Sleeping with Christopher Middleton

Emma Arrellano

Christopher what time is it

Christopher Middleton

It is 10 am why

Emma Arrellano

I was supposed to be at work at 8 am

Christopher Middleton

Well I was up since 6 am doing work

Emma Middleton

Why didn't you wake me up if you were up since 6 am

Christopher Middleton

I did not wake up because I wanted to spend the day with you

Emma Arrellano

I have a paper to write and I have an apartment to pay not like you who does not don't have to work long hours like the rest of us do I have a job I can't lose

Christopher Middleton

Sorry I just wanted to spend the day with you can you take a day off from work

Emma Arrellano

Sorry that I snap at you but I feel guilty that I cheated on my boyfriend

Christopher Middleton

I am sorry that I made you feel guilty

Emma Arrellano

I need to check my phone and call Emily so she could tell HR that I am not feeling well

Christopher Middleton

Okay I need to make some calls also


Emma checks her phone and sees that she has 4 text messages from Emily and 3 missed calls from Emily and then she also has 3 texts from Alexander wondering where she is Emma also has 3 missed calls from Alexander. Emma is surprised that she has a text from her mom and 4 missed calls from her mom.

In the office, Emily and Alexander are worried about Emma because she was never let to work and she would answer their phone calls and text messages

At Cosmos Magazine

Emily Monge

Hey Alex have you seen Emma at all this morning

Alexander McWilliams

No, I have not seen Emma this morning

Emily Monge

I am going to call Emma

Emily's Conversation with Emma

Emma gets an Incoming Call from Emily


Thank god Emma you finally answer where are you are you ok


I am home I am not feeling well


Want me and Alexander to come to take care of you


No, I am fine I just need some sleep and I will be fine can you let HR know that I am sick


Yeah I let her know what about Erica she wants her paper by Friday


Tell her that I have the Review done by Thursday if she wants


I let her know care bye


Bye tell Alexander sorry I could not answer his and your call I was asleep and sick


I will talk about that later

Emma Arrellano

Alright I am your's for the whole day

Christopher Middleton

Okay my love what do you want to do my housekeeper is coming in 10 minutes to clean the house

Emma Arrellano

Can we go to my house I have to get change clothes and shower.

Christopher Middleton

But I like that dress can I join you in the shower

Emma Arrellano

No Christopher

Christopher Middleton

Okay I already showered

Emma Arrellano

I will be ready in about 20 minutes but I don't want anyone to see us together not just yet

Christopher Middleton

Okay I wait for you I just look out your balcony


Emma finishes taking her shower and starts to get ready she decides to wear some light blue Shorts and a black off-the-shoulder shirt

Christopher Middleton

WOW my love you look lovely

Emma Arrellano

Thank you

Christopher Middleton

Where do you want to go have breakfast I give you three options.

Option 1: A restaurant with a V.I.P area nobody will see us

Option 2: A quiet Picinic at one of my favorites places

Option 3: We can order and eat at my apartment

Emma Arrellano

All the options are good I don't want to go to a fancy restaurant a picnic sounds nice but there is a chance it might rain so I go with option 3 please breakfast at your place

Christopher Middleton

Okay what would you like it is too late to order breakfast so it has to be lunch what would the princess like to eat

Emma Arrellano

Ummm what about some sushi, please

Christopher Middleton

you got it let's go back to my place


Emma and Christopher go back to his apartment they wait about 5 minutes when the doorbell to Christopher's Apartment rings he gets up and go to get their lunch they eat their lunch When Emma gets an incoming call from her best friend Alexander

Christopher Middleton

Who is calling you my love

Emma Arrellano

It is my best friend Alexander I am going to answer it

Emma's and Alexander's call


Hi Alexander


Hi Emma how are feeling well


I am feeling a bit well why


Emily and I want to bring you some lunch


Tell Emily not to worry I already order some chicken soup it is going to arrive in 5 minutes


Okay I let her know, Also to let you know Erica got mad when HR told her you were sick and you be back at the office tomorrow


What did Erica say


She said that this review better be good or you won't be leaving early anytime soon


Tell Erica that this review will be one of the best reviews she's ever read


Okay I let you go feel well I see you tomorrow bye


Bye Alexander

Christopher Middleton

How was your lunch, my love

Emma Arrellano

which lunch my lie or chicken soup or my amazing and delicious Sushi

Christopher Middleton

Your amazing Sushi

Emma Arrellano

It was one of the best sushi I have ever tasted and ate

Christopher Middleton

know what do you want to do know

Emma Arrellano

I don't know

Christopher Middleton

Why don't we watch a movie

Emma Arrellano

Yeah but let's watch a romantic movie I have to be at work tomorrow at 7:50 am so I need to sleep early I can't miss another day of work

Christopher Middleton

Okay let's watch a Disney Movie they're romantic so Princess and the Frog


Christopher and Emma start to watch Princess and the Frog Christopher made some popcorn they were halfway through the movie and they had no more popcorn left so they just watch the movie while Justin cuddled Emma they finished the movie just in time when Emma receives a text message from Emily

Emily's & Emma's Conservation


Hi Emma how are you feeling


Hi Emily I am doing fine


Can Alexander & I come over


I am going to sleep I am pretty tired


Okay but are you still down to go to the Night Club on Friday right


Yeah I am still down to go to the club on Friday


Goodnight see you tomorrow


See you tomorrow

Monday 7:50 pm


Christopher fell asleep as Emma was talking to Emily, She did not want to wake him up because he was up really early so she just left home Emma leaves Christopher's apartment Because she has work tomorrow and is really tired, Emma does want to be late she gets ready to go to sleep when Emma decides to call her boyfriend

Emma Arrellano

ring... ring...ring...


Hi Emma

Emma Arrellano

How are you, baby


Madison & I are very busy your mom said that she texted you and called you 4 times but you did not answer her

Emma Arrellano

I was busy writing my review and my phone was on silent mode


Well I go to go I am helping your sister study for her exam bye love you

Emma Arrellano

love you


Emma gets ready to go to bed because she has work tomorrow and needs to be up early so she could take a shower and do her hair and makeup