WebNovelWOLF BITE35.90%


I managed to wash my hair before another knock came banging at my door.

“ Not again!” I groan as I walked up to the door, opening it up, it was Luke.

“ Hey! Little wolf” he swings his hand forcing me to a hug.

“ How was your sleep?”

“ Not sure that I had any with your alpha pissing me off” I complained as I walk back to the dresser while he sits on the couch.

“ Why? What did he do?”

“ I don't know, he just pissed me off!”

“ How did he piss you off?” He stressed out the words as he tilts his head backward.

“ I don't know, he just ..... You know makes me feel like, something is going on and the next minute he is back to his usual mean self”.

“ And that pisses you off, why? Do you want to have a thing with him?”

“ No!! Mira told me no one is supposed to mess with the alpha except his mate, he is only meant to bear a child with his Luna, right?”

“ Yes! And I can see Mira is doing a perfect job educating you on our culture”.