Sudden Visit to the Palace

Without Ariana knowing, she had fallen asleep while hugging the box left by her parents in front of her wardrobe. Sleeping only with her nightgown resulted in Ariana involuntarily curling up to make her body feel warmer throughout the night. It was only when Duke Andrew walked into Ariana's room in the morning, that the man finally saw that his granddaughter was sleeping in a miserable state while holding a box.

With gentle motion, Duke Andrew moved Ariana to sleep on her own bed. The man's gaze was filled with traces of helplessness, as the man knew he had acted so viciously towards his only granddaughter. Duke Andrew had forced a girl as young as Ariana to shoulder the burden of being the only heir to the duke title that her family had for generations. The girl in front of him was still so young, that he could fall asleep after crying while hugging something precious to her. A girl like Ariana should get what she wants and be happy, as the only granddaughter of a powerful person like her.

When Duke Andrew finished carefully wrapping his granddaughter with a blanket, the man pulled the box that Ariana had been holding tightly for him to open it secretly. His gaze softened even more, as he looked at the various types of items and images of small children that had been well stored in the box.

In the past, Duke Andrew had always criticized his son for spoiling Ariana and allowing the girl to do as she pleased. But when he saw the simple pictures stored in the box, he knew the main reason why his son had acted that way. There is nothing happier for a parent, than the happiness of their children. Ariana always portrays her family happily in every picture. The girl's smile can be seen in every stroke. The smile that no longer appeared, ever since her parents were passed away and Duke Andrew only knew how to raise someone to be his future heir.

Even though his son and daughter-in-law always raised Ariana with love. But with him, Ariana just continued to feel the torment until her smile was never seen again. Ariana is acting naughty because the girl is lost in political affairs that shouldn't be the responsibility of a girl as young as Ariana. But even if Ariana had been screaming for help in the past, Duke Andrew only thought Ariana was naughty because the girl was never properly taught by her parents.

Duke Andrew had failed to take care of his son. And now, he had almost failed to take care of the only granddaughter he had.

“I'm sorry, Aria ….”

In a low voice, Duke Andrew called Ariana by her nickname. In his heart, Duke Andrew started to think. If Ariana hadn't fallen into the pool a few days ago, would he still have turned a blind eye to his granddaughter's plight? If Ariana hadn't taken the initiative to change and talk to him, would he have paid attention to the small details of the change in attitude in his granddaughter like now? Duke Andrew wasn't sure. He had never been a good parent in the past.


When Duke Andrew let out a deep breath, the man's hand moved gently to stroke his granddaughter's hair. Maybe it was a little too late for him to make up for the mistakes he had made all this time. But in the future, Duke Andrew promised he would not repeat the same mistake again.

If his granddaughter really doesn't like the crown prince, then don't let their engagement continue. Even if Ariana hadn't volunteered to become a swordsman like her predecessors, Duke Andrew was sure he could find another way to allow his granddaughter to safely inherit the title of duchess. Whatever made Ariana happy, Duke Andrew promised he would work on it as long as he could grant Ariana's wish.


“I am here, Your Grace.”

As expected of a great former assassin, James appeared quickly when Duke Andrew called him in a low voice. Duke Andrew pulled his hand back when James had appeared. The man rose from his seat, put Ariana's box in her original wardrobe, before looking at James, who was still faithfully waiting for his next order.

“Take good care of her for now. I'm going to the palace.”

There was no trace of surprise, when James heard Duke Andrew's decision. “Understood. I wish you have a safe journey, Your Grace,” he said with a slight bow. Duke Andrew went outside after he had satisfied staring at Ariana, who was sleeping. As Duke Andrew passed through the door, another shadow flashed and stopped right behind the man.

“Your Grace, the carriage is ready to go.”

Jimmy, James' son who liked to hide in the shadows like his father, appeared and immediately reported to his master obediently. Duke Andrew nodded in understanding after he received the report. “We're leaving now,” he said, to which the young man immediately replied.

“Understood, Your Grace!”


In the wide palace hall, Duke Andrew walked quietly, even though almost all attention was on him. As a duke, especially his title as a Duke of Alison, Duke Andrew did not need anyone's permission to enter the palace as he pleased. But ever since he took the duke's position, Duke Andrew rarely came to the palace unless there was something very urgent. Duke Andrew wasn't the kind of guy who liked crowds. Instead of being seen by troublesome people who liked to wander around the palace, Duke Andrew preferred to visit his territory to sort out any problems that might occur there.

Perhaps that was the reason, why Alison region to be known as the most prosperous place in Sigmund Kingdom.

From a distance, the royal knights were already on alert as Duke Andrew's figure slowly approached them. There was hardly anyone who didn't admire Duke Andrew for his swordsmanship and leadership. Even for the king's personal guards, they wouldn't be able to contain their enthusiasm when the real Duke of Alison was right before them.

“Please say that Duke Alison has come to see His Majesty the King.”

Ignoring the gazes of admiration that were continuously directed at him, Duke Andrew immediately gave one of the royal knights guarding the king's study an order. One of them immediately saluted and then entered the king's study to make the announcement. The knight came out not long after. The man returned to his place, before officially announcing Duke Andrew's arrival.

“Duke Alison has arrived!”

The palace guard helped to open the door as Duke Andrew stepped firmly into the room. Behind a large table, sat a man in his thirties who also rose from his seat when he saw Duke Andrew. The man was King Alexius of the Kingdom of Sigmund. Someone who should be Ariana's future father-in-law.

“Duke Alison greets His Majesty the King. May health and prosperity always be with you.”

Respectfully, Duke Andrew bowed slightly before King Alexius. But his respect did not last long because King Alexius himself immediately helped him to get back on his feet. “We're like family. There's no need for you to pay me this respect,” he informed him.

After Duke Andrew was allowed to sit down, he didn't immediately say the reason for his arrival to King Alexius. Duke Andrew let King Alexius have someone prepare tea and snacks for them first, then waited for the king to be the first to bring up the topic.

“Actually, I'm glad that you came to visit me today. Since Ariana was reported to have an accident and was unconscious for a few days, I really can't stop worrying all day. How is she doing now? Is she okay? “

Duke Andrew smiled politely, even though the smile itself did not reach his eyes. “Ariana is conscious, Your Majesty. But the doctor said that her head was injured badly enough that she lost her memory of what happened at that time. Ariana also showed signs that she wasn't behaving normally after coming out of her stupor. She did plenty of strange things, and has caused a lot of trouble for me.”

King Alexius's face instantly changed when he heard the report. “What did the doctor say about that? Should I find the best doctor to examine her? I already consider Ariana as my own child. How could I let her get hurt when I can still protect her?”

“The royal doctor has already said that a complete cure for Ariana condition is no longer possible. Part of her brain was directly hit. All I can do right now is grant her wishes so that she can at least be happy with her current condition.”

“That wish, what is Ariana's wish?” asked King Alexius enthusiastically. Duke Andrew stared at King Alexius for a long time, before he continued to speak in a helpless voice.

“She was adamant about following in her grandfather's footsteps and becoming a true Alison. She just kept ignoring the other classes, and kept running to the training grounds to secretly steal swords.”

The enthusiasm on King Alexius' face immediately disappeared after Duke Andrew answered the question. The two stared at each other without speaking after that. But inwardly, Duke Andrew could already tell that King Alexius understood the direction of their conversation. Ariana doesn't act normally and begins to neglect her responsibilities as a future queen. Not only that, Ariana also broke royal taboos and kept trying to hold the sword even though she was a girl. Such a girl, was clearly no longer a suitable candidate to be the wife of a future king.

However, due to their respective identities, it was difficult to break off the engagement when almost everyone in the kingdom already knew that the crown prince and heir to the title of Duke of Alison were engaged since they were very young. King Alexius was silent with a furrowed brow, while Duke Andrew was silent with a look in his eyes that remained calm.

“The Alison family has promised to protect the kingdom in gratitude for the privilege we received from the first king. Meanwhile, the royal family is the main pillar of the founding of this kingdom. Even if Ariana is my granddaughter, I can't let her condition trouble the royal family in this kingdom. I hope that Your Majesty agree to annul the engagement between Crown Prince Emilio and Ariana. Because with Ariana's current condition, I can only think that she no longer deserves to rise as a queen in the future.”

“Is … Is she really that incurable?” asked King Alexius desperately. Breaking the engagement between two powerful families was tantamount to starting a power struggle within the palace. King Alexius actually didn't want to take that path, if there's still a chance for Ariana to recover in the future.

“I have spoken to the royal doctor about this. We will never know when Ariana will return to normal and realize her responsibilities as Crown Prince Emilio's fiancé.”

The room fell silent again after Duke Andrew finished his speech. King Alexius didn't think that Duke Andrew would lie about Ariana's condition, as he brought the name of the royal doctor in his report. Royal doctors are doctors who specifically serve the royal family. They would never lie, and were loyal to the royal family. Ariana was also examined by the royal doctor and the diagnosis must have been like that. King Alexius massaged his head in frustration. Even the last descendant of the Alison family, was not free from the curse that befell the family.

“Then Ariana … How about Ariana after this?” asked King Alexius worriedly. Breaking the engagement would probably be a loss for the royal family. But that doesn't mean Alison's family won't suffer less than them. By breaking off the engagement with a crown prince, Ariana might find it difficult to find a partner in the future because few people dare to offend the royal family. That sort of thing must have been a huge blow to Alison's family, especially when their family needed another heir as soon as possible.

“For the time being, I'll probably focus on taking care of Ariana. But if I may ask, Your Majesty, please allow Ariana to learn the sword as she wishes. Protecting the kingdom is one thing. But I also want her to be happy by granting her greatest wish right now.”

King Alexius knew Duke Andrew also seemed to have realized that the Alison family lineage might end up in Ariana after he decided to break the engagement relationship between Emilio and Ariana. Granting one last request is not so difficult. King Alexius nodded, as he informed Duke Andrew of his final decision.

“I'll be issuing an official royal order soon. Due to Ariana's health, the engagement between Emilio and Ariana will soon be officially annulled. And to reward her hard work so far, I'll grant her wish to wield the sword and inherit the Alison family's sword techniques. Duke, I really hope Ariana will be happy with this decision.”

Duke Andrew gave a small smile upon hearing the order. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I wish the best for the royal family too," he said with a polite smile.