Arts/Scrolls and Skills

"Let's start with arts or Scrolls. So we use Art for physical paths and Scroll for magical paths. 1st thing is Arts/scrolls are connected to the path that a warrior takes.

Let me explain to you with an example. Let's say a mage wants to go for necromancy as the main path. The Necromancy path has many branches but every of that branch needs to work on dead bodies. A necromancer uses dead bodies as his resources to increase his strength. Any information regarding dead bodies and experiments on dead bodies is part of the necromancy path.

There is a part where Necromancer uses their knowledge to form spells that they can use in the war.

So the knowledge we use to form spells is known as scrolls. Scrolls are the things that will introduce a warrior to a path.

You need to know that a mage learns all the knowledge and do experiments to form spell which can be used in the war. Now not all knowledge is used to form a spell but a portion of it. That portion of knowledge and that spell combine to form a scroll.

So scrolls are part of paths.

Let me explain it through the Physical path. Let's take the Swordsmen path, this path focuses on fighting with a sword. Now let's take an art called air slash. This is an advanced art that has multiple techniques in it. To train in this path you need to know some basics first, like basic sword art. Then you need to learn the way that art functions only then you will be able to perform the technique of this art. Now Art air slash is part of the Swordsmen's path. Just like air slash art, there are many arts present in the swordsmen's path. You can say that Art is a part of paths and technique in that art is what we train to use in a fight. The technique is a final product that we need but to learn the technique we need to know about art and paths.

This is the reason we always start learning from basic arts these have all beginner's information of a certain path. Now in mage path. Art becomes Scrolls and technique becomes Spells. Physical art focuses on body training while magic scrolls focus on knowledge. So this is how we define art or scrolls.

Now there a question arises can a physical warrior can perform spells by learning scrolls?

Well, the answer is it depends. Like if a physical warrior converts their mana into aura then he will not be able to perform spells based on mana but other techniques. Other physical warriors, can perform spells but only basic level. This is because a warrior focuses on a different aspect of the body than a mage. There is also a thing, why a physical warrior needs to learn basic spells when he can achieve similar results from performing arts. If there is a spell-like wind cutter then the warrior has an art called air slash.

So in theory answer is yes but practically it is a full waste of time.

Now moving on I will tell you about different types of art and scrolls and their tiers.

First is Art. It is basically of 4 types.

Weapon art.

Body art.

Movement art.

Special art.

Weapon art, Movement art, Body art, and special art. You can guess from the name that weapon art is for a weapon. Fist and palm art are also part of weapon art. Movement art is for evasion and speed. Body art is for training in your body stats and special arts are arts that give you unique powers. I will not go into detail. There are basic art types.

Next is Scroll.

Core utilization scrolls.

Body scrolls.

Creation scrolls.

Core utilization scrolls are for how a mage uses its mana. Body scrolls are how they protect their body it can be by the defense or movement etc. Last is Creation scrolls is how mage use their mana.

Now next is art/scroll based on strength and rarity:

Basic arts/scrolls.

Advanced arts/scrolls.

Unique arts/scrolls.

Epic arts/scrolls.

Legendary arts/scrolls.

Mythic arts/scrolls.

Basic arts/scrolls have the weakest technique/spells and Mythic has the strongest. Now a warrior can learn any technique/spell present in art/scrolls as art/scrolls have all basic knowledge in them. But If they want to utilize the full power of that said art/scroll then they need to study the path with which those arts/scrolls belong fully.

In my life, I saw some warriors who changes their path as they find a rare art/scroll of some other paths. Art, Scroll, and path are very complex. To know more about them you need to learn more. The more you learn more you understand these things. Well, that's all about art and scrolls.

One this about Art and Scroll is that there is no level of restriction on them. A level 0 can perform an art for level 1 but there will be much difference in power and level 0 needs massive mana to pull that off. It will be like 1-2 shots and the whole mana in the core is empty but they can perform it.

Next is the last most important thing you need to know as a warrior which is Skills. Skill is a special ability that required no prior knowledge of training to perform but only mana or its alternate forms to use it. It works with all types of energy. Let me show you a skill token."

Saying that Sir Muza places his hand in his robe and takes out a red color token. He held the token at the edge and place his hand up in the air. Students see the red color token thing. There is a red light coming out from inside the token. It is triangular with a little curve at the points. There is something written in black on the triangle token. Moving it in the air for some time Sir Muza place it back into his robe.

He starts speaking.

" That thing I show you just now is a level 0 red skill token. On the surface name of the skill is written in black color. So in your physical/magical class, they must tell you basic about skills. Like how skills are divided on level bases and then sub-parts into 7 colors based on power and rarity. They must tell you about what each color signifies right"

Everybody nodded their heads and shouted.

"Yes, professor."

Nodding his head in satisfaction Sir Muza continue

" Good, now I will tell you the types of skills and how you can have a skill.

Skills are mainly 2 types according to the use.

1. Active type - It is a skill that will only show the effect when the user wants it.

2. Passive type- It is a skill that passively helps the user and will always be in the effect.

Both active and passive skills consume mana but passive skills only consume a minimal amount of mana. Some skills also use willpower as well.

Note: Active skills consume more mana than art/scroll. But skills do not require any training whereas art/scroll does.

You can learn skills from a skill token. 1 skill token will help one person to learn the skill. Skill tokens can be obtained if you kill someone in the war but the dropping rate is too low for a normal fight.

You can also obtain skills tokens if you clear some of the hidden achievements in the war. To learn the skill you need to break the token. One token can only be learned by 1 person. Skills tokens can only be traded you cannot steal them from others by any means.

Even if you kill a person with a skill token you cannot get that token. The only way to get a skill token is by trading it to the person who has it or trying to kill as many as you can to get a skill token for yourself.

Skill is out of the world power but it has a restriction which is Skill slots. A warrior at level 0 only gets 3 skill slots. If a person learns the 4th skill at the time he is level 0 then he needs to remove one of the 3 skills he already has.

At the time a warrior level up he needs to fix one skill permanently at one slot. After he reaches a level up he will get 1 new skill slot. So you can say that at any level he will have 3 free skill slots where he can change the skills and fix skills the same number as his level.

You can say skills are the trump cards for a warrior. You cannot know which skill a warrior has until he uses it in a fight. Skill can make a warrior more versatile. Like art/scrolls the more you use a skill the more proficient you become using it. But in case you remove a skill you will waste all your experience with that skill. Every skill has a fixed level but some high-color skills can be leveled up. But only a few of them has this possibility. So that is the end of this lecture now you know all the basic major information a warrior needs to know.

In the next class, I will tell you about history. No need to make that boring face, I will not tell any history but about the history of the 6 overlords and their world war. You see there is a saying that we must always learn from the past. So that is all, see you tomorrow."