Chapter ten

Riley's POV:

I was on cloud nine.

Everything seemed brighter and more colorful. Everyone looked happier and cheerful. The night sky seemed to have more stars and the moon looked bigger and shinier. Or is just my happy self projecting my mood toward everything?

I have this feeling in my chest that spreads all over my body, making my limbs tingle. It is a good feeling, but it was kinda scary, because I have never felt anything like this before. And I didn't know what to do with this big balloon filled with happiness and butterflies that is stuck inside my chest.

I didn't know much about mates, even less about lycans. The humans don't have that kind of information in their libraries, sadly, so I guess I had to ask my mom about it. I felt as if I was about to do a test that I didn't prepare myself for. And it was so freaking terrifying.

Now I regret not giving too much thought about the mate thing all these years. Because, well, I wasn't sure mates were a thing in the werewolves world. And because I never thought about leaving my adoptive parents to join a pack, so I got used to the human ways, like marriage.

I so love the idea of getting married and planning my wedding. I would picture in my head my dream dress and the engagement ring. What music would be played on our first dance and where would we go on our honeymoon.

But I wasn't in the human world anymore, and werewolves don't get "married", they mate. I guess I have to delete my wedding board on Pinterest now.

Now I needed to adjust to my new life once again.

The King and Queen came to us with questioning eyes, and Alec broke the news to them, and I was surprised to find out that my mate was their son! Alec is the prince and heir of the crown! My head was spinning at this new information. It was hard to believe that the Moon Goddess paired me with a prince. After what I've been through, I didn't think I would be worthy of a high-ranking mate, so this just blew my mind.

But I couldn't care less about his title, to be honest, all I wanted to do was to hug him, to press my body against his and bury my head in the crook of his neck.

I never got intimate affection from someone. Never had a boyfriend, so when our skin touched for the first time, something in me turned on and now I crave his touch like a madwoman being abandoned in a desert for months without water.

I never felt like this and I just couldn't have enough of it. He was beautiful, and being close to him just felt so damn right. Because, after all, this is fate. We were destined to be together. And I knew I have all my life ahead to be with him, but after what happened to me, I developed a trauma, and I just couldn't bear the thought of him abandoning me, or something happening that would tear us apart, taking us far away from each other. Just thinking that made my stomach twirl.

I knew I needed to enjoy every second I have with him.

It's crazy, because we just met, and still, I felt complete, as if being away would mean leaving a part of me. I already felt like I care for him, that I need him for my sanity. His touch makes me more relaxed and happy and to realize the power Alec holds over me is terrifying, but still, I wouldn't have it any other way. There is no way I am having a life without him.


After talking with the King and Queen, they make the announcement that the crown prince had found his mate, and everyone cheers. I found myself leaning toward Alec's body, wanting to disappear, to get out of the spotlight. I didn't feel comfortable having everyone's attention, but I guess it was something I needed to get used to it and learn how to control my anxiety now that my mate was a public figure, making me one as well.

Alec seemed to feel my uneasiness and his hold on my waist tightened, kissing my forehead trying to comfort me. It made my heart flutter about how deep our connection seems to go.

My parents along with my brothers and their mates approached us with their expressions waving between excitement and shock.

They all hug me and shake hands with Alec, and I find myself smiling wider now looking at my mate interacting so well with my family. My mom seemed more familiar with him than the rest. That must be because she must spend more with his mother, the Queen and Alec must see her more around the palace when they both hung out together.

I look around, getting an odd feeling. The hair at the back of my neck stood up, but I couldn't find anything that would be a threat, so I just shrug and rest my head on Alec's shoulder, smiling with contentment when he kisses the top of my head.

The fact that the love I felt toward him was reciprocated made me beyond happy. I thought I'd never have something like this.

My family left to give us space just so Alec could introduce me to his packmates, who were really happy to meet me and that made me feel at home. Their enthusiasm over me baffled me, I'm an introvert, therefore, not really a social creature, so having people looking so happy to see me makes my heart clench in a good way. It almost made me emotional.

I excuse myself because I needed to go to the lady's room to relieve myself and he pointed me to the bathrooms that were in a hallway in the ballroom for the guest. I head there, thankful that it was empty.

It took me a good moment to find a way to pee comfortably wearing such a big gown, but I was happy when I finished.

I leave the stall to wash my hands noticing the woman that was also there fixing her makeup, but I could feel her eyes on me. I meet her eyes in the mirror and smile at her shyly, just to be polite, but she in response narrows her eyes at me and suddenly, I stopped feeling safe.

I make my goal to finish fast and when I head to the door she steps in my way, blocking my escape. I look at her, bells sounding in my head. I felt like a deer cornered by a big hungry wolf. But she had a different scent, and figure she was a lycan.

That just unsettled me.

"Uh, can I help you with something?" I ask trying to calm my breathing. She glares at me and I knew she didn't like me, but the reason why confused me. I just arrived!

I cool my face, in case there was an altercation, I needed to look unfaced. That is how I survived high school.

"Well, yes" she snarls showing her canines, making me know she could make some damage to my persona. I find myself backing up, which I hated. I didn't want to look intimidating, but the fact is that I was. She was a lycan, way more dangerous than a common wolf, and her whole body oozed power and danger.

I didn't want to get hurt again, I couldn't afford to lose Alec, so I make myself look small, trying to show her I was no threat to her.

"I want you out of the picture" she hisses, and before I could ask, she continued. "I'm Elena, and I'm the rightful mate of prince Alec. I was promised to him and I won't allow a low mutt like you to step on my way" she spats and my heart stops.

My whole body froze, a horror expression forming on my face. I could feel my heart clenching in a painful manner. Now Milla's words come rushing to my head and my wolf whimpers. I felt my heart breaking into tiny pieces. No. This can't be true. Why would he introduce me to his parent if he wasn't planning to mate with me? I felt his affection toward me... Was it just a facade? Is he planning to make me the side woman? The mistress?

I start shaking my head in denial. No. I wasn't believing it.

"No. He is my mate. We belong together!" I yell. It seems to be a mistake because it triggered her lycan and in a second, I was being held against the wall by the neck. She growls on my face.

"You are just a worthless she-wolf that went missing for more than a decade. You think he would want someone that is more human than a wolf?" she says in a mocking manner. "You are pathetic if you think you stand a chance with him. The kingdom needs a powerful Queen, a high-ranking she-wolf like I. Alec is to be mated with ME. You are just some piece of shit stuck in someone's shoes. You'll be nothing but a burden" She snarls squeezing her grip. I close my eyes, trying to contain the tears.

I won't give her the satisfaction to see me broken.

"I bet you don't even know how to bark" she laughs letting me fall to the floor. I look up and glare at her.

"Hail to the Queen, then" I hiss showing my canines.

She turns, ready to leave, but stops just to look at me over her shoulder.

"Do not step on the way, or the King and Queen will be pissed that you ruined the royal couple" says with an evil smirk and leaves not before tossing her hair back.

My wolf howled in pain and I knew I couldn't stay here anymore.


Uh-oh! What's gonna happen? Share your thoughts!

How have you guys been?

Tuesday 24 was my birthday and I don't know if it was a thing of growing up or just me but it didn't feel special. It was just another day except that my mom got me a Starbucks muffin without me asking which never happens. And that family came at night. But other than that... I turned 23, idk if someone else feels the same?

Anyway, I'm sorry for talking about my life lol. I shut keep AN short. Sorry

Don't forget to vote and comment ! It fuels me to write faster and post more!