Prepare For Your Studies

Ariana walked carefully as she decided to spend her spare time checking out the backyard where she fell a few days ago. Although Ariana herself wasn't sure she would find any clues there, the girl at least wanted to try and satisfy her curiosity.

“Uh, where's the pool?”

But when Ariana reached the place, her forehead wrinkled as she couldn't see any pool as far as the eye could see. Valencia, who was following Ariana, followed the girl's gaze, then immediately understood what the girl was really thinking.

“Ah, the backyard pool has been replaced with a flower garden after His Grace deemed the place dangerous for Lady Aria. After His Grace carried out a major renovation of the backyard garden, this place has now been declared safe as Lady Aria's playground.”

Ariana knew she was wrong. If she knew her grandfather would change the backyard after her accident, she would rather ask Valencia directly than pretend she wanted to take a walk to the backyard with Valencia. Ariana hadn't noticed the backyard since she moved into her grandfather's main residence. But she remembered, the garden decorations she saw today were the same decorations as the gardens she remembered in her previous life.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful garden that was her playground in her previous life was the result of her grandfather's modification after she had an accident at that place. Ariana's heart warmed. She felt really lucky, to have a grandfather who loved her even though they're not close in the past.


Ariana was just thinking about her grandfather, and her grandfather actually appeared behind her. The grown man stared at his only granddaughter he had for a long time, before he moved forward to stroke Ariana's hair once.

“Do you like this place?” the man asked. Ariana immediately nodded. In the past, she had never felt grateful enough to neglect the garden that her grandfather had carefully created as her playground.

Faced with the happy smile and happy face of his granddaughter, Duke Andrew's heart finally felt a little better as he softened the expression on his face a little. His gaze shifted to Valencia in the next moment. His firmness returned, as he spoke to the maid.

“Don't leave Aria to play alone again,” Duke Andrew ordered seriously. Valencia immediately bowed and replied, “I understand, Your Grace,” Valencia said politely. Ariana found it strange when she saw her grandfather wearing relatively more casual clothes. The girl subconsciously stared at her grandfather for a long time, until the gaze caught the attention of the grandfather, who had just finished talking to Valencia.

“Is Grandpa so handsome? When you look at Grandpa, you don't even blink,” said Duke Andrew half-jokingly. But unexpectedly, Ariana actually nodded in response to her grandfather's joke. “Grandpa is indeed handsome,” she said shamelessly. Duke Andrew was pleased to see that his granddaughter was no longer looking at him with hate or fear. It seems, Duke Andrew really formed a good granddaughter and grandpa relationship from now on. The man chuckled, before he ruffled Ariana's hair for one more time.

“You brat, dare to tease your grandfather like this. Grandpa will let you go for today. But tomorrow, you will start studying. Don't expect Grandpa to be soft on you, just because you start praising Grandpa like this.”

From the start, Ariana didn't want anyone to go easy on her anymore. Ariana wants to keep remembering about her mistakes in the past. Reminded of the faces of those who died because of her selfishness, and the destruction that occurred because of her stupidity.

“I will study hard, Grandpa!” said Ariana earnestly. Duke Andrew nodded in satisfaction after hearing that answer. But as if remembering something, he immediately added his words to Ariana.

“Then, you are not allowed to go anywhere for a while. Your decision to break off the engagement with the Crown Prince will definitely be big news. Grandpa will also not allow any courtiers to come to this residence again. Until you are ready to face those people, you should probably lock up in this place and train as hard as you can.”

The path her grandfather had chosen was the safest path Ariana could think of. The residence of the Duke of Alison had special privileges that even the royal family would not be able to force their way in, if the head of the family didn't allow it. Ariana will be safe from Queen Melisa and Crown Process Emilio for a while. The girl nodded, not at all objecting to the arrangements made by her grandfather.

“It's okay. I know Grandpa arranged everything for my good,” Ariana said confidently.


In the evening, after Valencia confirmed that Ariana was asleep and turned off the light in the large room. But a pair of glowing eyes opened again when the large room was finally empty. This day has been like a dream to Ariana. Not only did Ariana manage to mend her relationship with her grandfather, she also managed to persuade her grandfather to agree with her decision to break off the engagement that had bound her since she was young. Ariana was also given the opportunity to meet Valencia when the girl was still healthy. Everything felt so perfect that Ariana didn't want to just go to sleep. All that happened because she was afraid that in the next moment, all the happiness she felt would just disappear.

Ariana got out of bed with difficulty. With her little feet, Ariana walked towards her wardrobe to pick up the big box that she had hidden well in that place. In the big box, stored the belongings of her parents that will be lost in the future, if she does not change her way of life. One servant took the jewels specially selected by her mother, while the other threw away the letter her father had given her as if it were a useless trash.

This time, the box was still intact and hidden in her wardrobe. Ariana opened the box carefully. When the girl found a simple tucked-in picture of the various items in the box, the girl remembered that she made it when she was five years old. Because she accidentally damaged her family's painting, Ariana replaced the painting with her own painting. Ariana remembers her dad smiling as she handed her the picture, while her mom complimented her very sincerely. They hung the simple picture in her father's study, and made it their new family painting.

Ariana felt her eyes start to mist while her cheeks started to wet with tears, as she recalled those sweet memories. Ariana felt very embarrassed when the girl recalled that she depended on her family's killer in her previous life. She smiled at the killer, and was even willing to be hurt for the sake of someone who was behind the destruction of her family.

“This time, it will be different ….”

Ariana muttered under her breath, as she stared at the simple drawing that was held in one of her hands.

“Even if I have to sacrifice my whole life, I will make sure that they get paid for what happened to our family,” promised Ariana, as she put the precious photo back in its place again. The traces of a child's innocence slowly disappeared, as Ariana was pensive in a fairly dark room. The love that she felt for Emilio, Ariana promises she will throw it away from now on.

“Our family will survive. Even if I won't survive the process, I promise this family won't be destroyed in my hands again. That's why … Please allow me to live a little longer. Let me make up my mistakes first, before meeting you guys like my original plan,” Ariana said earnestly.