New Emma

Tuesday 6:30 AM


Emma woke up at 6 am takes a shower she gets ready for her day at Cosmos Magazine, she put on her contacts that Emily & Alexander got her from the eye doctor's she put them on did her makeup, and Emma decided to wear a pink shade for her lipstick she decided to wear a dress the dress she was saving up when Shawn has time to have a date but she just forgot she decided to wear it and get it over with, she decided to do her hair halfway up and halfway down. When she got done doing her makeup it was 7:30 am Emma turned on her computer and started to work on her review about The Agave Night Club by the time she was typing her Introduction it was 7:50 Emma started to gather her things for work she lock her apartment door and head for the elevator she stops to think should I go knock at Christopher's door she decided not because she was going to arrived late at Cosmos Magazine she stops to get her daily cup of coffee at the cafe across Cosmos.

Emma Monge

I hope that Emily & Alexander are there when I get to work

Emily Monge

Alexander do you think that Emma is coming to work today

Alexander McWilliams

I hope she does because her review is now due on Thursday Morning and not on Friday Morning but what Miss. Cardenas does not understand is we are humans and we get sick

Erica Cardenas

Where is Emma?

Emily Monge

I just called her she is on her way

Erica Cardenas

Okay she better not be sick again or her review is due tomorrow and not on Thursday

Emma Arrellano

Don't worry Erica I am not sick I am almost done with the review

Emily Monge

Thank god you came to work today Erica was furious with us on Monday because you did not come to work

Emma Arellano

How did Erica want me to come to work if I was sick I could not move from my bed and I had 4 missed calls from my mom and 1 message.

Emily Monge

What did your lovely mother want this time?

Alexander McWilliams

Wait don't tell me that it was about your sister

Emma Arrellano

Uhhh yeah she send me a text saying that my sister got into Boston University to study medicine guess who is going to help her study for her first big test

Emily & Alexander


Emma Arrellano

Yeah Shawn is going is helping her study I called him yesterday night when I was filling better he answer and I was all friendly I even called him baby and he was mad because I did not answer my mother her calls he said and I quote "Did you hear the good news your sister got into the same University as I am studying she got into Boston University and I am helping her study sorry I am busy helping Amanda study called you later love you" He hung up after I told him that I loved him

Alexander McWilliams

Why don't you break up with him and find someone better?

Emily Monge

Something is off, Emma you seem different is there anything you want to tell us

Emma Arrellano

To answer your question Alexander I can't I have been dating Shawn since High School I just wasted too much of my life with him, and Emily nothing is different about me

Emily Monge

Alright, let me tell you what gossip website publish about Christopher Middleton they publish that Friday that you went to The Agave Night Club Christopher Middleton was there did you see him, Emma?

Emma Arrellano

No, I did not see him I was busy looking at the menu

Alexander McWilliams

Okay Emily keep going

Emily Monge

They said that he started talking with a woman who was at the bar and they danced together the gossip website said that the woman kissed Christopher first they dance to a couple of slow songs and he took the woman back to the bar and total they order two rounds of mojitos after that round of drinks they went home but as the article said that Christopher is going to last two weeks with the mystery woman

Alexander McWilliams

So Emma where were you when Christopher was at the bar buying drinks for his mystery woman

Emma's Thought

I was right next to him drinking and dancing I am the mystery woman they are talking in the gossip website I am the one who kissed him first I am the one who he order the mojitos for me to review them on my review and I am the mystery woman who he went home with

Emily Monge

Earth to Emma Earth to Emma Earth to Emma

Emma Arrellano

That's probably in the restroom there was a long line to the women's restroom

Alexander McWilliams

You were so close to meeting Christopher Middleton

Emma Arrellano

Yeah I was

Emily Monge

Emma did you know that Erica wants the review done by Thursday and not Friday

Emma Arrellano

Yeah I know I am halfway done with it

Alexander McWilliams

So what kind of drinks did you drink for your review?

Emma Arrellano

I tried some tequila shots, beer, passion fruit, and a mojito that some stranger send me with the waiter

Alexander McWilliams

Wait did you say that you try a mojito a stranger send you

Emily Monge

Could that stranger be Christopher Middleton?

Emma Arrellano

I told you guys I don't know that waiter just told me that a guy at the end of the bar send me this mojito when I came from the restroom

Emily Monge

So you don't know who it was

Alexander McWilliams

Emily, Emma just told us that a guy at the end of the bar send her the mojito

Emily Monge

Fine I will find out who was the mystery woman Christopher took to his apartment

Emma Arrellano

Okay guys can you let me work on this review so I can turn it in at the end of the day today or I turn it in tomorrow morning

Emily Monge

I did not expect you to be all dressed up and did your makeup I thought that you were going back to your glasses and your regular self I am impressed and happy for you

Alexander McWilliams

Yeah I like the New Emma

Emma Arrellano

Okay guys let me work on this so on Friday we can go clubbing since it is open to the public

Emily & Alexander

Okay will let you work

Lunch Time 12 P.M


Emma, Emily & Alexander went out to eat at a restaurant that is close to Cosmos Magazine they go in and a friendly waitress approaches them and Alexander tells the waitress that a table for 3 please the waitress takes them to a booth where the waitress hands them the menu

Emma, Emily & Alexander

Thank you


What would you like to drink?


I have a Pink Lemonade, Please


I have an Ice Tea, Please


I have a Coke, Please


I will be back with your drinks

Emma, Emily & Alexander

Okay, Thank You


While they wait for their drinks they are looking at the menu, The Waitress comes back with their drinks


Are you ready to order


I am ready, I'll have a Chicken Cesar Salad with a baked potato


I am still deciding


I am ready to order, I'll have a Hamburger with bacon and some French Fries


Are you ready to order Miss?


Yeah, I'll have your Spicy Shrimp with White Rice and a side salad


What dressing for your side salad


I'll have ranch dressing and some of your spicy buffalo sauce


Okay, It will be about 10 to 20 minutes for your food to be ready

Emma, Emily & Alexander

Okay Thank You


Is there anything else you want

Emma, Emily & Alexander

No that is it thank you


Emma why did you order A chicken Cesar salad with a baked potato


Because I was craving a salad since we ate here the other day that we came and I order the buffalo chicken wings and fries


Fine I know you were craving a salad


I am just happy with what I order


Your food is here, Who had the Chicken Cesar Salad with a baked potato


I did, Thank you


Who order the Spice shrimp with white rice and a side salad?


I did, Thank you


So I guess you order the hamburger and fries


Yes that is me, Thank you


Is there anything else you want

Emma, Emily & Alexander

No will let you know if we want to order something else


Enjoy your meals


Emma, Emily & Alexander are eating their meals when Emma spaces off and keeps staring out the window


Emma what are you thinking about


I was thinking about how my mom does not care about me I have memories of when she would read me books but now she does not care about me or my career she only thinks about Madison's career


Don't worry your dad has always cared about you and your career


Yeah he is always by your side, Anyways cheer up it is almost Friday and we are going clubbing


Yeah let's finish eating or Erica is going to be mad we got back late


I am almost done


Are you guys going to order dessert?


No, I am too full to eat




Alright let's head back to work


They paid their bill the three of them head back to Cosmos to work on their review for the Magazine Emma is thinking about Christopher

Emma's Thought

Christopher has not texted me and it is been two weeks Emily is probably right that he only dates women for two weeks I am so stupid for losing my virginity to some random guy I met at the club What was I thinking I can't tell Shawn that I am not a virgin anymore. I just wish I would have left my number


Guys guess what I heard a rumor that Cosmos Magazine is going up for sale


But I taught that Erica was the owner


No Erica's father is the CEO and Erica works for her dad


I did not know that Erica was just the vice president and not the CEO as she told us when we got here


Alexander did you know that Erica is not our boss


What are you talking about of course she is our boss


NO Alexander she is just the vice president while the CEO is away


But we have never seen the CEO and we don't know how Erica's dad looks like


I know we have never seen him


Weirdly, Erica's dad is selling the company


I thought that Erica's dad was going to retire and make Erica CEO


That is weird but I guess that his dad got a better offer which is why is selling his stokes


Who could be buying Cosmos Magazine it is worth millions of dollars


I know who could be our new CEO

Emma & Alexander

Who is going to be our new boss tell us?


I think that who is going to be buying Cosmos Magazine is Christopher Middleton


I am now going to be doing the extra because we are going to have a new boss


Thanks for telling us this Emily, I need to finish my review


Okay I let you get back to work

Emma's thoughts

That is why Christopher recommend that I try another drink for my review he even said I don't think your new boss is going to like that you only tried three drinks.


Emma are you finished with your review


I am almost done with it I am rereading it to see if I have any grammar errors


Okay, can you leave it on my desk?


if you want I can turn it in by the end of the day if that is alright with you


Yes that is fine with me


You'll have it on your desk by the end of the day


Why is she being all nice all of a sudden


I think I know why she is acting nice to tell her dad to give her the company shares to her and not sell his shares


You are probably right that is why she is being nice, Are you seriously finished with your review


Yeah I am just checking for any grammar errors I am going to give this to Erica




Erica here is my review hope you like it


I am not the one who is going to read your review


Then who is going to be reading my review


I'll tell everyone in just a minute you can leave know Emma


Emma gets a buzzing sound from her phone it is a text message from an unknown number

She is not sure if she should answer the text message she ignores the text message and who back with her friends it is almost time to clock out and go home


Did Miss perfect like your review


Erica said that she is not going to be reading my review, she told me to wait she is going to tell us


Emma I am confused is she going to tell us that her dad is selling his stocks


Probably she is going to announce it to the whole office


That is what I think also


Guys, Erica is coming be quiet


As many of you have heard a rumor yes my dad is the CEO and he is going to be selling his stocks of the magazine to someone else


Miss. Cardenas is going to be the new owner


The new owner is going to be Christopher Middleton


Workers and Emma's friends start gossiping about who there is boss is going to be and if they are going to need to look for new jobs


That is all I know but I'll keep you guys informed my dad is going to keep being our boss until the contract is signed it is going to be a couple of months, Emma, Alexander, and Emily can you guys wait I need to talk to you guys


Yeah will wait


What do you think she wants to talk to us about


I don't know but she is coming


I wanted to let you guys know that the new owner told my dad that he wants you 3 to stay with your

jobs but also he is going to give you new jobs to review


So we are not going to lose our jobs


No, you will have more review to do but in the next couple of months, You can go home and you are going to be paid more and this meeting is going to be paid for all the people who were here


So we are going to be paid more and given a new task, Let's go clock out and go home I am tired and I need to take a shower


That is going to be great but let's go I am exhausted


I am going to take a long shower


Me too I need to get enough energy for Friday

Emily & Alexander

Bye Emma see you tomorrow


Bye guys, I'll text you later


Emma goes home she gets another buzzing sound from her phone it is a text from an unknown number she hesitates to answer because she does not know who is texting her, Emma finally answers the unknown number Message Ugh I need to see who this number is


Who is this and how did you get this number

Unknown Number

You know who this is


I am 100% I don't know who you are

Unknown number

So are you sure you don't know who I am


Sorry I am supposed to know who you are

Unknown Number

Yeah you need to know who I am


Well sorry I don't know who you are


She turns her phone to silent mode and begins to get ready to take a bath she puts some relaxing rocks that dissolve in the water she begins to relax for about 20 minutes after that she takes a shower and lets her hair air dry after that it is 10 pm she did decide to get ready for bed.


Goodnight Emma, I am anxious about what Christopher Middleton is going to say about your review since he is the new boss


Ugh don't remind me I am so nervous what if he does not like the review, and he takes always my extra paid hours


He will know to get some sleep I taught you would be asleep by now


No, I took a 20-minute bath and then a shower but I let my hair air dry, Goodnight Alexander


She fell asleep worrying about what Christopher is going to say about her review, Her friends don't know that she knows Christopher she might tell them that she met Christopher Middleton and that she is the mystery woman that went home with Christopher, If Justin does not contact her in the next 2 days she is going got tell her best friends that truth