2nd and 3rd overlords

2nd genius emerged from the snake clan. Known as the Mother of snake Manasa. Snakes were not part of beasts at that time but a separate superpower species. Snakes were big in size and had very strong vitality and defense. It was very hard to kill those giant snakes of that time. And Queen Manasa controls all of those. This made them an unstoppable powerful force at that time

If the 2nd dragon king is famous for his research then she was famous for her mind control and illusion. Under her rule, every snake treated her as their mother. She had full control over them. She was the first genius that uses an indirect way of fighting.

Her illusion was so strong that is said that once a time she made the 2 opposite opponent army fight among themselves while they were thinking that they were fighting snakes.

If the 2nd dragon king was a mad powerful scientist who want to create more number troops for dragons then the Mother of the snake is a psycho that wants to control everyone under her mind control. These 2 were the main figure of the 2nd world war.

Like the first world war, they both fought against each other couple of times but they fell in love with each other. The strongest genius of that era combined their force. An alliance between Snake and Dragons formed.

They became the strongest force but still, they were not powerful enough to went against other species as this time all other species are taking part in this world war.

At that time Dragon king achieved success in his experiments. That success changed the whole perspective of that war.

After the successful experiment of 2nd dragon king Zrenton many combined species emerges. Likes, Lizard men, Naginas, Kolbe, wyrms, and many lesser dragons like Drake, Lopros, wyverns, etc.

These were less powerful than Dragons or giant snakes but were in much larger numbers. They served as minions in the 2nd world war for the dragon-snake alliance. There were few exceptions in those experiments that produce massive powerful individual creatures.

A combination of snakes and dragons produced 2 great wyrms, even 2 times bigger than king Zrenton. Those wyrms were the most powerful creation of Dragon kings. Those 2 great wyrms were the strongest creatures of the 2nd world war. They have high strength but low intelligence.

Now, These massive creatures were controlled by the Mother of snake illusion. In the second World War Dragon king, Zrenton, and the Mother of the snake Manasa formed a large army in a hierarchical order. No one was able to stand against them. During that world war, King Zrenton hunted as many demons as he encounter in war. This war greatly weakens the demons.

The second war was won by the combined force of dragons and snakes. At end of the war, both the Dragon king and the Mother of snakes occupy part of the 2nd overlord's place. They were given a huge red mountain that reach beyond the cloud. The red mountain was so big that only half of it can be seen other half is beyond the clouds. After the end of the second war, a universal message was shown to every organism on the Altasia.

[ The second overlord selected. Congratulation to Dragon king Zrenton. From now on you will rule the red mountain. Ruler authority will be divided into two. Seat left 2/7. Overlords will again appear when all seats are filled to fight for the throne of the monarch.

To select the Monarch of Altasia.]

This is How 2nd monarch gets selected. Although Dragon king Zrenton does not have complete authority, it is guessed that he has more authority than the Mother of snake Manasa. As with the highest authority over the 2nd overlord seat, a new Title was given to him. ' Tyrant of Red mountain' Zrenton."

After saying that Sir Muza pauses. After seeing that everyone come back to their sense he speaks.

"OK, that is it for the 2nd world war. Next is the 3rd world war. This war was the most unexpected world war of all time. Starting from the 3rd World war, all the most powerful species started taking war more seriously. Now there was no one or 2 geniuses but geniuses from each species.

These geniuses were leaders of that species. Having so many genius and species participating in war make war more complex and difficult to win. The era of the 3rd world war is known as the Era of Alliance and betrayal.

Due to so many races, there is not much clear information about wars like the first and second world Wars. In the third world war, the blood race became strongest. Vampire queen Selena and werewolf king Lycn ally against the King of angles Seraphim and Queen of High Elves Angella.

Due to some unknown reason vampire and werewolf alliance fell and war become from 3 ways to 4 ways. Between Vampire vs werewolves vs Angels and Elves vs others. A World war has a fixed time. So even after that fixed time, no side won over the other. At end of the 3rd world war, the Universal system selected the Elves and Angles alliance as the winner because of their high dominance at end of the war.

This was only possible as the alliance between Vampire and Werewolves fell. In this war Vampires and Werewolves became each other enemies even after all this time they are still at each other throats to this date.

Although elves and angels win the war. They were not given an overlord title or level 7 desimen. Instead, they were given choice to join under 'King of dark Castle' or ' Tyrant of Red mountain'. The universal system also imposes many extra limits on level 6 warriors who survive the war. They now can not leave their Desimen.

After the 3rd world war, everyone came to know that winning the war is not important but also having a certain power and dominance needed to get the Overlord seat. I do not know surely but I think some angels and elves do join the 'Tyrant of Red mountain'. This marked the end of the 3rd world war, where the most powerful blood races lose and no one became an overlord. "

Saying that Sir Muza pauses. He took some time to think then he continues.

" After the 3rd world war, there are many world wars happened where no overlord is selected as you know in 24 past world wars only 6 overlords are selected. Same as the 3rd world war, no overlord is selected in the 4th world war. So I will only focus on the world war in which an overlord got selected.

Then in the 5th world war Altasia select its 3rd overlord. In the 5th world war, a genius was born as Angles. His name was Metraton. He was the 5th king of angles. Unlike the first 2 overlords, Metraton does not fight everyone or make an army for himself. Instead, he formed the largest alliance possible. He allies with Elves, Phoenixes, Giants, Devils, and many other small races.

Nobody knows what method he used to form this alliance but out of the top 7 species, there is only a few dragon and demons who are not part of the alliance. In the 5th world war, there is no one against him. This ended the world war fast till the date. The Universal system recognizes him as the 3rd overlord. He and his alliance were given the 3rd 7th level Desimen 'White Council.' It is a large place built above the cloud. At the center of the Council, 12 huge cloud chairs are there. A world message is shown to every creature present in Altasia.

[ The third overlord selected. Congratulation to Angles king Metraton. From now on you will rule the 'white council'. Ruler authority will be divided into 12 parts. Seat left 3/7. Overlords will again appear when all seats are filled to fight for the throne of the monarch.

To select the Monarch of Altasia.]

This is How 3rd overlord gets selected. Angle king Metraton also does not has complete authority but it is guessed that he has more authority than Other members of the alliance. As with the highest authority over the 3rd overlord seat, a new Title was given to him. ' Wise-man of White council' Metraton.

Although Metraton gets the overlord seat, a restriction is placed on the alliance due to their large numbers of warriors. Authority was given to Wise-man to select only 50 % of the members who will ascend to level 7 desimen. He selected all angles, a few phoenixes, giants, high elves, and other species. Selecting these people he and these people disappear (transfer to 'White council').

This decision caused a lot of unrest and hatred among all the species which are left behind. Devils were one of them. Metraton did not choose a single devil. This caused hatred between Angles and devils. Devils were not the only ones as Metraton only choose High elves among many elves present. This also caused hatred of other elves toward high elves.