Gamble 2

Eric with a wide smile starts walking closer to Hammer warrior.

Seeing him hammer warrior squeal in the loudest voice he can.

" Surrender, I surrender please do not come closer."

Eric stops there and looks at the crowd. Just in a few seconds whole fight turnaround. After the warrior hammer warrior surrender, everyone in the crowd becomes silent. In this whole silence, only the squeal of a hammer warrior is heard.

From Crowd, others members of the hammer warrior group come and pick hammer warrior. They took him toward the hospital. Hospital is in the building where their classes take place so it is quite far away but they have no better option for now.

After the hammer warrior has taken care of Eric look at the sword warrior who has a pale face. Eric moved toward him seeing this sword warrior start running back.

Eric takes one step forward sword warrior takes 2 steps backward. Seeing this Eric stop and speak loudly to the sword warrior.

" Do you want to continue?"

Asking this Eric swings his sword in the air. This causes the sword warrior to take multiple steps backward. Seeing this Eric shakes his head in disappointment. He thinks to himself 'How can you handle the war if only this much made you afraid?'

Eric pointed to one of the referees and speak.

" Announce the result."

The referee goes near the sword warrior and asks him.

"Do you want to continue?"

Sword warriors do not reply immediately. Instead, he looks at the surrounding, and then he looks at Eric. Eric smile at him when he looks into his eyes. Sword warrior cannot take it anymore and he burst out.

" Surrender, I surrender."

Saying that Sword warrior rush toward the crowd and ran away from there. This scene dumbs fold many of them but still, Referee composes himself and announces the result.


Start of the match (Jin)

Jin transferred 50 academy coins to the referee. Standing in the middle of the fighting area he takes out both of his swords. He bends down to his knees a little and takes a fighting stance.

Against Jin in this match is a large build warrior who uses hand shields with many spikes on them as his weapons. Shield warrior has two shields the smaller one on his right hand and the larger one on his back which cover most of his back. Both of his shied have many large spikes on them.

He put one shield forward to completely cover his front and he is peeking at Jin from a little top of the shield. Both warriors are ready for their match.

Countdown started.

"3....2.....1 Battle begin."

Hearing one Jin rush toward Shield warrior. Shield warrior on the other hand remains standing while waiting for Jin.

Reaching the shield warrior Jin cross-slashed at him with both of his swords. Responding to that Shield warrior ram toward Jin. That was a completely unexpected move for Jin.

Spikes on the shield almost precisely Jin's body. Jin fastly backs off. Jin gets a little poked by the largest spike present on the shield. Getting back he looks at the shield warrior with seriousness. Seeing this scene Crowd started cheering.

Jin tightens the grip of his swords and once and again rushes at the shield warrior. Reaching near the Shield warrior this time Jin uses his speed and starts raining slashes on the shied warrior.

Shield warrior moves his shield up and down while blocking Jin's frontal attack.

Seeing this Jin started moving around the shield warrior. Jin uses his agility and starts going for slashes and cuts from different positions and different angles.

Shield warrior, on the other hand, moves his shield a little to block any move coming from the front and uses a large shield on his back as cover to block moves from the back.




The battle becomes crazy fast pace. The sound of small swords colliding with shields becomes the only sound present on the ground. Even the crowd is focused so that they do not miss what happens next.

Jin is attacking to find a little gap in the defense to get a breakthrough. On the other hand, Shield warrior is doing a great job at defending.

The Shield warrior is not only defending but sometimes he tries to ram shield at Jin. This makes it more difficult for Jin. The only option for Jin is to stay alert and be quick on his feet to dodge the shield.

This continues for a min. Even after that Jin does not get any breakthrough. Jin back off.

Seeing this the Shield warrior look at Jin and smile. He does not rush to Jin instead he remains standing there waiting for Jin's next move. The crowd starts cheering for Shield warrior.

Jin tough to himself 'Damn I got a spikey Turtle as my opponent. Fuck it let me show to the difference between us.'

Thinking that Jin rushed toward Shield warrior once again. As Jin reaches the shield warrior he jumps a little and goes for a stab with his left sword.

To dodge to Shield warrior bend down. This causes the large shield on his back to face Jin.

That is a problem for Jin as the place where Jin will land is occupied by the large shield with spikes. Jin needs to do something otherwise he will get screed by the shield. Everybody thinks that the end of the fight but Jin this movement does something amazing.

Jin twists his body in a circular motion. Using that motion he attacks the shield with his right sword.


A loud sound was generated from the attack. That attack has so much force to it that Jin recoil backward and landed at a safe distance.

Getting hit by so much force dis balance Shield warrior.


With a loud sound, Shield warrior falls to the ground. Showing a quick recovery the shield warrior stands up. He then bends down to pick the large shield. He knows that without a shield he will lose this match.

Using this chance Jin rushed to the shield warrior. Showing quick movement he reaches to the shield warrior and places his sword on the neck of the shield warriors.

Shield warrior looks up seeing a sword so close to his neck that he gulps down. He look into Jin's eyes and nodded his head accepting his defeat. Releasing the shield he put both his hand in the air and shouted.

"I surrender."

Jin looks at the referee to announce the result. Nodding Referee speaks.

"So the Winner of this gambling match is Jin seeeeqe qeeqqeqeeq"

Before even the referee finishes speaking a lough squeal is heard. Jin turns toward Eric's match. He sees that the Hammer warrior is squealing as a large amount of blood poured out of his leg. Jin look at Eric who has a smile on his face. Eric is moving his blade in the air.

As Eric moves his blade blood attached to it splatters on the ground. Seeing this scene Jin thinks to himself. 'Damn that is so cool. He fcking scared the shit out of that guy. Hope he did not scare everyone there.'

Jin starts watching Eric's match. He needs to find out what other guys will do now.


" So the Winner of this gambling match is Eric."

No sound no cheer there is nothing. Eric looks at the other fighting area, he finds that Jin is standing in the middle and looking at his match. There is only a referee near Jin. Jin walks toward him and they both bump their fist in celebration.

'He must have defeated his opponent earlier.' Eric thinks to himself. Eric looks at Referee. Seeing Eric staring down at him Referee gulp down and announces.

" So who is going to challenge them next."


Art that Eric uses

* [Basic blade style.] - Blade Art for absolute beginners. Practicing it will lay a foundation for blade wielders.

The Basic Blade style has 5 stances in it. Cut, Slash, Stab, Block, and Parry. Each stance has many variations in it. Like cut has 3 variations, Horizontal Cut, Vertical Cut, and Diagonal cut. Slash has 2 forms Forward slash and backward slash. Similarly, other stance also has their variations.

Once all stances are learned you now enter the path of blades.

* [Clown steps] - Weird movement for dodging and making the enemy confused.

Clown steps have many jumps, rolls, and falls move. Each of them looks weird but performing them will confuse the enemy as they mix with many faints in them. It's a weird art with no preset move but situation-dependent counters. You have to study and predict opponents and then counter them with clown steps.

The good thing about the clown step is that it requires more dexterity than agility.

So hello guys hope you like the fighting scenes. I am very bad at leaving at cliffhangers so suggest to me how to do it.

Do point out any typos and mistakes I will fix them.