Leaving 3

( Theo's POV )

hmm it's true the street is definitely dangerous with numerous cases of kidnap, rape, robbery.' Robbery. Just the thought of that ran a shiver down my spine, I should definitely thank him for last night. He was my knight in shining armour. He saved me and cared for me. I was touched by his hospitality.

Looking and smiling at him I noticed how close we've become in such a short span of time.

"Thank you for last night. I wasn't thinking rationally. I neglected the possibility of the things you've mentioned." I was truly grateful that if I was asked to prove it I'd do it willingly.

"Are you sure you are grateful? Because you acted like I was forcing you yesterday" he muttered.

Yes i remembered yesterday, how reckless i behaved but what could I do when i was feeling emotions after being pampered by a stranger.

"That was because you were a stranger" plus he ignored most of my questions. That added to my anxiety.

He just stared at me and it made me desperate for him to see how sincere I was.

"So am I still a stranger to you?" he asked with a raised brow.

"Of course not you've talked and I know a bit about you.. but I can't deny the fact we just met"

"Is that why you're reserved?" The more he asked questions the more eager I became to prove I was sincere.

"Well yes.. maybe.." I shook my head. He was confusing me "..but that's not the case. You saved me yesterday. I didn't say it earlier because I was still flustered. I kept giving him reasons to believe me.

He shook his head in disbelief and I snapped in frustration.

"I can pay you in return for the help cause that's how grateful I am" i wasn't thinking straight anymore and he noticed it.

"Really? You think it's a debt don't you?" He came closer looking me in the eyes "you think I'm in for the money" he said in a painful tone looking hurt.

I shook her head "I wouldn't dear.."

He interrupted "Fine then pay the debt but I'll remind you of the fact that I could've left you on that street looking helpless if I wanted to" he said with clenched teeth. Before looking away. My brain went blank.

"We are here," he said after some time.

( James POV )

I noticed her gaze on me. I was disturbed especially after the act I performed.

I wasn't upset or angry as I claimed I was just enjoying her desperate need for me to see how sincere she was.

"We are here" I informed her, feeling her gaze on me.

I looked at her reluctantly. She was still staring probably wondering why the sudden change of event, but she shouldn't blame me. l have been seeking for her attention for some time now but she acted either numb or dumb.

"Do you love the view?" I teased her when she couldn't stop staring. She blushed and lowered her head in realization.

"Look here" I held up her chin with the new purpose of teasing her.

She slowly raised her head and I forgot my purpose after seeing her flushed face. I followed my heart instead of my brain and leaned down.

"You haven't answered my question" I whispered in her ear, feeling her shivering to my closeness.

She nodded but I wasn't satisfied.

"I need words dear" I whispered and she inhaled deeply, making her chest brush against mine.

"Y-yes" she finally admitted after several attempt. I smile triumphantly. I held her shoulders and span her over.

Her jaw dropped when she saw the view. Like I said earlier. This mansion was located on the hill top making the view beautiful from each angle.

"So tell me. you said you love the view right before looking at it." I teased her.

She got the hint and her eyes widened in shock, 'finally' I thought inwardly with a sigh. She finally understood the so-called view.

She was shamelessly staring at me when I asked about the view. Thinking I was the view she agreed she loved it immediately. When i was basically asking about this current view.

Redden with embarrassment. I couldn't help but tease her, trying to see her limit.

"Or is there another view I'm not aware of?" I asked, pretending to be thinking for a while.

I was standing behind her with my hands still on her shoulders. I easily leaned over.

"Hmm you're not saying anything" I murmured. I felt her trembled slightly underneath my touch.

"I'm jealous. your mouth was closed when you were staring earlier now it's wide open" I acted shamelessly, this wasn't like me. Teasing someone for pleasure.

She shut her mouth immediately and turned around.

"I think I should get going," she said in a haste. I was expecting that from her especially after discussing with her and knowing about her work but it was Sunday. Which was much to my advantage.

"Hmm alright I'll drive you off" I offer innocently.

She noticed my offer was free from any ill intentions but still hesitated.

Geez this complicated woman I was done playing cool, since she wanted to be hard headed I believe two can play the game.

She shook her head, much to my expectation "I can manage" she replied.

"Oh really?" Came my sarcastic response.

"Well then how will you go about that when you don't even know where you are?" I said giving her a very good reason and question.

She was quiet for a while "you can just give me the location" she said after much thinking.

How reckless can she be "do you have your phone with you? I remember seeing you with only a torn and ripped dress" I said desperately for her to snap back to her senses. I was scared of leaving her in this state. She was still completely vulnerable.

"Besides you don't seem grateful as you claimed, you seem desperate to leave" I reminded her.

I knew she was grateful. I only acted pissed to see if she really cared about my feelings too, yet I was scared she was oblivious to things around her because of how she locked herself in.

"But I said I'll pay you if I have to.." she shut her mouth recalling my reaction the last time she said that.

"Alright then pay. but I need your address for that."

'I'm not dragging this any further' I thought was completely drained of strength because of her persistence.

"So how do I get your information?" I asked. she was stunned by how straight to business I was.

"Now let me make it easier for the both of us. I'll take you home and then know your place cause I feel like I can't trust your words anymore" I know I was a bit harsh but I was tired of her playing numb and dumb.

Her eyes were wide open and I felt bad for saying that yet I couldn't stop myself. I was feeling uneasy letting her go, I don't know why.

"You said you're reserved because I'm a stranger and trust me I understand. I know you still feel insecure even though we kissed and with that being said I know you probably want to keep a distance. I can help with that because the feeling is definitely mutual" that was the longest I've said outside a courtroom.

To be honest, I do feel the need to keep her with me but I couldn't deny how confused and stressed I was, i wasn't ready to feel these emotions especially for a stranger. I don't want to be attached or tied to someone I just met. Maybe if I'd known her for a while it could've been different. I've been careful with that for years not to jump in love and then out of love.

"So with that being said I will need your approval to drive you home" I know I still need her approval, i wasn't a selfish bastard who forces people against their will. though I might've sounded moments ago like she didn't have a choice when in reality I couldn't do anything if she was against it.

She might be a stranger I don't want to be attached with but the feeling of caring for her was still there. I wasn't raised to be heartless or selfish but I don't trust easily.

I like minding my business but the moment I saw her walking and crying I couldn't help but slow down. I was devastated especially after I recalled that very similar experience. Stepped out of my car letting the rain pour on me and the more it lashed out the more I kept recalling the past. I went to her, all I cared about was her and not even my triggered past. I took off my jacket to cover her already drenched body, yet the moment I saw her heartbreaking situation it became my weakness.

She nodded. I smiled, "I guess that's settled."

( Theo's POV )

I got into his car after that long episode. it became super quiet. We were in our own world.

"I'm sorry I pressured you." He apologized.