Operation Complete

Two hours passed, and Ayden woke up feeling kind of groggy. The world around him was fuzzy, but he could feel the cold metal against his skin. This was a sign that he now had new cybernetics. He smiled at the thought that he was now no longer his old, weak self. He could finally stand up for himself and even protect his baby sister. While he knew these cybernetics would not match up to those top of the line ones, it was still a big step.

"You're awake?" Mr. Roselen called out to Ayden. The process of removing the arms and legs and then connecting nerves and muscles to the pugs so that they all could properly send signals to the new cybernetic was not all that difficult anymore with today's technology, but it was still a delicate task even when the best A.I. was doing the job. Each limb still took thirty minutes to do. "How are you feeling?"

"Just a little tired. Everything went okay?" Ayden asked. He could feel his arms and legs, so he was hoping the answer was yes.

"Everything went perfectly. Once you are fully awake, I will take you in to show you how to use the program when updating the performance of your new limbs. Remember not to push past your limits. You will be given a device to test your muscle mass and weight. Once you reach the proper settings, I write down. You can then update the cybernetics performance. Otherwise, you might strain the muscles in your body, causing you to get injured. " Mr. Roselen did not wish for such a special guest to get hurt before he could help his company's Young Miss achieve her dreams.

It was no secret within the companies that the Lancastors owned that Isabella wanted her own esports team. She had been trying to put it together for a while. Only now was she finally showing results.

Ayden nodded to show he understood. "I will be sure to watch my progress carefully and make sure I tune the cybernetics up and down based on my current state."

"Good. I am glad you are sensible. We have had a few people come in here and end up with back injuries or even broken hips. There was even one guy who broke his manhood. This is because they pushed themselves past their limits. They went to black alley shops to have their cybernetics tuned up. Anyway, enough about them. There is one last thing I want to warn you about." Mr. Roselen's expression became serious once again. "If you feel your cybernetics are not working correctly or any kind of rejection. Tell the Young Miss right away. She will bring you here. It doesn't matter the time of day. I will come in and help you deal with the issue."

"I will." Ayden nodded once more. He actually never thought about his cybernetics rejecting him. He had heard about it before. But this was more due to the plugs. Something about crossed nerves causing damage to the nervous system. Sometimes this will even affect a person's brain.

"Good. Follow me." Mr. Roselen saw that Ayden had come to all the way, so he decided to give him the rundown on the program.

The two spent a good hour going over the program, and Mr. Roselen even wrote out all the information he needed, along with the proper equipment to test his muscle mass and weight for tuning. Once he was done, he walked out of the back room to find Isabella sitting there with another woman sitting across from her. For some reason, he felt the air was very thick.

"You're done?" Isabella stood up. She wanted to take Ayden and get out of there quickly. She did not want to entertain the stupid woman next to her.

"Mmm… Everything went smoothly." Ayden replied. Isabella was about to grab his hand and pull him away when an annoying voice was heard from her side.

"Oh? So this is the one you have been waiting on." Nicky looked at Ayden as if she was judging his worth, making him feel a bit awkward. After walking around him a few times, she nodded and walked over to Isabella and patted her shoulder as she whispered: "He's not bad looking."

Isabella snorted and ignored her as she looked at Mr. Roselen. "Everything is settled? No issues? He will start training today."

"He is fine to go. The equipment here is all top of the line. So the rapid healing system only took ten mins per limb." Mr. Roselen replied before pausing and saying: "You should keep an eye on him. If there are any signs of rejection, make sure you call me. We can not allow him to get injured in any way."

"Don't worry. I would drag you out of bed even if you refused." Isabella answered with a chuckle. "Just charge my tab, and I will pay it later. We need to go pick up his sister."

"Alright. Safe Travel's Young Miss, Mr. Towson." Mr. Roselen gave them both a bow and walked them to the door.

When Ayden reached outside, he looked at the cars moving overhead and took a deep breath. "I feel brand new…."

"Haha! Yeah, I am not surprised. Most people feel the same when they get cybernetics. I also felt the same. Oh… right… I plan to get Madi some cybernetics this weekend. We will be having a girls' day out." Isabella suddenly said while at the same time sending Madi a message.

"Huh? But I can…." Ayden wanted to say he could buy her some, but Isabella stopped him from speaking by pressing her finger against his lips. "I want to do this because I like Madi. This has nothing to do with you." She hated lying since, in truth, she was doing it to get on the Little Undertaker's good side, but it was worth it to make things more peaceful at home.