
"Last night, i slept outside the door, i didn't sleep in the same room with Arci, if you don't believe it ask your guards" Bremo explained since they are still in his turf.

Richard's expression eased up a little when he heard this. He put his hand around Bremo's shoulder, "Marshal Bremo, you must have been itching to get inside when you were outside the door".

Bremo pushed him away when his inner thoughts were revealed.

"Richard Bush!"

"Okay, I will shut up, Marshal Bremo, you don't really have a sense of humor, let's go, I'll personally walk you guys out to let you enjoy the prestige" Richard said.

Both Arci and Bremo stared at him without speaking.

"Are you kidding me? I don't need it from you" Bremo replied.

"Well You could never have too much prestige" Richard said.

"Where is my suitcase?" Arci asked him.

"Oh, You guys can wait for me downstairs, I will bring your suitcase down and follow you guys. After all, I have to pay my respect to the Military Governor, no?" Richard said.

Bremo eyed him and held Arci's hand, "Let's go downstairs" Bremo told Arci.

"Okay" she gave a nod and followed him out.

Two cars were waiting downstairs waiting for them.

In a few minutes, Richard came downstairs to meet them with Arci's suitcase in his hand, Drey was behind him since he is now the deputy commander.

He gave Arci her suitcase.

A soldier opened the car door, Bremo and Arci got into the Car, the soldier closed the car door gently, The soldier got into the driver seat and started the car

Richard and Drey got into the second car, They followed them behind.

They got to Lincoln mansion within 20 minutes because Richard's office is not far from the Lincoln mansion.

People were already waiting for them, Military Governor Albert and Mr Lincoln were in the front, while Runa and her mother were at the back.

The car stopped, the driver walked out and opened the door for them quickly. Bremo walked out of the car and helped Arci out too. Runa clenched her fist tightly when she did this.

Richard also walked out of his car with Drey behind him. "Military Governor Albert" Richard saluted him.

"Thank you for your trust and support, I will abide by the soldiers' creed and perform my duty of protecting the territory and the people and Keep Los Angeles a safe and peaceful place" Richard said, Military Governor Albert smiled but his smile didn't reach his face.

"Mr Lincoln, it must have cost you a lot, so I am grateful" he bowed to Lincoln.

"As long as I am still in Los Angeles, You will sit back and relax without worries" He told Lincoln sincerely since he will be his future father-in-law, he never counted Bremo as a competitor because he already lost before the war even started. You will know in the future.

"Thank you," Mr Lincoln said politely.

"Remember our agreement, I am waiting to see your actions" Military Governor Albert reminded him.

"Sure" Richard replied

"Drey, you choose this path yourself, hope you won't regret it" Military Governor Albert stared at Drey with viciousness in the depth of his eyes.

"I'm your protege now, Deputy commander Drey will surely pledge loyalty to you" Richard replied.

Military Governor Albert chuckled but he didn't say anything.

"Okay, everyone, I want to apologize to Mr Lincoln today, I really didn't know Miss Arci is your beloved daughter. Sorry for all the things I did, when Miss Arci and Marshal Bremo get married, I will send them generous gifts," Richard told Lincoln.

Lincoln gave a nod.

"Alright, your two families are about to become in-laws. Reunion is precious and I'll get out of your hair, But Marshal Bremo, you have Preempt such a beautiful girl to be your wife, you are so lucky" Richard said as he walked towards the car.

Runa couldn't take it anymore and stepped forward, "What do you mean by''Preempt ``?" Runa asked.

Richard ignored her like thin air and got into the car.

"Commander, what about your suitcase?" Drey asked. He already gave Arci her suitcase, his suitcase is still with Arci. He smiled slyly and closed the car door. He wants her to return it on her own.

"Arci, what is going on?" Runa grabbed her arm tightly, Arci tried to remove her arm from Runa's but her hold was too tight.

"Miss Runa, don't go too far" Bremo couldn't help but step forward.

"She is the one that goes too far! I should be the one engaged to you! Arci, how can you steal Bremo from me?" Runa said.

Bremo ignored her and turned to his father, "Father, let's go inside"

"Alright" Military Governor Albert replied.

Mr Lincoln led the way while Military Governor Albert followed behind.

Bremo separated their hands and held Arci's hand and followed them leaving Runa alone. Runa stomped her feet angrily on the floor when she saw this.

In the car

Richard was sitting at the back seat, Greg was driving while Drey was beside Greg at the front seat

"Drey, did you see that? When i said Arci is going to get married with Bremo, Runa turned livid" Richard smiled.

"Bremo and Runa were both childhood sweethearts, it was rumoured that they are already engaged, But then Miss Arci appeared suddenly, of course she would be livid with anger" Drey answered calmly.

"Exactly, don't you think this will be a good show, Two girls fighting over one man, it is God present to me" Richard smirked as he relax his body and close his eyes.

"Why can't i understand you?" Drey asked.

"It is normal that you don't understand" Richard replied with his eyes closed.

"Commander, why didn't you get that suitcase back at their mansion?"

Richard opened his eyes and smiled evilly

"Drey, if i get that suitcase back just now, What excuse will Miss Arci have to pay me a visit again?"

"Greg, Drive Drey back to the commander. Let's go out of town to me our men". Richard glance at Greg

He cross his legs with a smile on his lips, "Let Arci enjoy the reunion for the time being"