stark contrast to her usual cold, crazy like expression.

Seeing this side of Madi made Isabella want to puke. And even more so when Madi said: "Did Big Sister Isabella say they were okay?"

"Mm… I plan to fix them up. Also, I wanted to let you know. I am going to become a pro gamer. And Isabella offered to take me on in her league team, which will allow me to enter contests to win money alongside the money I make in game. She will even let us move into her place, where rent will be 500 credits a month with everything included. It is also closer to your school. Do you want to check it out?" Ayden asked.

"Brother, can you make a lot of money on the game?" Madi asked curiously, making Isabella almost crack under the fakeness of the damn bro-con in front of her.

"I made 250,000 credits on my first day in game and should hopefully be getting more soon," Ayden explained.

"Then let's look." Madi didn't like it, but she wanted to lessen her brother's burden. For that, she would put up with anything if it was for her brother.

"Alright. Then…." Ayden looked at Isabella, who quickly recomposed herself as she pushed down her lunch.

"Then let's take a quick look," Isabella replied. And with that, the group of three left the apartment and made their way toward Isabella's place.

The street she lived up on was much more upscale than anything Ayden had ever lived in. There were few to no drug addicts lying on the side of the road. However, there were a few people with cans out trying to get spare credits. The security of this area was so much higher than where Ayden currently lived, and walking the streets was much safer. He even saw a few kids younger the Madi running around in nice clothes.

This alone already made him like the area. "We are here," Isabella said as she stood in front of a large luxurious looking building. Ayden craned his neck to look up at the building, but the neon lights reflecting off the glass windows made it hard to see anything.

But just the fact that there were five security guards standing at the front door let Ayden know this was a very well protected place. "Very fancy."

"My father owns the building. My place is the top penthouse." Isabella's words caused both Madi and Ayden to look at her in surprise. He thought it was going to be just some big apartment, not the penthouse!

All of a sudden, Ayden was starting to get nervous. He hoped he was not going to anger someone important by living in his daughter's place. "Isabella, are you sure it is okay? I mean, I am a guy. Won't your parents not allow this?"

"It's fine. I already told him that my team might consist mainly of guys when I started this thing. He just told me not to get pregnant until I was married, or he would disown me. And I think the last thing I have to worry about around you at this time is getting pregnant." While Ayden's manly pride was hit full on, Madi's face felt like it was being slapped by the bitch!

"Ah. Sorry, that was rude. I didn't mean it that way. I just mean that you are not a scumbag who would force himself on a girl."