A New Start

"If I ever end up hurting him I will not hide," Isabella replied before turning around and walking back inside. Madi could only hold her anger in as she walked back inside as well. She felt that her coming days might be filled with this bitch being very annoying. And she hated to say it, but she was right. She hated the thought of someone stealing her brother away from her, but it seemed like she would not be able to escape that in the future, especially now that her brother might become well known. She looked up at Ayden, who was now talking with Isabella, and sighed. Did she really have to give up how things were now between them? Would they drift apart? Madi's head was spinning, but one thing she knew was that eventually, she would need to come clean about her cybernetics.

"The rental truck will be here soon. So you should go with them to help you pack up. When you log in to the game tonight, just do your own thing. We will go over contracts tomorrow." Isabella suddenly paused for a second before continuing: "Okay, they are downstairs. When you get back, I will have it set up so you can be registered into the systems."

"Then we will be back in a bit. Let's go, Madi, we have a lot to do." Ayden turned and walked towards the exit. Madi quickly followed after Ayden. Her head was still spinning.

The guards and even Tanya downstairs were very polite to the brother and sister as they exited the building. Outside was a large moving truck hovering in the air. "You, Ayden?" The man leaning against the truck smoking a cigarette asked.

"Yes, Isabella called you?" Ayden replied.

The man nodded and smiled a toothy grin as he introduced himself. "Name's Mack. I will help you get all moved. I got a few boys in the back to help as well. Don't worry, I got two girls as well, so the little missy will not need to worry about any guys touching her stuff. Hop on in the cab, and we will head on down."

"Alright, thanks a lot. We are at…." Ayden gave his address, and Mack nodded. The window to the back of the truck opened up, and a skinny young man poked his head through. "Mack, turn the air on back here, so we are not dying."

"I told you to fucking bring your truck, but you didn't. So do not blame me for having to ride in the back." Mack yelled while shoving the skinny young man's head back through the window. He then let out a laugh as he said: "Ignore that bastard. He is just complaining because he always rides up front."

"It's fine." Ayden was not bothered at all. He was just enjoying the fact that he did not need to pull a cart to move house.

When they arrived at the old building, Mack raised an eyebrow at the neighborhood they were in. "Now, isn't this just nice."

"Sorry, it's not the safest place, so it is probably best to keep someone sitting here keeping watch." Ayden scratched his head. It was not too bad, but since he saw police here earlier, he felt maybe it would be safer to keep someone on watch duty.

"Ah, don't worry. We got just the thing for that." Mack had everyone get out as he went to the back and opened up the rear door. Six people hopped out, three men and three girls. He then hit a button on the side, and two sentry guns slid out from hidden compartments. "These bad boys will shoot anyone who does not have a detection tag on the,"

Mack reached into his pocket and pulled out eight tags. "I will need these back after we drop your stuff off at your new place. But for now, keep them on you or unless you want to be turned into swiss cheese."

"Alright, thanks." Ayden took two tags and handed one to Madi. He did not know how he felt about these sentry guns guarding his things like this. He decided he would do his best to keep away from the back of the truck for the time being.

Ayden and Madi showed the crew to the apartment and then split up as they began getting things together and packed up. Since they were rushing, it would take a few hours to load everything up. Luckily since they were using a moving company, boxes and things were all supplied, which helped a lot.

After a few hours and cleaning up, Ayden and Madi took one last look at the place they had been living in for years now and closed the door. He dropped the key off to the clerk downstairs before leaving this apartment building for good. He had a lot of good memories here, some good, some bad. But it was at least a place he could call home. Now he had to work hard and hope he would be able to rise up to the top in this new career he had chosen for himself.

"I will need to start leveling more…." Ayden pursed his lips as he spoke his thoughts out loud. He had a box in his hand and was now unpacking his stuff in his new room. This was going to be a new start for him. He did not want to waste this chance.

He put his VR headset down on the bed and looked around his room. His work table was in the far corner, with the cybernetics sitting on top of it. He had even organized the things he had strewn all over the place before making things easier to find. "I should have dinner, then log in. Pam is probably waiting for me. She will probably not like it when I say I will need to go level up, either. Oh, and I have things on the auction house. I wonder if they sold." Ayden had many things to do in game now that he thought about it. He decided he would make a list of things he had to accomplish when he logged into the game later before heading to the auction house. He also still had a bunch of modified elven augment chips to sell as well.