The Decision

"This is just…." Ayden was truly trying to take this all in. He looked at the fancy place and then at his sister, who was standing at his side and was also taken aback by just how extravagant this place was.

"I will leave you two alone for now so you can look the place over more." Isabella patted Ayden on the shoulder before walking back downstairs.

Ayden stood there in a daze as he looked at the huge bedroom. He could easily set up a workshop in here and still have room for other things. "Brother, let's go in and take a look."

Madi could tell her brother was interested in the place. Even she was interested in it. To live in such a luxurious home was something she could not say she had never dreamt about, but she would never go anywhere where her brother was not. She grabbed her brother's hand and pulled him into the room and walked over to the bed and sat down. Thinking about the fact that Isabella seemed interested in her brother angered Madi to no end, but she would not allow her brother to suffer. "Brother, I can tell you want to take up this offer. If you wish to do so, I will follow you wherever you go. I would prefer you doing something that will at least reward you for your hard work."

"Madi, are you sure? I mean, yes, I do want to take this offer, but I want you to know I will do what you wish." Ayden's only reason for working hard was for his little sister. He wanted her to have a good life and live with the best. If he could rent a room here, even if it was only for her, he would do so, so she could feel like a princess.

Ayden reached out and placed his skinny hand that showed he really had not been eating well on his sister's head. "I just want you to grow up without worries and have the ability to take care of yourself when you get older. I will do everything I can to make sure you make it there."

Madi looked at Ayden with tears in her eyes. This was why she loved her brother so much. She took his hand and put it on her cheek as she hugged it. "I am fine as long as you are there." Her brother was the greatest person in the world. He cared and sacrificed everything for her, even his own education. She would never be able to repay his kindness in taking care of her even though they were truly not brother and sister by blood.

Ayden smiled and ruffled Madi's hair with his other hand as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Then we will move here. The security alone is enough for me to choose this place. I can at least feel safe to know that you are living in a place that will be hard for anyone to cause trouble in."

"Alright." Madi nodded her head obediently.

Isabella, who had planned to go to her room to get something, overheard their conversation and couldn't help but tear up at the two's close relationship. She knew Ayden was a good man. He really doted on his younger sister. She did not know everything about the two's past, but she could tell it must not have been easy for Ayden to raise his sister all this time. Not wanting to be caught overhearing them, she quickly retreated back downstairs. She now understood why Madi was such a bro-con. Even she wished she had a brother like Ayden. But since she couldn't, she could only have the next best thing. Although only time could tell if that was possible or not. She still had to remember that while Madi was obedient and a normal girl around her brother, she was a crazy and fucked in the head when it came to anyone else.

Ten minutes later, the siblings came downstairs to find Isabella sitting at the bar sipping a neon drink. "Made a decision?"

"Mm…. We will take it. I will join your team." Ayden replied while clenching his fists. He hoped this would be worth it. He hoped this would be the chance he needed to make a better life for his sister so she would never have to worry about anything again.

"Great! I will have some people help you move. They will give you a lift back to your house. I will also have my lawyer set up a rental agreement and a contract with the company. I promise. I will give you very special treatment." Isabella was not going to be cheap and try to screw Ayden over. First, she did not want to deal with the Little Undertaker's wrath, and second, she knew Ayden would amount to something great. She now had a three man team and still needed one more person. Sadly the Little Undertaker was under the age of eighteen, which was the age needed to join the league.

"Then I will take you up on the offer. Isabella, thank you. I will work hard to help you reach your goals." Ayden was glad for the help. It meant he would not need to carry everything over, which would be quite tiresome. While he could hire others to help him as well, he only had a little money at this time and did not want to waste too much of it for the time being.

"Good. Then I will make a quick call. Oh, right, Madi, come with me for a moment, please." Isabella had to make a few things clear as they were now going to be living together.

Madi frowned but quickly formed a smile as she said: "Sure!"

The two girls walked outside out onto the roof, where Ayden could still see them but not hear them. Isabella did this on purpose to keep the Little Undertaker under control. "Madi, I know you do not like me being near your brother, but from this moment on, we will be living together. And I will not say I am not interested in him. But I will say this. No matter what happens, I hope you can understand one thing. You can't always keep your brother to yourself. He is much older and will one day get married and have kids. The same goes for you as well. You are his sister by law. Blood related or not, he is still your brother, no more, no less. Always remember this."

Madi's eyes were burning with rage as she stared at the woman in front of her but what she hated most was that she knew all of this! There was no changing this fact, and she hated it! Through gritted teeth, she said: "We will see what happens. But I will say it once more. You do anything to harm my brother, I will rip your fucking head off and shove it up your ass."