Chapter twenty-two

To be completely honest, I was only aware of my surroundings and Alec's soft touch on my hand. The truth is, I don't remember much of Russia when I was here the last time at twelve years old, so it was like looking at something completely new and everything looked wonderful with the snow everywhere and the street lights. It was as if we had entered a fairytale.

This was part of the kingdom and you can spot werewolves and lycans in the street mingling together. It is amazing how big the town is, it almost looked like a city.

Everything felt magical and I couldn't feel luckier than I already felt.

I look at Alec's profile, who was also looking around nodding at people who saluted him, a big smile on his face, who grows bigger when he turns and catches me staring. I smile shyly and lean my head on his shoulder, relishing the feeling of pure joy.

I was finally home, with my family close by, made new friends and now I was enjoying an evening with my mate, the man that one day will be my everything, the love of my life, father of my children.

I just... I couldn't even put it into words. The feeling of joy and contentment was so great I feel tiny ants tickling everywhere inside me.

Butterflies and now ants? Damn, wouldn't be surprised if next comes an elephant, though I think that might hurt a little.

"Are you enjoying the ride, my love?" Alec caresses my cheek with his other hand and I title my head to kiss his palm.

I wonder what Alec feels for me, for all those times he calls me "my love". I like it, makes me feel loved and that I matter.

"Yes," I answer inhaling his scent that was so delicious for my senses. I wish I could make a cologne out of it so I can wear it and smell it whenever I want. Wouldn't that be cool? "Everything is so beautiful and feels very homey. I love it"

"Well, it is your home, after all, and it knows it" says and just then I feel something cold land on the tip of my nose. I look up, smiling wide.

"It's snowing!" I squeal with joy. "Oh! Can we go on a run in the night when we finish?" I look up at him with bright eyes. He laughs at my childish behavior and kisses my nose.

"Of course, everything my princess wants"

I smile up at him, in awe with this man. He was simply perfect, or do I find him perfect because he is my mate? I didn't care. I'm falling deep for Alec and it feels right. Can't believe I've spent my entire life without feeling like this.

I wanted to kiss him, but just when I gained the confidence to do it, the carriage stopped and I looked up at what seemed like a park, but there were flowers everywhere.

The man that was controlling the horses, opens the door. Alec is the first to step out of the carriage and then he offers his hand to help me get off.

Smiling at me, Alec interlocks our arms and starts guiding me inside this place, which turns out to be Tavrichesky Greenhouse.

We walk admiring all the nature that surrounded us, and right now, I was thankful I chose a short dress, or else I would be dragging it all over the dirt.

We turn a corner that was almost hidden from the view and inside was a clearing surrounded by trees and flowers you don't see in a normal park or in the city. Fairy lights were hanging over our heads giving the feeling of an otherworldly environment. In the middle, was situated a round table with two chairs and a candle, and a set of flowers as a centerpiece. It even has a beautiful tent-like over us for the snow that was falling, but I could see the snow wouldn't last much.

Everything looked beautiful and can't believe Alec planned this just for me.

"You like it?"

I turn to look at him with an exaggerated "awe" expression to answer his question and he cracks up, his laugh is music to my ears. Can't believe Alec laughs at my bad jokes, I think he only does it to please me, but I also think he shares my sense of humor and I love that, because instead of feeling offended he just laughs with me.

"I'll take that as a hell yeah!" he exclaims the last words with an acute voice that has me laughing.

"This is amazing, Alec. I love it" I say eager to see what we have for dinner. Though I only care for the dessert. If the dessert is of my liking, then he succeeded.

Sue me.

Alec pulls the chair for me and I sit, never having someone doing that for me and it felt... weird. I mean, it was something I could do myself without anybody's help, but I guess it was part of being a gentleman? A trick to charm your date?

When Alec sits in front of me, two men appear out of nowhere serving each of us wine in our glasses and once they are done, they leave.

I look around, savoring the wine.

"This is just how I imagined a date would look like" I confess absently.

"You've never been on a date before?" asks Alec looking at me with an expression that shows his shock.

I look down a little bit embarrassed of my inexperience.


I look up when Alec lies his hand on top of mine.

"The men in America were fools for not enjoying a woman like you," says with seriousness. "Though I'm grateful for their stupidity, they gave me the chance to give you your perfect first date" he grins at me and I smile at him as well.

"There's no doubt everything will be perfect as long I am doing it with you"

In response, Alec lifts my hand to kiss the back of it and the butterflies take flight, an electric current traveling all over my body making my toes curl. I simply love everything this gorgeous lycan in front of me makes me feel.

Soon the two ninja waitress brings the food, salmon with fried potatoes, mushroom sauce and veggies.

We both start eating and I moan loving the explosions of flavors in my mouth.

I hear Alec chuckle.

"So everything I have to do for you to moan is to bring you food?" he mocks and I raise a brow.

"Well, not everything" I reply giving him a sly smile, teasing him. "You just need to get creative"

I see how his eyes turn black, a growl coming from deep within him.

He laughs, but it comes out dark and sensual.

"Oh, baby. Do not underestimate my creativity, for it I've been planning what I would do to you once I get you naked on my bed the moment I lay eyes on you"

My breath gets stuck in my throat at his honesty and the lustful look he was giving me. I could feel my heart gaining speed and have to close my thighs at the wetness in my panties.

Alec smirks like the devil and smells the air overtly exaggerating, growling when the scent of my arousal reaches his nose.

I couldn't be more turned on and embarrassed than I am right now.

"You have no idea what you are doing to me" he groans.

I needed to change the topic or else he would take me over to this table and the food was way too good to waste.

"So... How's the weather?"