Chapter nine

Alec's POV:

For my mother's sake, I put on a suit, being kind enough to put on a tie. But I don't try to fix my hair.

I really didn't want to be a participant in the "small" party, but both families are friends and my mother wanted me to get along with her friend's daughter, which name I completely forgot.

The worst part was that I have to attend with Elena, which probably was happy with the arrangement our parents made.

I huff in annoyance before leaving my chambers and heading to the ballroom with my packmates. Right outside was Elena already waiting for me, and once I got close enough, she latches to my side taking my left arm hostage.

I grumble lowly and start descending the stairs just to be ambushed by my mother who was eager to show me the reason for this party.

I follow her to where the sons of her friend were and I stop mid-track when a scent came to my nose. It was faint but enough to have my lycan worked up.

I look around frantically, trying to find a new face but couldn't locate any. She must have gone somewhere. I let my lycan take control and guided me outside where the scent was more prominent. I follow its trace which led me into the forest and to a dress hanging from a tree branch.

I take the skirt of the dress and breathe in, taking in the intoxicating scent. Whoever is the owner of this enticing scent, is going to be mine tonight. I growl pleased and shift letting out a howl, making her know I was after her.

I start to run through the forest at lightning speed, my heart beating faster than ever. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I never thought I would actually find my mate, and now I was chasing after her. My lycan howled in bliss, impatient to have her in our arms.

I run faster just stopping when I hear another heartbeat close by that was as fast as mine. I move in the shadows to lay my eyes on a beautiful white wolf, a black spot covering just one of her ears. She had her ears perk up as if trying to find something, sniffing the air. I make a noise, pleased that she was looking for the source of the howl. My howl.

She instantly turns around and our eyes crashed with each other and I felt the air leave my lungs. I could see her snout moving frantically while taking my scent, giving small steps toward me. Her reaction toward me made my claws and canines itch with the need of making her mine.

Not being able to hold back anymore, I kneel in front of her to take her head and bury my head in her neck, sniffing there, getting high with her sweet scent. I growl in contentment when I feel her nuzzling my neck. I wanted to take her right here right now, I wanted to show her the love that has been unused inside me. I hadn't seen her in her human form, and yet, I already craved her.

I pull away from her to look at her directly at those hazel eyes that are already driving me crazy.

"Mine" I huff and instantly shift into my human form, with my now wrinkled suit. I didn't give a fuck. I found my mate, and the world will know it.

When she sees my human face, she takes a few steps back and tilts her head, licking her wolf lips. I smirk at her reaction.

"Shift" I say softly.

Without saying anything, she bites my jacket and pulls at it and I take it off and put it on top of her. In an instant, she was shifting and see her human hands grabbing my jacket and putting her arms through the holes and then closing it on the front.

Then she lifts her head and I suck in a breath. She was beautiful, breathtaking. Her square-shaped face, button nose and full lips gave her an exotic look and I couldn't look away. The pull was instant and couldn't wait to shower her with affection.

I already felt connected to her and we hadn't exchanged a word. My lycan howled in contentment inside me. I couldn't stop looking at her. The white light of the moon shone over her, her pale skin shining. In her eyes, there was a twinkle and never before have anyone looked at me the way she did me in my life. It made my chest puff with pride to know I have my mate's attention and affection.

She is my Queen, and I simply can't wait to love her.

"Beautiful" I find myself saying and her face light up, her cheeks turning crimson red. And when she smiled I knew I was done for.

We both stay still looking at each other in silence. No words are needed.

Needing her closer, I stand up reaching a hand to her to help her get up, which she takes and at the moment our skin touches she removes her hand with a gasp. The sparks make my hand tingle.

She then, her eyes entranced on my hand and curious as to what just happened, grabs my hand between hers and the sparks go up my arm. I see her close her eyes, like enjoying the feeling of our skin touching.

My lycan growls excited at her reaction and pulls her flush against my hard body, burring my head in her neck, and gracing my lips over her skin. She arches her back and moans when I suck on her skin. I snake an arm around her waist, the other holding her head to an angle so I could taste her.

My tongue grace all over the skin of her shoulder and neck, her hands grasping my dress shirt at the pleasure I was giving her, moaning.

I growl, feeling how hard I was getting, being well aware of her nakedness.

"I shall stop unless you want me to mate and mark you right now, right here, in the wild" I breathe out, my voice low and deep. As an answer, she nuzzle her face on my neck one last time before pulling away from me. My lycan protested at the lack of contact, but I hold back. I didn't want to scare her.

Her cheeks were tinted bright red which gave her an adorable appeal. She was the most beautiful and enchanting creature in the whole world.

Fuck. I was the luckiest man alive.

"What is your name, my love?" I ask unable to tear my eyes from her. She bites her lower lip at the pet name.

"Riley" she says, her voice low.

"I'm Alec" I say back and her smile gets wider now that she had put a name to her mate's face.

We walk in silence toward where she left her clothes with our hands interlocked.

When we reach to her stuff, just to play the part of a gentleman, I turn around so she could get dressed in peace, but this was going to be the last time I would let her shy away from me. She is mine. All of her belonged to me. She didn't have to hide from me.

We walk together inside the ballroom and all eyes fall on us. Well, rather on the beautiful woman that was pulled closer to me possessively by the waist. Especially when she wasn't the same woman that I arrived with.

As was expected, my mother and father neared us with questioning eyes. I rise my chin with pride, not able to contain the small smile that graced my lips.

"Son?" mutters my father with caution.

I feel Riley tense beside me. I guess I forgot to mention that my parents were the King and Queen of all werewolves and lycans. But it's not like we got the chance to talk much.

"Father, mother. I present you my mate, my princess" I say lowering my eyes to her face, my heart responding like the first time I saw her in the woods minutes ago. I guess that's how my packmates felt toward their mates all this time.

My mother steps out from her character and squeals and hugs my mate with a smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, dear. I knew you were meant for great things!" says my mother, treating her with familiarity, which confused me.

My father just smiled at her and take her hand and kissed the back of it awkwardly. It was a new situation for him so maybe he was a little transfixed about how to treat her. That and that we weren't alone. I bet he would not be as formal as now once we are in private.

"Welcome to the family, Riley"

I frown. I never told them her name.

"You know her?" I ask looking between my parents and my mate.

"Darling, she is the daughter of Emily, the missing she-wolf" says my mother with incredulity as to not know that already.

My eyes go wide and I stare at her and new emotions attack my heart, feeling the need to protect her with more fervor. She was attacked by rouge and because of that, spent eleven years apart from her family. The thought of that happening again makes my lycan mad and crazy. It made me want to mark her in that instant so she wouldn't go far away from me, and so I could feel her and protect her in a better way.

I pull her closer to me, burring my face in the crock of her neck inhaling her scent to calm myself and my lycan.

"I didn't know it was you" I mutter feeling despair. All this time, all these years...

"Alec" her soft voice makes me more relaxed. I feel her pulling away so she could look at me in the eyes, caressing my cheek with her hand. "I'm okay. I'm here".

I press my lips together, I wasn't about to ruin the mood now by throwing a tantrum.

"Say you're mine" I plead, lowering my head so our noses were almost touching.

"I'm yours" she says breathless, as if the fact that a mere touch of her could calm me shocked her.

She was the only one able to stop my lycan from going insane.


Hello beautiful people! How ya doin'?

Alec pov is the best! Don't ya think?

Just arrived home from the beach and geeeeez. My cat wouldn't stop meowing like crazy. You'd think she would get tired eventually... wrong!

Anyhow... hope you are enjoying the novel so far. I'd love to hear your opinions :)