A New Home Part 2

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Besides his manly pride, he really did not take much offense to what she said.

The bottom floor was just as grand as the outside. Large reception area with people standing behind a desk to greet those who were coming in. Even though this was an apartment building, it seemed more like a hotel with how the main entrance layout was.

"Young Miss, you are here." A young woman called out as she walked over to Ayden's group.

"Is there a problem?" Isabella asked. She was confused as to why this woman, Tanya, was coming to talk to her.

"Yes, someone tried to access your penthouse. He is currently being detained in the cells downstairs." Tanya replied.

"Alright. Keep them there. I will deal with it later. See if you can find out who sent them." Isabella felt something was off because there should be no reason why anyone would want to break into her penthouse. She had nothing of real value there for someone to even risk it.

"As you wish, Young Miss. Are these your guests?" Tanya asked curiously as she looked at Madi and Ayden.

"Yes, they are my friends. They may be moving in. So I will need you to get them proper keys to the elevator and penthouse if they do." Isabella replied. "Anyway, I need to show them the place. I will be down later to deal with the other thing."

"Yes, Young Miss… but your father…. Your father might get mad if you are living with a ma…." Tanya quickly closed her mouth when she saw Isabella glare at her.

"Tanya mind your own business. Ayden might be joining my team and will be helping me reach my goal. So do not ask questions. And just so you know the two here are siblings." Isabella did not like when the staff brought up her father. She turned to Ayden and Madi and said: "Follow me."

The group got into the elevator, and after plugging in and inserting a key into the elevator, it began moving up. Isabella leaned back against the elevator wall with her feet crossed in front of her. She pulled out a stick of gum and popped it into her mouth. "In the future, you should be more careful, Ayden. As you can see, even things happen here."

"I see that," Ayden replied. No place was one hundred percent safe in Neo City. But because they have such strong security in this place, it would be much better than his other apartment. He looked over at Madi, who was looking around in interest, and wondered what she thought. But he would only ask once they saw the place.

The elevator was quite quick, and they reached the top in only a few minutes. The doors slid open to reveal a short hallway with three men in black suits standing there. "Young Miss."

"These are my friends. They may be moving in soon, so watch over them and make sure nothing happens to them." Isabella ordered without so much as a hello.

"Yes, Young Miss." The guards respectfully bowed to Isabella as they walked by. Both Madi and Ayden looked at one another in surprise. Even Madi, who has known Isabella from before, was surprised at how thick the security was here. Whether she liked the girl or not, she had to say she had the means.

Once they reached the door, Isabella once more used a plug and a key to open the door before walking inside with Ayden and Madi trailing behind them. What the brother and sister duo were met with was a large wall of glass that looked out over the city below and a small lounge area with even a bar at the side. There were many neo signs and holo TVs hanging from the ceiling playing videos from CyPunk Online. And this was just what they were met with when they first entered. To the right was a door that led to an office with a huge twenty screen computer set up that had multiple cameras and other screens displayed on them.

"This is where I normally entertain people. The door to the right is a security room. To your left are the main living areas, kitchen, baths, and bedrooms. If you go out to the roof, you will find a swimming pool and bathhouse with a sauna. There is even a batting cage out there as well as a place to grill food and other things. Oh, and a few places to park as well if you have a car. Come, I will show you the rooms." Isabella said as if it was all normal, but for both Madi and Ayden, who had never seen such a rich, luxurious place, it was like walking into a fairy tale.

They followed behind Isabella to the living area where the living itself was three times the size of their old one bedroom apartment. There were two floors here as well, with a set of stairs leading to the second floor by the door leading out to the roof.

"The bedrooms are on the second floor." Isabella walked up the stairs with her hands in her pocket as she blew a bubble with her gum.

When they reached the second floor, Isabella stopped in front of one of the rooms and said: "This room and the one next to it are free. The one at the end is mine. It's the biggest, but these two are both decent sizes as well. They are fully furnished and have five screen pcs that are fully upgraded. You can use them as you please. They both have their own bath as well, plus a one hundred inch holo tv. Cleaners come once a week, so you just have to keep up your daily chores, and the rest will be done by them unless you wish to do it yourself. So what do you think? Not bad, right? Not only do you get a large amount of security, but you get to do pretty much whatever you want in this place. You only need to pay five hundred credits a month, and you can live here."