Chapter twenty-three

I look up at Alec while he eats and stare at the way his jaw moves while he chews and damn he looked hot even doing something so mundane like chewing!! What's wrong with me? Is probably the mate bond, right..?

I notice how his lips curl in a mocking grin and I press my lips together stopping myself from throwing a snarky comment.

"Don't even start" I warn him staring him dead in the eye. In response, he bites his lips in an attempt to contain the laughter.

"What? I was only going to offer my kind advice and tell you your drool was starting to dampen the table" he says innocently. I could only stare at him with my mouth open, gaping.

"I want to hit you so bad!" I groan annoyed, but I didn't want to ruin the evening by murdering my own mate.

Alec raises both brows, looking at me with a cat-like smile.

"Ah, kinky, aren't we" he mocks.

I scream in my hands and stand up pretending I was leaving him but in an instant, my chest was hitting Alec's, our faces mere inches from each other. Alec's breath fanning me, hot in my face, and I breathe in deep.

We stare at each other not breaking eye contact.

"You are really annoying. You know that?"

Alec lowers his face, brushing his lips on my cheek and lowering onto my neck, where he deposits a soft kiss.

I shiver.

"I just love seeing you worked up" he answers, his teeth scraping that area where he would mark me. I suck in a breath, not wanting to moan where anyone could hear. "I love how your eyes shine with fire. How your cheeks flush and your chest heaves up and down, giving me a good glimpse of those beautiful breasts of yours. Because it makes me wonder how you would look like once I claim you, taking you hard and deep, wondering how loud you would scream my name"

His voice was deep and hoarse. I close my eyes expelling a breath, feeling myself melting in his arms, ready to take everything he would give me.

"Alec" I whimper. He pulls away to look at me and kisses my forehead.

"Come, the food is getting cold" he says softly, but looking at his eyes, I knew he was struggling to control himself and his lycan from taking me right there and then.

We both sit back at the table and he starts making questions about myself and I ask back, wanting to know each other. We eat while talking and sharing experiences and anecdotes, laughing at one's embarrassing moments.

Later, the dessert is served and I smile at the warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream covered in cinnamon sauce.

While eating and sharing our opinion about the dessert, he falls quiet and I ask him what was in his mind he was unsure to share.

"I was wondering if you'd tell me what happened eleven years ago" he finally says and I nod, understanding his curiosity.

So I tell him everything from the beginning to the end, starting from my trip to America and how I was feeling hurt and disappointed by my family for how they were treating me and how that led me to run in the forest forgetting my dad's warning about rouges.

Then told him about the rouge that chased me until I reached the cliff and that I ended up falling, forgetting everything once I woke up.

When his expression contorted with worry and anger, I calmed him explaining that an old couple found me and later they would take me in and that I lived with them until recently when my adoptive father died. That wound was still fresh in my heart, so Alec took my hand while telling me that part that still affects me.

I confessed to him that I discovered I was a werewolf a few years later and that I felt lonely in that aspect of my life because I had no one to rely on. I continued telling him this obsession with the Russian forest and that's how I ended up being found by my parent's pack members and when I had them in front I recovered all my memories that were lost.

I think my obsession with the Russian forest was just my instinct telling me to go back home.

The rest he knew so I stop my story-telling.

Alec closes his mouth which was slightly open.

"I can't believe you went through all that alone, but it shows how strong and brave you are as a woman, and I have no doubt that you will be an amazing Queen, once the moment comes, of course" he adds, knowing how nervous that topic makes me. "I'm just glad you had someone to take care of you when you were in that vulnerable state, and I am deeply sorry for your loss"

His gentle eyes comfort me while he gave my hand a soft squeeze, trying to convey how much he cares and how glad he is that I am right now sitting before him.

We kept talking about happier topics until a soft song started playing from somewhere. Alec stands offering his hand to me. A little confused and excited to see what has he planned, I take his hand and guided me over a low wooden platform where he pulls me close against his chest, taking both my hands and putting them on his shoulder, then he hugs me by the waist and starts moving slowly to the beat of the song.

We stare at each other, enjoying each other closeness and the butterflies flutter in my stomach with hunger.

This connection we have was beyond the mate bond, I could feel it. We liked similar things and we were willing to try those other things the other loved that we hadn't tried before. I guess the mate bond helped us to find each other, but the rest were just us, pure and genuine attraction, helping us build that connection that gets stronger by the minute.

I like Alec, a lot, and I could see myself falling in love with him and couldn't wait for that moment, because I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

With a smile on my face, I lie my head on his chest. He soon rests his head over mine kissing it.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, I don't know if we were even moving, I was only enjoying having Alec close, listening to his heart beating in his chest, giving him life. I could spend all night like this.

Reluctantly, we pull apart to look at each other, and when I stare deep into his forest-green eyes I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I don't know how or when I started loving him, because I knew one day will end up happening with my mate, with a man like him, but looking at his eyes and realizing that I do, indeed, love him, is a strange feeling, because I have never loved anyone before, and that fact makes it a little bit scary. But I didn't want to be scared to accept that feeling of love toward a man who hadn't stopped fighting for me and that makes me feel worthy.

I just wonder if Alec feels the same for me, if he loves me, or if I'm just moving too fast or misinterpreting things.

"Let's go for that run, shall we?"