
There were many species where only a few members got selected.

The choice of 3rd overlord creates many cracks in the unity of many small species. After the 5th world war idea of the group above species took place. Now creatures believe in individual small groups rather than whole species.

This is all we know about the 3rd overlord. We did not know his strength but his plan was so poisonous to other species that cause cracks in the unity of all these other species. Wise-men is known as the smartest overlord among the other 6 overlords.

So that's it for today's class. We already discussed 3 overlords. In the next class, we will talk about the other 3 overlords. You need to see how these overlords have different paths from each other to reach the top of the world. See you in the next class."

Saying that sir Muza walked out of the class. After class finishes, Eric walks out of it with the others. He turned toward Jin and both nodded their head. They are ready for action. Nodding to each other they rush back to the building.

Reaching the building before anyone they rush to their room. Eric enter his room took the necessary thing the walk out of his room. Outside Jin is already standing. They both have large white clothes in their hand. Smiling at each other they both get down. Getting out of the building they find a group of 100+ D potential standing there and more are coming.

Motioning to them Jin leads all to the training ground. There he look at everyone and said.

"Guys good that you came. Now let's form a huge circle where 2 different fights can take place."

Hearing him all nod their head start spreading out on the ground in a huge circular formation. Jin and Eric remain standing in the middle of that circle. Jin asks again.

"So who is the group leader here? I need at least 2-3 guys who will not participate in today's war."

Just as Jin says 4-5 guys rush toward Jin and Eric. One of the guys asks.

"So we all are here as you ask us but how will things proceed? Tell us more about this gambling."

Eric and Jin smile at this. They open white flags which they took from their rooms. There are 3 flags. The first one the largest flag has 'Gambling' in large font written on it. 2nd and 3rd Flag starts with the Name and then the rules of the fight for both fights.

[ Jin


* Fights will be 20 mins long. You can use any method to win the fight.

Betting Amount: $50 academy coins.

Winner: $100 Looser: $0.

Win: Survive till the end of the timer or Defeat me.

Loose: Surrender or unable to fight before the timer ends. Fatal damage is also counted as losing.

That's all Fckers now get your ugly ass in the fighting match.


[ Eric


* 2 warriors will fight against me.

* Fights will be 20 mins long. You can use any method to win the fight.

Betting Amount: $50 academy coins/per warrior.

Winner: $200(/$100) Looser: $0.

Win: Yo Mf you need to defeat me before the timer ends.

Loose: Surrender or unable to fight before the timer ends. Fatal damage is also counted as losing.

2 v 1 still not fighting hehe, Why don't you quit being a warrior and start cleaning mortals' shits. Either fight or take this flag in ur ass.


Seeing there 3 flags all surrounding warriors start shouting. Are they excited, FK no they are angrily shouting at both Eric and Jin after reading the last sweet message left by both Eric and Jin.

Seeing them shouting Eric shouted to get their attention.

"Hahaha, You know the rules. These 4 standing here are referees. Want to prove something come here with money."

Saying that Eric pointed toward 4 people who are at the center. Seeing his signal many warriors rush toward these 4 warriors. Many want to challenge Eric in comparison to Jin. Seeing this Eric laughs while Jin shakes his head.

As many want to challenge them Eric and Jin choose their opponent.

Eric choose a pair made up of a small and a Large guy as his opponent. Jin on the other hand chooses a fat build man with a large shield in his hand.

Eric sees that Jin and his opponent both transfer the betting amount to one of the side volunteer referees. Ignoring Jin, he focuses on his fight.

In front of him are 2 warriors small guy with a long one-hand sword and the other larger one with a war hammer. What about their names? he does not care about all that.

He starts unwrapping the white leather bandage from the blade. Seeing this atmosphere tense up. He speaks with a smile to his opponents.

"Haa don't worry I already talk to the school hospital. It only takes 5 coins for a heal spell cast on you. Even if you end up losing one hand or two it can be restored but you need more money for that. Hope your teammates will lend you some after the match. "

Hearing Eric's voice both warriors look toward the audience. Some from the crowd confirm Eric's words. Both warriors start removing protection from their weapons. Seeing that fight will be bloody crowd start cheering loudly.

"wow wow, "

" Come on guys show this arrogant A-rank guy your power."

"yeah beat the shit out of him."

"knock him up in 1 min. "

"Show this Mf our real strength."

Eric and both warriors come to the referee of the match who is one of the D-potential warriors. Taking out his plate he transferred the 100 coins to the referee's plate. Both of his opponents did the same and transfer 50 each.

Coming to the middle of the ground Eric stares at his opponents. The referee explains the rule of bets to the crowd.

Eric takes a basic fighting stance. Against him Hammer warrior place that war hammer on his shoulders while bending a little. Long sword warrior takes also takes a simple stance.

Countdown started.

"3....2.....1 Battle begin."

Just hearing 1, Long sword starts going sideways. 'Hmm so trying to surround me. A simple but effective method.' Thought Eric to himself and rushed toward hammer warrior.

Seeing this Hammer warrior smirk and largely swing his hammer at Eric.

Eric jump lit backward to dodge the hammer. Seeing this opportunity Sword warrior increases his speed and reaches halfway to get behind Eric's back. Hammer warrior once again takes his initial stance while laughing.

Eric once again rushes toward Hammer warrior. This time sword warrior lungs at his back to attack him. Hammer warrior again swings his hammer in a large motion. Now if Eric tries to dodge like the first time he will get hit by the sword warrior. Both his opponent are happy with this development.

Eric comes closer to the hammer and instead of dodging as others think, instead he rolls down beneath the hammer. This cause the sword warrior to stop in his track.

Eric reaches near hammer warrior without any more problems. Hammer warrior has a shocked look on his face. Still composing himself he tries to stomp at rolling Eric.

Using the movement Eric Lung at hammer warrior while he is still on the ground. His blade reaches the thighs of the hammer warrior. He slashes it with the outer edge of the blade.

Large teeth present on the outer part of the blade dug deeper into the hammer warrior's thighs. As Eric forcefully sliced with the blade instead of a simple scratch or slice, the blade gets stuck in muscles and tears them apart. The blade teeth dug out a few small pieces of muscles with it.

That slice is not clean at all. This strike is not that lethal at first glance. Everyone thought that Eric miss a good opportunity. Then they hear a large scream. Hammer warrior is shouting his lung off. Tears and snort start coming out of his eyes and nose.

He is screaming like a pig who is about to slaughter. Seeing Hammer warrior like that sword warrior get petrified. Eric looks at his blade which has a few pieces of muscle and blood stuck to it.

Eric is very happy with his blade performance. He shakes his blade in the air to remove blood and meat pieces from it. All this looks quite impact full in other eyes. As Eric Looks at Hammer warrior this causes hammer warrior to squeal more.

This attack may not be lethal enough to slice his leg into 2 pieces but getting his muscled dug is far more painful than anything else. Everyone sees how to hammer warrior is screaming while a huge amount of blood is flooding down his thigh.

Now, this is fatal. Everyone sees blood splatter on the ground. First, they gulp down in fear. Silent took over the whole ground. Do not know who was first to cheer but suddenly they all start cheering loudly.




New attempt to write the fighting scene. what do you think about this? Do comment