There it was; Cian had told me the story when we drove past the glen. “Not many people remember this, but he spent some time here, my grandfather told me about him. He was very interested in pirates as a matter of facts, and talked with the elders about Henry. We have a picture of him and my grandfather in the harbour, where Henry came ashore.”
As I walked back to the B&B my mind was spinning after all the information. Something had caught my attention, but I couldn’t put in into words what it was. The thought about the American archaeologist stuck, was there another reason why someone like him had bought a castle in a remote part of Ireland? What was he asking the elders in Dunfanaghy about, and was there a significance about the fact that he had vanished from the Island of the white cow, and Every had said he had to find the White Cow? An island IS surrounded by water, after all. I couldn’t wait to talk to Cian.