Enduring Session

"Now, how about we start with the basics."

She cuts away the electrical wire gag with her Cybernetic fingers and tosses it to the ground, "What is your name, friend?"


The man looks up at them, glaring at everyone in the room as if trying to memorise their features, presumably for when he breaks out and puts bounties on their heads... Not that such a thing was likely.

He tries to spit at Susie, who just sides steps it and stares at the green globule on the floor, "Kuso yarō-domo-me!" he shouts, bearing his teeth as if he wanted to tear out her throat.

Susie just folds her arms and glances at Judy, "Hm, that didn't sound like a name to me, you?"

"I'd feel bad for him if it was." She lightly says.

"Now, let's try that again. I'll warn you though, the next lie will not be nice." Susie states, walking around to his back while tracing a finger over his face, drawing a thin crimson line in his skin as she does so. "What, is your name?"

"Noname Nowon, Kono kuso shōfu!" he growls, only to choke as Susie grabs his hair and slips a metal finger into his mouth, pulling it against the side of his lips, threatening to widen it.

"Noname huh? Very funny! Give. Me. Your. Name!" she asks, slowly applying more pressure, causing blood to dribble from the slowly opening cut.

"Watashi no chin powo shabut-EEAAAHHHHHGGGKKK!!" he screams out before he can complete his sentence, Susie's finger pulling straight through the side of his mouth, all the way up to cheekbone.

"I will remind you, my friend and I have translation software. Call us whores and tell us to suck you off all you want if it makes you feel better, but trust me, we're only just getting started." Susie states, flicking blood from her finger before holding it up right in front of his eye. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME, TYGER CLAW!?"

The man breathes heavily, blood drooling out from the large wound now decorating the side of his face. "Y-you want Engrish...? I give you... S-sucku my cocku... F-fuckinga whore..."

Both Susie and Judy let out sighs, the latter glancing at Ori and Rebecca, "You two sure you want to be here for this?"

Ori nods, "Yeah, just make sure he survives, I need to know where Cat is."

Rebecca shrugs at his side, "I've been wondering why you haven't gutted him yet, just do it already!"


"Weird friends you've made, Judes." Susie drawls, cracking her knuckles.

"Yeah... I know..."


Hours pass as Susie applies various 'techniques' on their guest. From tearing one of his eyes out of their socket, cutting all of his fingers off, forcing him to watch death BD's, to even flaying parts of his body, revealing the pink flesh beneath.

Strangely or not, the thing that got the guy finally talking was Rebecca, recommending they just castrate him. Indeed, Ori knew he wouldn't have been able to handle having an eye ruined, let alone having his cock chopped off. Despite the guy working with rapists and slavers, he might've been feeling a little sorry for him...

Susie pointed a knife at his groin and he began singing like a bird in fluent English, even ridding himself of that Asian accent he'd been using... There, they found many things, first, the guy was called Toyama Rin and he was responsible for handling some of the communication between the gang and Arasaka.

Second and most unfortunate, he seemed to have some Cyberware installed in his head that prevented him from uttering anything about Arasaka at all. He hadn't even been able to speak the company name, having to nod his head as Susie played charades with him... Even that seemed to be setting the countermeasures off slightly, causing his to switch slightly as small electrical discharges came from it.

Thankfully, this device did nothing to hide Tyger Claw secrets. The guy knew where every major base was, the most high-level gang members, places where their supplies were stored, and even the names of the most dangerous gangers.

Susie and Judy drained him for information, and after that, they allowed Ori to ask his questions. He asked about the man Yelain spoke about, but the guy didn't have a clue... Apparently, the guy wasn't familiar with the customers themselves, merely the business. Even after some 'motivation' the guy still had no idea, leaving them at another dead end.

Everything wasn't completely ruined however, the information Susie and Judy had gained would help in their silent war against the Tygers. That'd give him more opportunities to question them, even if they didn't work, he was pretty sure Rogue would come through for him. Not because he trusted her, but because he trusted her reputation.

Ori reluctantly steps away from the beaten and bloody man, looking at the others, "I'm done. What're you gonna do with him?"

Susie shrugs, "What else? Tie some rocks to his legs and toss him in the river. Not like we can let him go now, he knows us, knows what we know."

Ori just nods, aware that this was the end result. He's to reply when he receives a text from someone he hadn't wanted to speak to...

[Ori, just wanted to ask, there a reason those tickets I gave u are up for auction? Did they get stolen? I know u wouldn't have done this yourself.] - Christy

He scowls which is immediately noticed by the others, "Sorry, gotta speak to someone, I'll see you guys later, hit me up if there's another job." he says, giving a brief wave at Susie, Judy, and Rebecca as he steps out of the bar and towards his car that'd been parked nearby. He gets inside and lights a cig before texting back.

[Oh idk, maybe this poor orphan needed the eddies.] - Ori


[Ori, u didn't do this, right... I trusted u with those... Idk if u noticed but u having them is a big deal!] - Christy