Gambling preparation.

After class finishes, Eric walks out of it with the other students. He turned toward Jin and both nodded their head. They have 2 hrs to promote their gambling plans. After that the next class start. Today their plan is simply to promote there gambling between D and E potential students who are not part of any big 3 groups.

As everyone walks out of the class Three groups of student walk in different directions. They are Emily's, Nico's, and Alliance's groups, around 1000 students are part of these 3 groups combined. Others choose to stand on the side and wait until all 3 groups walk out. Nobody wants to come in the path of these groups.

After some time only those who are not part of big groups are left. They form their small group and disperse in a different directions. Eric looks toward Jin and asks.

" So which group is our first target?"

Jin asks back.

" What type of group is best to start with?"

"I think we should select a group who have few impulsive people but not many and for starting let go with a smaller group of size 5-10 students."

" ok, I know a perfect group like that come with me."

Saying that Jin starts walking toward the north side of the ground near one of the buildings on the north side. Eric follows behind Jin. They walk toward the part of the ground where most of the D-rank practice. Well, the training ground is divided into 4 parts.

The East part of the training ground near the platform is used by Emily's group for training. The North side of the training ground is used by the Alliance and the South side of the Training ground is used by Nico's group. Now other students are only left with a small area in between these 3 groups to train or go to the back west side of the training ground to train.

No big group allows other students to train in the place they train. The training ground being so big it does not cause much problem for others but still, other students are dissatisfied with all this.

This time Jin is leading him toward the small area between Emily and Alliance's training ground. Reaching there Eric finds that there are 3-4 small groups training. All D potential students who are not part of big groups form their small groups. Some of these group has a size of 100-150 but most of these group are of size from 30-5 students. This is all because there is no fixed hierarchy between them.

Like in 3 big groups hierarchy is based on potential but such a thing is not possible for these D potential students. Their situation is like abandoned dogs that form their group to try to survive in this jungle known as an academy.

He and Jin walk toward a group of 7 people. 5 boys and 2 girls. They're talking among themselves about how high the price of arts and scrolls is. Walking toward them Jin turned toward him and they both nodded their head. Jin starts speaking.

"Hello, guy how is your training going?"

They stop speaking and turn toward Jin and Eric. Seeing Jin's over-friendly attitude they tense up. They start staring at Eric and Jin. They all have taken a defensive guard against Jin and Eric. Other groups training near them see the situation but they choose not to interfere. Ignoring the drama other groups focus on their own training.

Both sides stare at each other then one of them comes forward and carefully asks.

" What do you want? Why you are here? "

He looks like the leader of this group. Jin speaks in a friendly tone.

" No need to tense up. My name is Jin. A rank potential and he is my partner Eric with A- rank potential."

Jin introduced both of them. Eric notice that Jin is stretching his A- rank more. Jin seems to point to the fact that he has more potential than Eric. He smiles at this. Hearing Jin, he can see that group tensed up. Jin continues in his over-friendly tone.

"Hold on guys no need to tense up. We are not part of any big group. What I come here for is an interesting offer for you."

The guy asks carefully.

"What offer you are talking about? We do not want to join your group or something like that. We do not want to involve in group drama."

"Haa it's not about the group. After tomorrow sir Jake's class we encounter a problem you see."

Hearing this all 7 seven of them become confused and the leader asks in a confused tone.

"What do we have to do with your problem in Sir Jake's class."

"Wait hold on let me explain. First, tell me is there anyone in your group who attends sir Jake's class."

The leader look toward 4 other male members of his group and nodded his head. Seeing this Jin speaks in a serious tone.

"Good, You will understand what I am about to speak next. So in sir Jake's class, I found that Sir Jake only focuses on teaching students who are part of the big 3 groups. He was neglecting all other students."

The group leader looked toward 4 male members and they all nodded their heads. Jin continues to speak.

"I do not know what happened to the mage class but if my guess is correct then you guys who are not part of big groups must also get the same treatment in that class. Right?"

The group leader frowned and then nodded his head. He speaks.

" So you guys are here to make a complaint or something?"

"Dude they are warriors. We are not crazy enough to do that. But I think they will focus on us if we become strong. Now to become stronger we need to learn Arts/ Scrolls. All of this needs academy coins. You see the price of a basic art is 1000 coins don't talk about others."

Hearing money coming out of Jin's mouth they ready themselves in a fighting stance. This time Eric points to Jin to let him talk. Coming forward he speaks.

" We are not here to steal from you or anything. We are here to tell you about gambling fighting matches which we will do tomorrow. Gambling matches will be time-based fighting. You see my partner over here you need to survive 20 min against him and we will double the money you put in the bet.

As for me, 2 of you can fight me and you have to beat me in 20 min time. You beat me your money double. Are you up for the challenge or not?"

Saying that Eric stops speaking. The leader and other members of the group stare at him. The leader of the group takes his group some distance away from them. Eric sees that the group starts discussing themselves. With his sharp ears, Eric can hear that only 2 people are in favor of betting while others are against it. Jin looks toward him in concern. He just smile at Jin. He is ready for this situation.

Before the group makes their final decision Eric once again speaks.

" Guys make your decision faster. It is not like you do not know that it will take more than a year just to purchase a single basic art. In that year those with art will become so strong that you can even hope to catch up with them.

I am not talking about more but let's make min bet of 50 coins. If you win against Jin you get 100. If you fight me with 2 people each 50 they will get 100 each total of 200. The fight is in your favor if you cannot even have the courage to fight then what kind of warrior you are? Are you here only to follow others or do you want to change your destiny?

Will you be happy if the academy uses you as a meat shield in war? The price of basic art is so much but do you guys have any idea about how much a skill token is for? I find that even for worst-quality skill tokens you need to spend 5-10 k coins. That is the amount you will never earn by playing safe. You must hear how much Sir Muza and other teachers focus on the importance of skills.

A single skill or Art/scroll can change your status. You are already abandoned by the academy because of your low potential. Now, do you want to slowly die in humiliation or work hard and try to change your future? Do you want a situation where you will be abandoned because you become a piece of baggage in the war? Do you want to become a worker in the academy or try to fight for high ranks? What do you want your future to be like."