
Madi went silent. She was also troubled by this. She never thought she would need to try to come up with an excuse so soon. "We will talk about it later. Just watch over my brother. I need to go."'

Isabella chuckled. It seemed any time her brother was involved, she would be willing to restrain herself. But Isabella was happy about one thing. The Little Undertaker was willing to leave her brother in her care which was a sign of trust. "She probably thinks there is nowhere for me to run if something did happen."

"If it isn't Miss Lancastor!" A voice filled with sarcasm came from behind Isabella, who frowned and looked over.

"Oh? Young Miss Davis. May I ask why you are in one of my family shops?" Isabella asked. She hated this woman the most since she was one of her father's rival's daughters.

"I just saw your head and thought I would come over and ask how it feels to have a drug dealer and addict lying around your house. So? How is it? Having a cycraze addict in your house?" Young Miss Davis, Nicky Davis's lips curled up into a mocking smile.

"And where did you hear such things?" Isabella asked, her eyes turning cold. She had an idea of who would spread such rumors, but she had no evidence.

"It's all over high society. To think, Mr. Lancastor has a daughter who shelters such people." Nicky chuckled as she said this but soon frowned when she saw Isabella's calm expression.

"Are you an idiot?" Isabella asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Nicky wrinkled her brow as she felt slightly uncomfortable, seeing how calm she was.

"Ayden is someone who is going into Esports. You, of all people, should know the strict regulation they have against drug use. Not to mention he is in the process of getting cybernetics in this shop right now. You should know my father's standards when it comes to his businesses. He would not serve anyone who was under the influence or addicted to any kind of drug. So right now, he is undergoing a drug test. So tell me, where did you hear this from?" Isabella's smile made Nicky want to scream, but she had to admit that the damn girl was right! Her father was very strict about these things and would not bend such rules, even for his daughter. And if what she said is true and the one she called Ayden is going into Esports, then there is no way he could be an addict.

She took a deep breath and decided to save herself some face. "Rumors are rumors, I guess. Anyway, you should explain things if you can. But the current rumor has spread far and wide."

"I won't need to. Ayden will slap everyone's face for looking down on him. In a way, I am glad someone did spread this rumor. This means he will have to work harder." Isabella wanted to use this chance for Ayden to stand out more. He said he wanted to make a name for himself, so he did not need to hide behind her, so this was a good chance for him to do just that.

"Oh? I am quite curious as to who this person is that you are so willing to protect and even take on your team." Nicky walked over and sat down as if what she was doing was not out of the ordinary. Isabella only snorted when she saw her sit down. She then touched her temple and made a call. She still had many things to set up and two more people to find for her team.

In the back, Ayden was looking at the device that was currently drawing his blood and taking readings off his body with great curiosity. "So this is how they do all the testing, huh?"

"Yes, it is. We have the highest grade equipment possible, so we are sure that everything is one hundred percent. We do not want our customers to think they are in a side alley somewhere. It is lucky your body, while skinny and lacking proper nutrients, is in good shape. We can set the settings on your cybernetics a little higher to give you more speed. But I do suggest working on your body more so we can tune your new equipment to be much better." Mr. Roselen explained.

"So I am not getting the full usage out of these?" Ayden was confused. He thought they would be set to proper settings.

"It's not that we can't, but if you are going to be working out and following the Young Miss's training schedule, it would be best if it was not. We can only go as far as possible without stressing out your body. You are only getting your legs and arms done, so this means you will not have enough strength in the rest of your body to keep up. We do not need you hurting yourself now do we?" Mr. Roselen was only looking out for Ayden's well being. He did not wish for Ayden to get hurt during his training if his body could not keep up with his cybernetics.

"Alright, thank you. I learned something new today." Ayden replied with a smile. But then, a thought came to mind. "Is there a tuning program I can use to tune up the cybernetics myself without needing to come all the way back?"'

"There is but are you sure? The service is free." Mr. Roselen answered.

"Yeah, it's fine. I actually have a set of legs and arms at the house as well, but they are in the process of me reworking part of the programming to boost their abilities. And I plan to do intensive training between my gaming sessions, which will make things quite difficult if I have to keep running back and forth." Ayden did not want to have to keep running to the shop every other day as he made progress in his training.

"I understand. Before you leave, I will show you which parameters to change and give you a fine tuning program free of charge." Mr. Roselen answered before staring at his screen for a second and continuing: "Your results are perfect. We can now begin surgery."