Leaving 2

( James POV )

It was almost 12 noon and I was still busy making breakfast for brunch.

The girl's tragic experience was the main reason I couldn't get her off my mind.

I arranged everything at the dinning room, looking around in satisfaction I left to inform her.

"Breakfast is set, please follow me" she looked at me in a daze before moving.

The smile on my face was so obvious. I was proud of myself for having this great talent, at least I can make my woman happy. 'But she's not mine.' I thought with confliction.

"Wow it smells delicious, I can't wait to have a taste." She was drooling.

I chuckled. "I hope you like it." Deep down I was enjoying her expression.

She nodded and picked up the Cutlery before ravishing it while moaning to the taste "Wow it taste like heaven" she subconsciously said with her mouthful.

I was grinning ear to ear after hearing the compliment. "It's alright take your time, we can't afford you choking, can we?." I said with arrogance.

"Alright." She agreed and slowed down a bit.

I nodded, feeling contend but frowned when I saw her questioning eyes staring at me. "What's wrong?" I asked, feeling uneasy.

"Why aren't you eating?" came her question.

"Oh that.. I ate while preparing it." I was at ease once again.

"I think I'm full." she said, licking her lips after devouring almost everything on the plate. Paying attention to her lips that were continuously being licked, I couldn't help but remember how I devoured them hours ago.

Shaking my head I asked her the expected "did you like it?" even though I knew it should've been the term 'love' due to her reactions while eating it.

"It was okay." she answered effortlessly.

I shook my head hearing and seeing her act nonchalantly as if her moans moments ago were just my hallucination.

Shaking my head for the last time "well I am glad it was to your taste." I said passing her a devilish smile which left her shivering.

"Why don't you go to the living room while I fix things." she nodded with hesitation before leaving.


I caught her rubbing her stomach when I came back. I smiled remembering her expression, then her nonchalant replies.

Still smiling "you must really be full. Do you want to take a walk so you can burn some calories?" I said thoughtfully.

She followed me while I led the way. Suddenly it became quiet, too quiet actually that I was totally uncomfortable.

"Wow, it's huge." she uttered that made me realize she was busy enjoying the view while i was busy cracking my head on how to kill the tension.

"Do you maybe want to see something more mesmerizing?" I said suddenly with full energy.

She just looked at me as if saying 'what could be more mesmerizing than this.' which Made me more confident.

"Do you wish to have a place like this?" I asked her. She smiled bitterly

"Yes of course it's practically everybody's dream but I don't dare wish for things like this"

Her low voice and words got me thinking why she thought that way but I kept that to myself.

"You shouldn't say things like it's forbidden, you do have the right to wish, dream and expect things like this and even more." I was very upset after hearing her sounding like she deserved nothing.


"There'll be no buts. understood?" I demand and am quite surprised by my behavior, I've never acted like this. Forcing someone into being submissive.

"Y-yes" came her shaking reply.

"Good." I was calm again.

"How do you feel?." I remembered she was drenched yesterday. That would have resulted in a cold or something.

"I'm still kinda cold" she said like it was nothing.

Thinking about it she was still wearing the cardigan I gave her last night.

Touching her I frowned. I've been frowning lately because of her, she was just so complicated that I felt helpless.

"You're cold and you look pale" I voiced my thoughts.

"I'm okay, don't worry. Wait, you were also drenched yesterday, remember? How do you feel too?" She finally cared about me.

Yes I remembered but I wasn't bathed by the rain unlike her whose eyes were red because of the rain and controllable tears.

"I'm okay. I was coming home when I saw you on the street.. The street isn't a place you should be walking alone and carefree. It isn't safe during the day, thus you can't imagine how dangerous it is at night." I couldn't hide my displeasure about yesterday's encounter.